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yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of antiman heading on this topic. 

Consider the source. Who does he consider "unpatriotic"? Democrats?

Berbice mad house might be the best place for that madman.

I think they released him from Canje Mad House. He was bad for the population. He was crazier than most of the population there. Go figure.

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of antiman heading on this topic. 

The antiman did not realize the July 4th should not be a political one but a day for unity.

Happy 4th of July to my American Brothers and Sisters. America always rises above bigotry and injustices. 

Traitors are NOT brothers and sisters of America. This day is for brave Americans who fought to win this day and those who believe in their sacrifice. Today marked a new era in America's history that changes the direction of this nation. Patriots move in Trump's direction with pride while traitors are here for the convenience. Them know who ah talking about.

BTW, Justin seems to be grabbing poke silently until the bag bust. Now he nah remember whey he hand been. ha ha.  Trump didn't teach him how to squeeze punani.   

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of antiman heading on this topic. 

Consider the source. Who does he consider "unpatriotic"? Democrats?

I am speaking to unpatriotic bastards like yourself and other on GNI. 

FYI...I am not a bastard and I am not unpatriotic. I have a father's name stated on my birth certificate. How the hell you get by calling someone a bastard? Are you Donald Frump? Do you have more balls than bigan has seeds or your balls are bigger than two baking aloos? No wonder I made the statement "consider the source".

Prince posted:

Image result for 4th of july

Honor the renewed values of "America's First Policy" on our independence day.  

Some Democrats are using July 4th to make political statements that they feel less American on this day.               

Well, they can always go to a shithole country like Guyana.  Har-har-har-   

You are not American, you are an  illegal alien, you are not WHITE, maybe wannabe Whitee. The country that gave you oxygen is now a shithole country , what a traitor.

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Image result for 4th of july

Honor the renewed values of "America's First Policy" on our independence day.  

Some Democrats are using July 4th to make political statements that they feel less American on this day.               

Well, they can always go to a shithole country like Guyana.  Har-har-har-   

You are not American, you are an  illegal alien, you are not WHITE, maybe wannabe Whitee. The country that gave you oxygen is now a shithole country , what a traitor.

I am not white but I am an American. I was born in shithole Guyana. I have no allegiance to Guyana. Now haul you ass dah side. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Image result for 4th of july

Honor the renewed values of "America's First Policy" on our independence day.  

Some Democrats are using July 4th to make political statements that they feel less American on this day.               

Well, they can always go to a shithole country like Guyana.  Har-har-har-   

You are not American, you are an  illegal alien, you are not WHITE, maybe wannabe Whitee. The country that gave you oxygen is now a shithole country , what a traitor.

I am not white but I am an American. I was born in shithole Guyana. I have no allegiance to Guyana. Now haul you ass dah side. 

If you are not white then you are a Black immigrant in America. You are an ungrateful  piece of crap well why do you write so much hate of a country that you bare on allegiance. 


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