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May 2 ,2021


Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan on Friday maintained that Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon’s response to the dismissal of the second elections petition filed by APNU+AFC was not an attack on the judiciary.

“It should not be regarded as an attack on the judiciary. Freedom of expression is a hallmark of our democracy, too. Respect for the judiciary yes but freedom of expression as well so no need to exploit the statement from the Leader of the Opposition,” Ramjattan said in response to questions from Stabroek News at a virtual news conference.

Harmon, in rejecting the High Court’s dismissal of Elections Petition 88 of 2020, said the ruling from acting Chief Justice Roxane George was “a clear attempt to protect the installed PPP regime from scrutiny and from being removed from government where they have no right being.”

“This decision is not about justice, this is not about the people of Guyana, this is not about what is right, this is not about democracy, this is not about you. It is about protecting the status quo – no matter how corrupt that status quo is,” the lawyer-turned- politician stated.

While Attorney General Anil Nandlall has called Harmon comments disgraceful, Ramjattan has said the reactions are much ado about nothing.

“We have a right to express our views, sometimes very strongly. It can be sometimes for certain people too strong. I believe that the Leader of the Opposition in exhorting what he felt about the decision is not attacking the judiciary. I heard even worse words being used by [Bharrat] Jagdeo when injunctions were granted in certain matters brought by Miles Fitzpatrick and a battery of Senior Counsel a couple years ago,” he said.

Ramjattan, who is also a lawyer, added that he was certain the Chief Justice is not upset with the statements because every day when she gives decisions a certain party would be vexed with it and utter words.

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