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Since yesterday there is a permanent GLOW on my entire face and I cant seem to get it off. I cant figure why it is there but the old lady told me to go see a Doctor. Another problem I have since yesterday is that I am hearing sweet Music all the time in my head. I was on the train feeling like dancing. Mits Bhai, Post wan nice wan fuh me leh meh Dance nah Bhai. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.

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Originally posted by Nehru:
Since yesterday there is a permanent GLOW on my entire face and I cant seem to get it off. I cant figure why it is there but the old lady told me to go see a Doctor. Another problem I have since yesterday is that I am hearing sweet Music all the time in my head. I was on the train feeling like dancing. Mits Bhai, Post wan nice wan fuh me leh meh Dance nah Bhai. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.

yuh gaffo stop wid all dat wite rum and wata. Smile

But until den enjoy dis cheers

Yeah Baby!! Thank you Ksazma. I remember this from Gaumont. I used to slide from the Juke Box all the way to the other end and back. GAUMONT RULES!!!
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Since yesterday there is a permanent GLOW on my entire face and I cant seem to get it off. I cant figure why it is there but the old lady told me to go see a Doctor. Another problem I have since yesterday is that I am hearing sweet Music all the time in my head. I was on the train feeling like dancing. Mits Bhai, Post wan nice wan fuh me leh meh Dance nah Bhai. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.

yuh gaffo stop wid all dat wite rum and wata. Smile

But until den enjoy dis cheers

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Bhai, I learn to dance at Gaumont and White Coconut Tree. I still remember the Gal that taught me. Her name was Data. gnirocks
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Yeah Baby!! Thank you Ksazma. I remember this from Gaumont. I used to slide from the Juke Box all the way to the other end and back. GAUMONT RULES!!!

If yuh slidin round de juke box at Gaumont yuh wasted yuh cova charge Smile
You have a point but I will always remember Data from Gaumont. partybanana partybanana There was also Janet an Amerindian Gal at Gaumont who used to teach me the Moves. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Bhai, I learn to dance at Gaumont and White Coconut Tree. I still remember the Gal that taught me. Her name was Data. gnirocks

all indian gyal in Guyana was name data Smile

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