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Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
To all you old gold teef coolies
May your dhall be spicy and your sada roti thick n doughy this cold marnin


And may I add on this special day of celebrating the AFC-APNU dougla marriage, may their dhall and sada roti not be eaten by any negroes while they spend their time at the village rum shap cussin out black people.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
wanna bet a few a dem old chaps hay got survival stories of episodes of accidental malathion or kerosene ingestion




Probably when their wives faked stories of being "coerced" by dem PNC bais If I recall correctly one of Jagan's coolie MPs failed at tekkin poison when he catch he wife wid anuddah man one day. Poor chap never lived that down again in Parliament.


Uncle Rama just spent all morning talking about the end of the Indo-Aryan bloodline in Guyana


Dem chaps dis nah gat shame ah tell ya


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