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His wife came here and spent about $ 100 million USD in a couple of days. I wonder what she bought ?

She shopped up early for Black Friday and had a big smile on her face when she left. Tredeau also has a smile on his face. What happening here. Baap re Baap.

Kaaz probably got one belna lash because he used to eye up de First Lady.

Prince might know what she was up to in Canada. 

Happy Thanksgiving to our friends down south. America is The Bukta of Canada.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:
Mitwah posted:

In Canada we have Tim Bits.

Thruway has a few Tim Horton's over here too. Drove up to Buffalo last weekend and had Tim Bits for the first time. DD Munchkins don't even come close.

You will have to cross the border to get the English Cadbury Chocolates, Smarties and Mackintosh's Toffee. 

You can get those in the West Indian shops here and even in some Publix supermarkets. There also have a few European speciality shops where you can get all those things. For Christmas, BJ's have Quality Street and a big bucket of Maltesers.

Mars posted:
Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:
Mitwah posted:

In Canada we have Tim Bits.

Thruway has a few Tim Horton's over here too. Drove up to Buffalo last weekend and had Tim Bits for the first time. DD Munchkins don't even come close.

You will have to cross the border to get the English Cadbury Chocolates, Smarties and Mackintosh's Toffee. 

You can get those in the West Indian shops here and even in some Publix supermarkets. There also have a few European speciality shops where you can get all those things. For Christmas, BJ's have Quality Street and a big bucket of Maltesers.

They are probably made in China.  Anyway these are treats my American relatives and friends would request plus our Maple Syrup and Buttermilk Pancake Mix. 

Mitwah posted:
Mars posted:
Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:
Mitwah posted:

In Canada we have Tim Bits.

Thruway has a few Tim Horton's over here too. Drove up to Buffalo last weekend and had Tim Bits for the first time. DD Munchkins don't even come close.

You will have to cross the border to get the English Cadbury Chocolates, Smarties and Mackintosh's Toffee. 

You can get those in the West Indian shops here and even in some Publix supermarkets. There also have a few European speciality shops where you can get all those things. For Christmas, BJ's have Quality Street and a big bucket of Maltesers.

They are probably made in China.  Anyway these are treats my American relatives and friends would request plus our Maple Syrup and Buttermilk Pancake Mix. 

The Canadian stuff taste better.  American regulations impact taste and flavor. Same with beer!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Mars posted:
Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:
Mitwah posted:

In Canada we have Tim Bits.

Thruway has a few Tim Horton's over here too. Drove up to Buffalo last weekend and had Tim Bits for the first time. DD Munchkins don't even come close.

You will have to cross the border to get the English Cadbury Chocolates, Smarties and Mackintosh's Toffee. 

You can get those in the West Indian shops here and even in some Publix supermarkets. There also have a few European speciality shops where you can get all those things. For Christmas, BJ's have Quality Street and a big bucket of Maltesers.

They are probably made in China.  Anyway these are treats my American relatives and friends would request plus our Maple Syrup and Buttermilk Pancake Mix. 

The Canadian stuff taste better.  American regulations impact taste and flavor. Same with beer!

American Cadbury is different to British Cadbury. The American Cadbury is made under licence by Hershey's but it has a more sugary taste to suit the Americans. British Cadbury is more milky and that's why it tastes better to us. You can get the British Cadbury in the West Indian stores and it's not Made in China Mitwah.

You can find all that stuff here if you know where to look. I was in Heaven when I found the Maltesers but I get it on a regular basis now and it's lost some of the nostalgic feeling. Comes in a bucket like this and you can even buy many of those things on Amazon.


yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Canadians always backward

Dem rass help the PNC and overthrew the PPP. 

And now dem Canadians are copying your Black Friday sale. 

You are a Traitor, you live in Canada , you collect welfare in Canada, you get Health Care in Canada, you don't have Trump in Canada and now, you are with them USA. Listen, Canadians already had Thanksgiving and then the Americans had to follow.

 If you have cash why wait for Friday,  the Americans they use plastic to shop and have to wait for one day of the year, Black Friday.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai KP. This was all bout humour. You missed out on the fun. I pissed on Trump after he gave Canada a hard time with NAFTA.

I wonder who in their right mind would like Trump.

Baseboard loves Trump.

So does Bibi and Prince.  He is the President of the US!!  We like many thing he said he will do, including the renegotiation of NAFTA!!  Though I have issues with some of his positions!

Now shit eating cow-batty Brahmin, were you not singing his praises when he openly said he intends to squash NAFTA?  So, what did you expect?  Now you hate him for doing what he said he intended to do all along.  NOTHING has changed except in your cow-shit head!  So suck it up, and swallow!!

You are a dumbo, shallow, thoughtless and a clown, apart from a Chammar tun Brahmin!  You had NO reason to like him then if you don't like him now for the reasons YOU stated.  I respect people who take a position and are not wishy-washy, here today, gone tomorrow and a cow-fly seeking the next cow batty.  Gwan suh cow-batty fagli!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai KP. This was all bout humour. You missed out on the fun. I pissed on Trump after he gave Canada a hard time with NAFTA.

I wonder who in their right mind would like Trump.

Baseboard loves Trump.

So does Bibi and Prince.  He is the President of the US!!  We like many thing he said he will do, including the renegotiation of NAFTA!!  Though I have issues with some of his positions!

Now shit eating cow-batty Brahmin, were you not singing his praises when he openly said he intends to squash NAFTA?  So, what did you expect?  Now you hate him for doing what he said he intended to do all along.  NOTHING has changed except in your cow-shit head!  So suck it up, and swallow!!

You are a dumbo, shallow, thoughtless and a clown, apart from a Chammar tun Brahmin!  You had NO reason to like him then if you don't like him now for the reasons YOU stated.  I respect people who take a position and are not wishy-washy, here today, gone tomorrow and a cow-fly seeking the next cow batty.  Gwan suh cow-batty fagli!

Yuji refuses to engage with a welfare bummer, charity scammer and lowlife bum with mental health issues including compulsive obsessive behaviour.  Get a life and get a job. Trump is coming after you next to cut your social assistance. Every woman who associated with you found out that you are a fake and leech. Keep living from door mouth to door mouth. You will eventually be busted for the Charity scamming on unsuspecting donors. 

You even sent me a PM to contact you. Luckily I had my guards up and avoided being scammed. 

BTW, you went from PPP to campaigning for the AFC to god knows what nowadays.

I always stuck with the PPP. I have no shame in admitting that supporting Dog Shyte Trump was a mistake. 

Why is admin allowing the personal attacks? 

Ray posted:

Mitwah, please mind your own business and stop hitting the complain button. This did not even involve you.

Guys...behave yourselves on Thanksgiving

Mits has a right to are letting that creep say nasty things as casually as running water with no checks to his nasty behind. Note well...I will do exactly what I did to the general and bushmaster for similar nasty habits if you do not take control of his behind....that's a promise. You cannot ban mits for engaging in insults and let this despicable low life  creep slander people on this site with no word of disapproval. He needs a banning.

Last edited by Former Member
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