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Harbour Bridge fully operational


Georgetown, GINA, July 26, 2012 -- Source - GINA


The Section of the Harbour Bridge that was submerged


Just three days after a mishap which saw the jaws of a temporary pontoon failing, resulting in the section of the Demerara Harbour Bridge between span 60 an 61 submerging, the maintenance team successful completed restoration works to restore normalcy at the structure.


The 6,074 foot or 1.851 -mile long floating toll bridge which is about 34 years old serves as a crucial link for transporting of goods and services on an efficient and effective basis.

Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn in an invited comment expressed gratitude for the varying personnel who assisted in their capacities to assist.

“I thank - the GM, Engineers, Staff and workers who worked extremely hard to bring the facility back into service so soon after the mishap, MARAD for their efforts in organising water taxis for persons to get across the Demerara River at night and ensuring the safety of passengers, ” Minister Benn said.


The Demerara Harbour Bridge this afternoon


General Manager of the Bridge, Rawlston Adams since the mishap occurred, explained that maintenance team was in the vicinity executing works, and on Sunday last, installed a temporary pontoon, however the jaws of the pontoon failed, causing it to take in water and  sink.

The Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) responded by issuing water taxis with temporary approval to install navigational lights so that they could have provided a 24 hr service.


A truck fetching sand makes its way across the bridge, testimony of the valiant efforts of the maintenance team


Many commuters today were happy that the bridge, the  main conduit between Regions Three and Four was restored to normal service and underlined its importance in their daily existence.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So no political brownie points for the opposition on this incident, now they have to stick to instigating riot in Linden, convincing the people there that unfair subsidies is an entitlement. what creeps and shameless bastards, cutting their own nose to spit their face!

You will probably get more action out of them if a pedestrian walkway collapsed in Buxton or Linden than the bridge collapse.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


This is the beginning of the end for the AFC. They are now in bed with destructive elements in Guyana. This has created an atmosphere of hate for the AFC in Berbice.

The LInden incident marks the end of the AFC.  They are running on empty.  The next step is major infighting, factionalization and implosion.  They have no support in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


This is the beginning of the end for the AFC. They are now in bed with destructive elements in Guyana. This has created an atmosphere of hate for the AFC in Berbice.

The LInden incident marks the end of the AFC.  They are running on empty.  The next step is major infighting, factionalization and implosion.  They have no support in Guyana.


The Linden incident was the last political straw that broke the camel's back. The AFC is finished.


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