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The nation was taken aback with Brassington produced copies of checks issued by NICIL to AFC's strongman, Moses Nagamotoo. No one in their wildest dreams ever thought the once respected political activist from the PPP would be involved in business as such. The controversial attorney, Nigel Hughes, has been a thorn in the side of those seeking justice in Guyana for biased-crimes against the Indo-population by Afro youths inspired by hate preachers like Roger More, Mark Benschop, and Ronald Waddell. Hughes uses his contacts in the courts and police to frustrate those seeking justice for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed against members of our society. The massacre at Lusignan and the senseless killings of Indians on the East Coast of Demerara received absolutely no comdemnation from this man that many call the "young Forbes Burnham." On the Contrary, he has been at the vocal and bold at defending those who committed crimes against those whom he view as pro-government.  To add insult to injury, his wife, Cathy Hughes was involved in cashing on consultancy work for the Ameila Falls project while sponsoring parliament resolutions agains the same project. The Guyanese people watched their hypocrisy in disgust.

Today, another AFC leader, attorney-at-law Raphael Trotman, has been caught up in a shameful sex scandal involving a young lad which threatens to finish his career as a politician. If this is not enough the party's chief backer in the propaganda war, the KN, is now facing crediblity problems given the owner is now indicted in fraudulent business with duty free vehicles.


These are indeed hard times for the AFC. The party which performed well at the last elections is going through rough period and some even believe it will disintegrate. Defections are high and morale is low. A few propagandists firing on all pistons on a daily basis are having the opposite effect as people started to smell their agenda and are shying away. The party is finding itself more and more isolated. Dreams of replacing the PPP as fighting force has been dashed since they have erred and become part of APNU. Dreams of replacing the PNC is an illusion since the Ramjattans and the Nagas are seen as old timers who can never be truly trusted.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The nation was taken aback with Brassington produced copies of checks issued by NICIL to AFC's strongman, Moses Nagamotoo. No one in their wildest dreams ever thought the once respected political activist from the PPP would be involved in business as such. The controversial attorney, Nigel Hughes, has been a thorn in the side of those seeking justice in Guyana for biased-crimes against the Indo-population by Afro youths inspired by hate preachers like Roger More, Mark Benschop, and Ronald Waddell. Hughes uses his contacts in the courts and police to frustrate those seeking justice for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed against members of our society. The massacre at Lusignan and the senseless killings of Indians on the East Coast of Demerara received absolutely no comdemnation from this man that many call the "young Forbes Burnham." On the Contrary, he has been at the vocal and bold at defending those who committed crimes against those whom he view as pro-government.  To add insult to injury, his wife, Cathy Hughes was involved in cashing on consultancy work for the Ameila Falls project while sponsoring parliament resolutions agains the same project. The Guyanese people watched their hypocrisy in disgust.

Today, another AFC leader, attorney-at-law Raphael Trotman, has been caught up in a shameful sex scandal involving a young lad which threatens to finish his career as a politician. If this is not enough the party's chief backer in the propaganda war, the KN, is now facing crediblity problems given the owner is now indicted in fraudulent business with duty free vehicles.


These are indeed hard times for the AFC. The party which performed well at the last elections is going through rough period and some even believe it will disintegrate. Defections are high and morale is low. A few propagandists firing on all pistons on a daily basis are having the opposite effect as people started to smell their agenda and are shying away. The party is finding itself more and more isolated. Dreams of replacing the PPP as fighting force has been dashed since they have erred and become part of APNU. Dreams of replacing the PNC is an illusion since the Ramjattans and the Nagas are seen as old timers who can never be truly trusted.


 This is a very accurate assessment of the AFC of today. They are headed for the political graveyard.


A few of their spin Doctors on GNI are keeping whatever is left of the AFC alive.


They Are Finished.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The nation was taken aback with Brassington produced copies of checks issued by NICIL to AFC's strongman, Moses Nagamotoo. No one in their wildest dreams ever thought the once respected political activist from the PPP would be involved in business as such. The controversial attorney, Nigel Hughes, has been a thorn in the side of those seeking justice in Guyana for biased-crimes against the Indo-population by Afro youths inspired by hate preachers like Roger More, Mark Benschop, and Ronald Waddell. Hughes uses his contacts in the courts and police to frustrate those seeking justice for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed against members of our society. The massacre at Lusignan and the senseless killings of Indians on the East Coast of Demerara received absolutely no comdemnation from this man that many call the "young Forbes Burnham." On the Contrary, he has been at the vocal and bold at defending those who committed crimes against those whom he view as pro-government.  To add insult to injury, his wife, Cathy Hughes was involved in cashing on consultancy work for the Ameila Falls project while sponsoring parliament resolutions agains the same project. The Guyanese people watched their hypocrisy in disgust.

Today, another AFC leader, attorney-at-law Raphael Trotman, has been caught up in a shameful sex scandal involving a young lad which threatens to finish his career as a politician. If this is not enough the party's chief backer in the propaganda war, the KN, is now facing crediblity problems given the owner is now indicted in fraudulent business with duty free vehicles.


These are indeed hard times for the AFC. The party which performed well at the last elections is going through rough period and some even believe it will disintegrate. Defections are high and morale is low. A few propagandists firing on all pistons on a daily basis are having the opposite effect as people started to smell their agenda and are shying away. The party is finding itself more and more isolated. Dreams of replacing the PPP as fighting force has been dashed since they have erred and become part of APNU. Dreams of replacing the PNC is an illusion since the Ramjattans and the Nagas are seen as old timers who can never be truly trusted.


"AFC gaan fuh channa" as they say. Dem guh rub blackpat pun dem face afta elekshon. Dem only ah fool demself dat dem guh win. Any win fuh dem wood be a chiney man name WIN.

Originally Posted by Rev:

The AFC has morphed into a dastardly degenerate party which repulses 95% of the Guyanese people.


 These ugly, pompous, self absorbed, egotistical blowhards

 will never con the Guyanese voters again.






Someone should give them a dose of Rat Poison.



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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
  Cathy 'The swindler' Hughes

Where is the mother of all "lip stick" sows..Cathy Hughes?

* Cathy Hughes is one of the biggest tricksters in Guyana.







De Revsta is giving us all a good laugh. It is a true depiction of the rotten tricksters in the AFC.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You clowns do not have an original idea in the world. Aren't you ashamed of your lazy selves?

redux bai:


* You are backing a bunch of sore LOSERS! The AFC is doomed. 5% is the max those nitwits will pull in the next election.


* Anyway redux, your frustration and deep mental anguish is understandable. Keep calling names if it soothes your pain.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You clowns do not have an original idea in the world. Aren't you ashamed of your lazy selves?

redux bai:


* You are backing a bunch of sore LOSERS! The AFC is doomed. 5% is the max those nitwits will pull in the next election.


* Anyway redux, your frustration and deep mental anguish is understandable. Keep calling names if it soothes your pain.







the AFC will kill the ppp,it happen in trinidad it will happen in guyana

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You clowns do not have an original idea in the world. Aren't you ashamed of your lazy selves?

redux bai:


* You are backing a bunch of sore LOSERS! The AFC is doomed. 5% is the max those nitwits will pull in the next election.


* Anyway redux, your frustration and deep mental anguish is understandable. Keep calling names if it soothes your pain.







Mental anguish? you are just as misguided as your thief man clan in GY.


You don't see me struggling to find my thoughts here, you only wish you were a clear thinker like I am. Thieves are only good at one thing? thiefin not thinking.


Billy Ram's wordy analysis is porous. It is not the AFC that is embattled, it is the PPP regime.

The AFC, APNU, TUC, GHRA, SN, KN, JFP, TI GUYANA CHAPTER and numerous prominent professionals have the PPP under siege.

And as the Essequibians are saying, the PPP regime will be brought down by corruption, crime and cocaine.

Meanwhile, the AFC has started the countdown to No Confidence Day.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The nation was taken aback with Brassington produced copies of checks issued by NICIL to AFC's strongman, Moses Nagamotoo. No one in their wildest dreams ever thought the once respected political activist from the PPP would be involved in business as such. The controversial attorney, Nigel Hughes, has been a thorn in the side of those seeking justice in Guyana for biased-crimes against the Indo-population by Afro youths inspired by hate preachers like Roger More, Mark Benschop, and Ronald Waddell. Hughes uses his contacts in the courts and police to frustrate those seeking justice for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed against members of our society. The massacre at Lusignan and the senseless killings of Indians on the East Coast of Demerara received absolutely no comdemnation from this man that many call the "young Forbes Burnham." On the Contrary, he has been at the vocal and bold at defending those who committed crimes against those whom he view as pro-government.  To add insult to injury, his wife, Cathy Hughes was involved in cashing on consultancy work for the Ameila Falls project while sponsoring parliament resolutions agains the same project. The Guyanese people watched their hypocrisy in disgust.

Today, another AFC leader, attorney-at-law Raphael Trotman, has been caught up in a shameful sex scandal involving a young lad which threatens to finish his career as a politician. If this is not enough the party's chief backer in the propaganda war, the KN, is now facing crediblity problems given the owner is now indicted in fraudulent business with duty free vehicles.


These are indeed hard times for the AFC. The party which performed well at the last elections is going through rough period and some even believe it will disintegrate. Defections are high and morale is low. A few propagandists firing on all pistons on a daily basis are having the opposite effect as people started to smell their agenda and are shying away. The party is finding itself more and more isolated. Dreams of replacing the PPP as fighting force has been dashed since they have erred and become part of APNU. Dreams of replacing the PNC is an illusion since the Ramjattans and the Nagas are seen as old timers who can never be truly trusted.


What a barefaced and cravenly slanted piece of prose. IT has dog whistle written all over it.


First, if Brazzie cares to come out with checks, how about the supposed seven million stamped deposit from Ifart? Let us see the record of those who negotiated the buy out of Hand in Hand. How about making public the Berbice River Bridge 21 year tax concession via some dubious instrument called the Order No. 42 of 2008? There are hundreds of other deals that converted state property to members of the administration what we would like disclosed so he can help us there as well. By the way, is brazzington saying he was in agreement with Moses on a payola scheme?


If Huges could not be on Amalia falls board why was Ramotar antiquating on OMAI's? If one find it morally reprehensible that politicians could represent the state and also companies doing business with the state why not formalize am institutional construct that would produce such a  firewall via parliamentary action?


There is this Trotman thing....where does it rank with the 14 year old the Canadian believed and so granted asylum because she was claiming rape by you know which goat? Does Ganga demise mean he has a child with an under aged Amerind girl? How about Beri Beri, did he do as t hey said he did. And what about the Pandit....did the girl kill herself for some spurious reason and are all those rumor following him simply bad karma?


You folks simply like throwing mud but refuse to address what is clearly a disease in the PPP  their corruption.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You folks simply like throwing mud but refuse to address what is clearly a disease in the PPP  their corruption.


The corruption the PPP is guilty of is crony capitalism. And this kind of corruption exists in every country on planet earth.



* You know what crony capitalism is, right stormborn ?


Crony Capitalism is the incestuous and oh-so-profitable marriage of the Central State and monied elites.


* But guess what stormy, there is CRONY CAPITALIM in every country in the world, and we have it right here in the great US of A:



* So don't be hypocritical and accuse the PPP of corruption, when you know crony capitalism is a world wide phenomenon.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You folks simply like throwing mud but refuse to address what is clearly a disease in the PPP  their corruption.


The corruption the PPP is guilty of is crony capitalism. And this kind of corruption exists in every country on planet earth.



* You know what crony capitalism is, right stormborn ?


Crony Capitalism is the incestuous and oh-so-profitable marriage of the Central State and monied elites.


* But guess what stormy, there is CRONY CAPITALIM in every country in the world, and we have it right here in the great US of A:



* So don't be hypocritical and accuse the PPP of corruption, when you know crony capitalism is a world wide phenomenon.





What an abject depraved and moral obscene view....there is evil everywhere so why fight evil? People break the laws everywhere so why have justice systems? Come again. In our small society, the craven grasping for state assets to covet by the PPP for its friends and family is ruinous. It leaves a griping in t he belly that would make a saint struggle mightily between spiritual discipline and the urge to go for a gun.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


What an abject depraved and moral obscene view....there is evil everywhere so why fight evil? People break the laws everywhere so why have justice systems? Come again. In our small society, the craven grasping for state assets to covet by the PPP for its friends and family is ruinous. It leaves a griping in t he belly that would make a saint struggle mightily between spiritual discipline and the urge to go for a gun.

* Poppycock! Malarkey Hogwash!


* Listen Stormy! It is impossible to fight CRONY CAPITALISM.


* No incestuous relationship between the Central State and the Monied Elites can be stopped.


* You are living in a fantasy world if you believe you can put a stop to CRONY CAPITALISM.


* Do you believe if Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC or David Granger and APNU were to form the government CRONY CAPITALISM would cease ?


* Never! Never! Never!


* So stop whining about corruption(crony capitalism) in PPP's Guyana.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


What an abject depraved and moral obscene view....there is evil everywhere so why fight evil? People break the laws everywhere so why have justice systems? Come again. In our small society, the craven grasping for state assets to covet by the PPP for its friends and family is ruinous. It leaves a griping in t he belly that would make a saint struggle mightily between spiritual discipline and the urge to go for a gun.

* Poppycock! Malarkey Hogwash!


* Listen Stormy! It is impossible to fight CRONY CAPITALISM.


* No incestuous relationship between the Central State and the Monied Elites can be stopped.


* You are living in a fantasy world if you believe you can put a stop to CRONY CAPITALISM.


* Do you believe if Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC or David Granger and APNU were to form the government CRONY CAPITALISM would cease ?


* Never! Never! Never!


* So stop whining about corruption(crony capitalism) in PPP's Guyana.




 Now explain to me why we have so many philosophers chasing ways of handling reality? The fundamental questions are the same from time immemorial but they still struggle like dying fishes in an oxygen depleted pond to discover  an enlightened creed.


Is not all of our striving like Adams sleeping and dreaming of Eve and waking up to find her as he imagined her? There is no acceptance of mediocrity or evil. We are creatures always bending to new ways of thinking.


It is stilted intellectually calcified goats like you who come up with these asinine conclusions that because evil exists one must be accepting and live with it. That does not fill the latent want in us for better. The PPP are evil and we can imagine better.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Now explain to me why we have so many philosophers chasing ways of handling reality?



* You can philosophize from now until thy kingdom come. The REALITY is CRONY CAPITALISM(corruption) will be around as long as humanity exists.


* Listen! If the AFC or PNC miraculously win the general election in Guyana you will come right here on GNI are bawl and scream about corruption(crony capitalism).




* The PPP, despite their egregious flaws, is the best political party to lead Guyana today.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Now explain to me why we have so many philosophers chasing ways of handling reality?



* You can philosophize from now until thy kingdom come. The REALITY is CRONY CAPITALISM(corruption) will be around as long as humanity exists.


* Listen! If the AFC or PNC miraculously win the general election in Guyana you will come right here on GNI are bawl and scream about corruption(crony capitalism).




* The PPP, despite their egregious flaws, is the best political party to lead Guyana today.



Where have I argued for perfection? I argued that standards be set and those standards are what constitute civilized society. If crony capitalism is an amorality then it must be so condemned and not excused as you would have us do on account it exists. My point is we have laws, set conditions for appropriate behavior and expects they be followed else the one breaking the rules suffer consequences.


The PPP are crooks. They do not want accountability. They use NICIL and their bag man there to convert state assets to the private wealth accumulation scheme of their friends and family. The state to these perfidious creatures is seen as convenient pickings. In all of their management strategies they believe that it is for their personal benefit and that we cannot tolerate.


When the PPP can convince me that Clinton  became wealthy because he used his power as president to engage in crony capitalism then I might believe.


The man ended his presidency broke, and almost drowning in legal bills.  Its his successful book sales and speaking engagements which rescued him from bankruptcy.


Now where we have he "party of the working class", behaving like the Republican party which doesn't disguise the fact that they represent the interests of the economic elites!


When will the PPP just admit that they only care for the top 5% and the rest of the population will be used by appeals to their ethnic insecurities.

Originally Posted by caribny:

When the PPP can convince me that Clinton  became wealthy because he used his power as president to engage in crony capitalism then I might believe.


* You clearly don't understand what CRONY CAPITALISM is. Scroll up and see the definition I gave.


* Lemme be nice to you---here it is again:


Crony Capitalism is the incestuous and oh-so-profitable marriage of the Central State and monied elites.


* Who are the monied elites in Guyana who are making out like bandits ?


* Too many to mention.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

When the PPP can convince me that Clinton  became wealthy because he used his power as president to engage in crony capitalism then I might believe.


* You clearly don't understand what CRONY CAPITALISM is. Scroll up and see the definition I gave.


* Lemme be nice to you---here it is again:


Crony Capitalism is the incestuous and oh-so-profitable marriage of the Central State and monied elites.


* Who are the monied elites in Guyana who are making out like bandits ?


* Too many to mention.





They are all in the PPP/C. Who in the PPP is not a money elite?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

They are all in the PPP/C. Who in the PPP is not a money elite?

* Come on Mitts! You ought to know better.


* The politicians in the PPP---the President and Ministers and senior officials---they are part of the "Central State".


* The "Monied Elies" are the folks like Bobby Ramroop who are making out like bandits because of their relationship with the folks in the Central State.


* Every single sector in Guyana is now being dominated by the Monied Elites---just name it---transportation, telecommunication, Health, Africulture, Mining, Banking, etc, etc, etc





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

They are all in the PPP/C. Who in the PPP is not a money elite?

* Come on Mitts! You ought to know better.


* The politicians in the PPP---the President and Ministers and senior officials---they are part of the "Central State".


* The "Monied Elies" are the folks like Bobby Ramroop who are making out like bandits because of their relationship with the folks in the Central State.


* Every single sector in Guyana is now being dominated by the Monied Elites---just name it---transportation, telecommunication, Health, Africulture, Mining, Banking, etc, etc, etc





How many house lots were given to Rohee's and Manichchand's families?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat is 1900 US for Roop. Mits, would you like to take the job?

The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called "Fat Cats" being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”
He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for?  What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat is 1900 US for Roop. Mits, would you like to take the job?

The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called "Fat Cats" being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”
He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for?  What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.

His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.
Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.
Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.


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