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April 2, 2016 Source
The Ministry of the Presidency has come out explaining the recent visit of Minister of State, Joseph Harmon to China.

The media had anticipated a press conference hosted by Harmon, given his comments at the his comments at the Marriott on Thursday.

But instead of a promised press conference, it was the Ministry that issued a statement that spoke about the trip.
He had told reporters Thursday that he was preparing to hold a press conference and would answer all questions.
He refused then to be drawn into answering any questions, saying that he does not want to give two bites of the cherry.
According to the Ministry yesterday, Harmon and In-House Legal Counsel at National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL), Natalia Seepersaud, returned from an official trip to the People’s Republic of China on Thursday.
The purpose of the visit was to engage in discussions with regard to the payment of the US$5M balance owed for the purchase of 20 percent of Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) shares by Chinese company, Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group.
The shares were controversially sold by NICIL in 2012.
According to the Ministry, this deal was entered into by the previous administration but only US$25M of the agreed US$30M was paid.
The trip to China was to discuss this issue and see if Guyana can collect the balance, President David Granger said Thursday.
The trip came under scrutiny after it became known that Minister Harmon was accompanied by businessman/contractor, Brian Tiwarie and Larry London, Chairman of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority.
The statement from the Ministry of the Presidency made no mention on Tiwarie being on the trip.
“Minister Harmon reported on his return that the investigations and enquiries that were conducted by the Guyanese delegation were highly successful.  The team’s report will be submitted to the Board of Directors of NICIL for deliberations, after which, a full statement on this matter will be issued.”
The statement said that “separately, but during the same period”, a team from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) comprising Head Project Coordinator, Fitzroy Corlette and Supervisor, David Hermonstine, along with the representative of the Chinese companies in Guyana, Clinton Williams, visited China to participate in negotiations with NUTECH, a Chinese security scanning equipment supplier, for the acquisition of containers and baggage scanners.
“NUTECH is recognised as one of the world’s top providers of security scanning equipment. The company produces scanners that are used to effectively prevent the trafficking of contraband such as explosives, narcotics and radioactive substances.”
The Ministry said that the acquisition of security scanners by the GRA is aimed at strengthening air, land and sea port security and to help in the fight against the trafficking of illegal drugs.
“The GRA team and NUTECH both expressed satisfaction at the outcome of the negotiations and the Guyana Revenue Authority is expected to issue a separate statement on this matter shortly.”
There were reports that Minister Harmon’s trip was to discuss a purchase of a plane for Government.
With regard to Tiwarie, he came under fire this week after Kaieteur News ran a story on his appointment on January 19th, 2016 as Ministerial Advisor on Business Development.
The appointment was made by Minister Harmon.
On Tuesday, hours after the story broke, President David Granger rescinded the appointment.
He later explained that the appointment was not Government sanctioned.
He said that there is a Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin, and he had not requested any help, or advisors.
Tiwarie’s appointment and trip to China was seen as a slap to the face by supporters of the Coalition Government who took to social media to vent their anger.
Tiwarie, a contractor and businessman who has holdings in quarrying, aviation, real estate and other ventures, was reportedly close to the previous administration, receiving several multi-million dollar contracts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

Bad move by the PNC,if that's the plan AFC should not be part of the Coalition in 2020,Harmon will not be a good leader,he thinks he have too much power.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

Bad move by the PNC,if that's the plan AFC should not be part of the Coalition,Harmon will not be a good leader,he thinks he have too much power.

AFC dead. They can't do shit. The pres(granger) and the super pres(joe h) guh mek dem rass eat dry coconut and dance widout musik. Juss wait and see nah bai!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

Bad move by the PNC,if that's the plan AFC should not be part of the Coalition,Harmon will not be a good leader,he thinks he have too much power.

AFC dead. They can't do shit. The pres(granger) and the super pres(joe h) guh mek dem rass eat dry coconut and dance widout musik. Juss wait and see nah bai!

Skelly don't think so,they aint dead yet the AFC will be around.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

Bad move by the PNC,if that's the plan AFC should not be part of the Coalition,Harmon will not be a good leader,he thinks he have too much power.

AFC dead. They can't do shit. The pres(granger) and the super pres(joe h) guh mek dem rass eat dry coconut and dance widout musik. Juss wait and see nah bai!

Skelly don't think so,they aint dead yet the AFC will be around.

Bhai, I couldn't agree with you more, except just like the UF.


They better check Clinton Williams food bill. That glutton might have had a run of roast pork in Beijing. Last year his meal bills ran up to 5 million dollars charged against t he state.

And that gluttonous way is matched in his underhanded corrupt mind. This fellow, as chairman of GGMC, converted in an underhanded way, some 55 thousand acres of our land to his control. Yet here he is as the face of the nation representing us abroad in the context of optimizing security. The irony is palpable. A point of note...he is a hold over from the PPP. Why the hell is he not sent on leave so we can erase his horribly ugly, gluttonous, crooked visage from our minds!!!!

We are f...cooked. If these are  the faces of our regime on the world stage  and we are on the way to becoming an oil producing state....Nigeria here we come .... we are going to knock you off the world stage as the most f.coooked up nation.


A point of note, Mr London is not included in my rant here. By reputation and deportment he is a good man

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

2020 is too far, there is only so much the coalition can tolerate before it implodes. Another coalition in the making!!!!

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Granger is a one term President. Perhaps he might retire and make room for Harmon to lead in 2020.

See how he stepped in and protected Bhai Shan Lin from getting his vehicles seized. How de raas he gat power to stop GRA? Like Granger is a Kunu Munu?

2020 is too far, there is only so much the coalition can tolerate before it implodes. Another coalition in the making!!!!

KP, that is highly unlikely. Moses and Ramjattan love their big fat salaries and know that the prediction about AFC becoming dead meat is now a reality.

Trotman has morphed into a full blown racist PNC hardcore man.

Guyana is headed once again into a military backed dictatorship.

The AFC and PNC parties are afraid of Harmon. He can do as whatever he pleases to do and even Granger is ready to back him.




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