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Harmon questioned on $100M for 11 new contract workers

December 13, 2016 Politics 460 Views

A total of 11 new contract workers at the Ministry of the Presidency, costing $100M, was the subject of questions in the National Assembly today, as the House continued day one of its scrutiny of expenditures included in Budget 2017.

Opposition Parliamentarian, Juan Edghill, raised the questions on the matter – putting those questions to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

In response, Harmon claimed that there was a “budgetary shortfall” and the allocation addresses this and also deals with increases in wages and salaries for 52 workers and the relocation of 41 to other budget agencies.

Edghill requested the names, designations, and emoluments of the 11 contract employees to be provided to the Committee of Supply. Harmon committed to do so.

For the 2017 Budget, review said there was only a reduction in contract workers by 45 persons. Overall, the number of contract employees’ decreases from 4,254 (excluding the Regional Administrations) to 4,209, a fall of 45 persons.

The cost of contract employees is increasing from $9.2 billion to $11.0 billion, an increase of $1.8 billion. The average cost (excluding benefits such as gratuity) increases from $2.2M per person to $2.6M per person, or by 20.9%.

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Additionally, The APNU+AFC Gov't is paying its propaganda chief, Imran Khan a salary of $551,220, excluding benefits. In addition Khan's wife Tamara is a Legal Advisor/Coordinator also operating out of the Prime Minister's Office and is being paid a salary of $420,000, with a duty allowance of $20,000, travel allowance of $5,000 monthly.

Bibi Haniffa

THis same Crabdaag said GNI must go, it is not the Role of Govt to be in Media AND the Namakaram Voted $1 Guy as the GNI Budget.  Now this SHAMELESS HO gat no problem with the same Friggin things he was Bytching about. Suh Al YUh tell me, wha Al Yuh think!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:

THis same Crabdaag said GNI must go, it is not the Role of Govt to be in Media AND the Namakaram Voted $1 Guy as the GNI Budget.  Now this SHAMELESS HO gat no problem with the same Friggin things he was Bytching about. Suh Al YUh tell me, wha Al Yuh think!!!!!!!

Django, the PNC spin dactah guh buss you rass when he read dis.

I can see members of the PPP just grinding their teeth saying "wait until we get back there we will teach you dumb jackasses a lesson". No more nice guys from the PPP.


Django is on the line with his boss man Grainjaw, asking for some cut and paste material. Looks like Mits gave up the cut and paste job and Django took over.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Additionally, The APNU+AFC Gov't is paying its propaganda chief, Imran Khan a salary of $551,220, excluding benefits. In addition Khan's wife Tamara is a Legal Advisor/Coordinator also operating out of the Prime Minister's Office and is being paid a salary of $420,000, with a duty allowance of $20,000, travel allowance of $5,000 monthly.

The rape of the Treasury by these AFC/PNC crooks is quite disgraceful.

Moses should be ashamed of himself. He is an embodiment of a skunk.


Me noticed alyuh had a field day in my absence.

I man lil busy with some work on an appliance recall [ 3 million thru out the country] so i get a lil chunk of the work,after the financial crisis and slow down in business,will see some big $$$ fuh christmas and for the next quarter of next year.

You got to make "hay while to sun shines"



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