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Former Member

Harmon calls on Guyanese in the diaspora

MINISTER of State, Joseph Harmon, has called on Guyanese in the diaspora to return home and help in the building of Guyana.Speaking on Saturday to a large gathering of his countrymen at the ‘Signature Grand’ in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during ‘Guyana 50th Independence Gala’, Minister Harmon urged them to participate in the country’s 50th Independence Anniversary celebrations.

The ‘Guyana 50th Independence Gala’ was hosted by the South Florida Guyanese Association Inc, in collaboration with Joy Agness Events and Guyana Sports Development Association Inc.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, with a guest at ‘Signature Grand’, Fort Lauderdale, FloridaMinister of State, Joseph Harmon, with a guest at ‘Signature Grand’, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

A number of prominent Guyanese who have significantly contributed to development on the local scene were honoured at the Gala. These include Fashion Designer Sonia Noel, Captain Gerald Gouveia and Larry London.

Joy Agness, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Joy Agness Events, said she is excited to be a part of Guyana’s celebrations. “A Golden Jubilee is a momentous occasion. I am filled with immense pride to see the intense enthusiasm of Guyanese in the diaspora in celebrating our 50th Independence, not only in Florida, but the entire USA and Canada,” she said.

Minister Harmon was impressed with the work of the organisers, and said he recognises that Guyana is still very close to their hearts.

The Minister of State is scheduled to return to office tomorrow.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These folks must cease their hypocrisy. I loud complaint even from their own core supporters, people who assisted them, is that they don't recall phone calls.

They just need to be honest. Just say that " we only want the Diaspora for our own purposes, but we don't give a damn about you".


Yes, Mr. Harmon, we are coming back to be killed by the PNC Taliban. Yall better be thankful that Dr. Jagdeo build a solid Guyana and leave it. There is no further development from here on. Granger have a disease called kokobeh. No new development was proposed by the PNC for the past year and none will ever come to fruition. This 50th independence will be another embarrassment for Guyana.

Drugb posted:

Harmon needs to call on the Black diaspora to step up and help develop the nation. Where is caribj? When is he packing his bags to heed Harmon's call?

The black diaspora will go to Guyana to make sure their airfare money worth whatever they will eat or drink and run back to their foreign hole. You will not get any contribution from them. Only Indians have money in the diaspora and in Guyana. That's why only Indians and Indian businesses are targeted. Criminals don't waste precious time on people who don't worth it.

Cobra posted:
Drugb posted:

Harmon needs to call on the Black diaspora to step up and help develop the nation. Where is caribj? When is he packing his bags to heed Harmon's call?

The black diaspora will go to Guyana to make sure their airfare money worth whatever they will eat or drink and run back to their foreign hole. You will not get any contribution from them. Only Indians have money in the diaspora and in Guyana. That's why only Indians and Indian businesses are targeted. Criminals don't waste precious time on people who don't worth it.

Well said Cobra. How true it is.


You can, beg and beg people to come for the Jubilee, but if the crime is out of control, even FREE flights FREE food and Drinks will not attract tourists. Myself and a couple of friends were planning to go later this year, so far the news are not encouraging, we may have to detour to another site. The government needs to bring out the Army and Police in full force to monitor the streets, protect the businesses and it's citizens. We need a neutral body to oversee the Police, when a call for help is made they must attend ASAP, if not they get FIRED.

kp posted:

You can, beg and beg people to come for the Jubilee, but if the crime is out of control, even FREE flights FREE food and Drinks will not attract tourists. Myself and a couple of friends were planning to go later this year, so far the news are not encouraging, we may have to detour to another site. The government needs to bring out the Army and Police in full force to monitor the streets, protect the businesses and it's citizens. We need a neutral body to oversee the Police, when a call for help is made they must attend ASAP, if not they get FIRED.

Bai KP you have to fire all of them lazy bastards. Good news for the PNC fund raisers.

Drugb posted:

Harmon needs to call on the Black diaspora to step up and help develop the nation. Where is caribj? When is he packing his bags to heed Harmon's call?

Caribj gave an answer.  Were you not a lying dawg and a mendicant cur you would have known that I was skeptical about APNU AFC even BEFORE the election.

Now go and sing praises to this Jagdeo. 

I see that you want to give him credit, but then wail that he shouldn't be blamed for anything, because he is no longer president.  Like failing to transform the economy away from the raw exports of gold, sugar, rice, bauxite, and timber.  Also the PPPs failure in 23 years to professionalize the police force.

Django posted:

Reading the responses,this BB looks like an Afro Guyanese hate site.

In fact it is considered an Afro Guyanese hate site in many quarters.  Some time ago some one in Canada reported that the site was blocked as a hate site by their employer.  This site is quoted by people in Barbados, Nevis, and other parts of the Caribbean as evidence that racism is rife among Indians.

kp posted:

 The government needs to bring out the Army and Police

How come you didn't demand this, but was happy when Jagdeo consorted with criminals instead of doing this.

Had the PPP installed a proper crime fighting strategy we wouldn't have this problem.  I recall Jagdeo screaming loudly when the UK, Canada, and the USA offered help.  This when crime was beginning to spiral out of control.

Even the slaughter of a PPP minister didn't make the PPP change their minds on this.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Reading the responses,this BB looks like an Afro Guyanese hate site.

In fact it is considered an Afro Guyanese hate site in many quarters.  Some time ago some one in Canada reported that the site was blocked as a hate site by their employer.  This site is quoted by people in Barbados, Nevis, and other parts of the Caribbean as evidence that racism is rife among Indians.

The brown KKK slang is excused from racist category?

Cobra posted:
. Only Indians have money in the diaspora and in Guyana.

Well we know that the PPP helped a SMALL Indian cabal in Guyana.

As to NYC.  95% of Indians go to mundane jobs like working at the MTA, or teaching, or working has home health attendants.  Stop deluding yourself that they are a font of wealth that Guyana cannot survive without.

What did we get?  A bunch of restaurants, malls, and Fip Motilall.  Guyana needs more than that.

Cobra posted:

The brown KKK slang is excused from racist category?

Listen if you use the same language as the white KKK uses you are a KKK. Given that the real KKK will reject you as you are a "mawslim furriner" the best that you can do is be part of a brown bai KKK.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

 The government needs to bring out the Army and Police

How come you didn't demand this, but was happy when Jagdeo consorted with criminals instead of doing this.

Had the PPP installed a proper crime fighting strategy we wouldn't have this problem.  I recall Jagdeo screaming loudly when the UK, Canada, and the USA offered help.  This when crime was beginning to spiral out of control.

Even the slaughter of a PPP minister didn't make the PPP change their minds on this.

I would like to see a stop to the crime rage, don't you? Look Black KKK,I am not a Jadgeo supporter, I care less about him, but you STUCK in time, I am tired of asking the question, Who is in charge NOW?? I still have families and friends in Guyana , I can only hope for a safe and better life for them, I had a small business in Guyana and the end of last year I closed it, leaving some 18 people out of a job, I was forced to do so because I felt unsafe, I was robbed on two occasions. Things were not great during the PPP, still there was some government control of the crime, today with this new government, they promised CHANGE, but change for the worst. Do you know why there are long lines at the passport office, Blacks and Indians all want to have a valid passport,so in event things gets worst after the Jubilee they can Leave the country.Harmon want you all to go back, I beg you to go and see for yourself.


Those who want to visit Guyana should buy a coffin and have a will in place so that your close relatives can collect some insurance money.

Guyana is not a safe place especially if you are an Indo.

Beware. Travel at your own risk and be prepared to be murdered in wild west Guyana.

I don't see Afro Guyanese abroad heeding the call of con man Harmon.

Wonder why ?

BTW, Canada has a travel advisory in Place for Canadians travelling to Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Yes, Mr. Harmon, we are coming back to be killed by thePNC Taliban. Yall better be thankful that Dr. Jagdeo build a solid Guyana and leave it. There is no further development from here on. Granger have a disease called kokobeh. No new development was proposed by the PNC for the past year and none will ever come to fruition. This 50th independence will be another embarrassment for Guyana.


kp posted:
, I care less about him, but you STUCK in time,

You are the one stuck in time.  You are stuck in some notion of a Burnham run Guyana.

How come you all scream about Burnham and yet claim that no one can discuss Jagdeo.

It is Jagdeo who created this nightmare, when he allowed para militias and oligarchs who added gun smuggling to their repertoire of drug smuggling. Here we have a culture of contract killings added to the plethora of crime.  Now we even have people killing their own relatives, on their visits to Guyana.

Don't want to blame Jagdeo, well don't blame Granger!

yuji22 posted:


I don't see Afro Guyanese abroad heeding the call of con man Harmon.


And yet you scream that crime in Guyana is an "Indian eradication" scheme. deliberately carried out on the orders of Granger.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Reading the responses,this BB looks like an Afro Guyanese hate site.

In fact it is considered an Afro Guyanese hate site in many quarters.  Some time ago some one in Canada reported that the site was blocked as a hate site by their employer.  This site is quoted by people in Barbados, Nevis, and other parts of the Caribbean as evidence that racism is rife among Indians.

But we love you Caribj, we really do!!


Not sure what Harmon hopes to accomplish here.  Indian businessman are being killed off daily by the racist clan within the PNC.  The Afro elitist here in the USA have no interest nor skill for investing and dealing in Guyana.  They never did it in Guyana, why anyone expect them to do it now as diaspora.  They are perfectly happy making money here working good jobs and funding anti-indo cleansing missions in Guyana.

The only group with the skill, will and jill to make a meaningful investment foray in Guyana are the many Indian businessmen in the diaspora!  How does Harmon reconcile the anti-indian happenings in Guyana with wanting them to come invest?  And BTW, where is Mr Gaskin on this mission.  One would think he would be front and center!


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Harmon needs to call on the Black diaspora to step up and help develop the nation. Where is caribj? When is he packing his bags to heed Harmon's call?

Caribj gave an answer.  Were you not a lying dawg and a mendicant cur you would have known that I was skeptical about APNU AFC even BEFORE the election.

Now go and sing praises to this Jagdeo. 

I see that you want to give him credit, but then wail that he shouldn't be blamed for anything, because he is no longer president.  Like failing to transform the economy away from the raw exports of gold, sugar, rice, bauxite, and timber.  Also the PPPs failure in 23 years to professionalize the police force.

Why would you not support the afc/apnu in their time of need. During PPP time many of their supporters remigrated and helped develop the nation while some suffered huge losses. Now it is your turn, your govt is in power, please support them with your pocket and not your mouth only.  Enough about Jagdeo, he is irrelevant, Harmon and Granger are now relevant with their lap dog Nagamootoo and Ramjattan not far behind. Expat Blacks like yourself need to step up and support the nation, the Indians have already done their fair share.   


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