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Harmon admits that Natural Resources Minister did not lie to Parliamentary Committee

0 comments, 13/12/2013, by , in latest news

[] Following the revelation of the transcript of the Standing Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, ANPU’s Joseph Harmon has ‘back-peddled’ on his initial statements that Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud lied to the Committee regarding the issuance of a Permission of a Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS).

Harmon in an interview with Stabroek News said “that though the Minister did not lie to the Committee which met on November 27, he was economical with the truth.”

Harmon was the one who accused the Minister of lying to and misleading the Committee. Subsequent to the accusations, the Minister in a letter to Dr. Rupert Roopnarine, Chairman of the Standing Sector Committee on Natural Resources stated that “my answers were truthful and were direct responses to the questions posed”.

The letter included excerpts of the transcript of the meeting which was provided by the Parliament Office. The Minister in the letter also called on members of the Standing Sector Committee on Natural Resources and sections of the media to refrain from the false assertions and to retract the misrepresentations carried.

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Dude....he said he was economical with the truth ie did not tell the whole truth so in effect while he did not lie he refuse to tell of the nature of what is going on in the region.


As it always folks are hiding something and if it turns out you leased away a large section of  a region the Smithsonian advised was a fragile ecosystem to the Chinese, you need to be run out of office.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The bottom line is, the Minister didn't do anything wrong, Mr.Harmon was quick to jump to conclusions no matter how false there are.

If he did as is suggested....allowed encroachment of a fragile environment he not only did a the nation a bad turn, he was in the PPP's manner of doing business rammed it down our throats.


The Minister didn't do anything wrong, if he did, the joint opposition would have already jumped on their high horses and shout Corruption, when the whole truth was revealed, Harmon took shame out of his eyes and issue a comment.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Minister didn't do anything wrong, if he did, the joint opposition would have already jumped on their high horses and shout Corruption, when the whole truth was revealed, Harmon took shame out of his eyes and issue a comment.

Let me reiterate for you what you seem to not have the capacity to grasp...wrong in this case is if he leased the land from under our noses to a pirate company. If he did not...good for him. If he did...he is scum...and we need to find a way to make him pay


Following the revelation of the transcript of the Standing Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, ANPU’s Joseph Harmon has ‘back-peddled’ on his initial statements that Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud lied to the Committee regarding the issuance of a Permission of a Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS).

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Following the revelation of the transcript of the Standing Sectoral Committee on Natural Resources, ANPU’s Joseph Harmon has ‘back-peddled’ on his initial statements that Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud lied to the Committee regarding the issuance of a Permission of a Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS).

bloody waste of time...useless attempts at obfuscation. Did he or did he not give away our fragile lands on his own as th ough his grand father left it to him? If he did not then kudos to him. If he did he needs to be sanctioned. He would have lied, he would have been plainly disrespectful to the state and its parliament and his ass would be an example of why we think the PPP is incontrovertibly and incorrigibly corrupt.


Harmon was the one who accused the Minister of lying to and misleading the Committee. Subsequent to the accusations, the Minister in a letter to Dr. Rupert Roopnarine, Chairman of the Standing Sector Committee on Natural Resources stated that “my answers were truthful and were direct responses to the questions posed”.

The letter included excerpts of the transcript of the meeting which was provided by the Parliament Office. The Minister in the letter also called on members of the Standing Sector Committee on Natural Resources and sections of the media to refrain from the false assertions and to retract the misrepresentations carried.


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