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Harmon’s lawyers threaten KN with libel suit

May 13, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, is deeply disturbed by a series of articles that this newspaper published about his trip to China and his halting of a Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) operation to seize vehicles belonging to Baishanlin.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State,
Joseph Harmon

As a result, the Minister has served the newspaper with an ultimatum — apologise, offer a retraction, and pay a sum of money to the Veterans’ Foundation. Most of these must be done within 24 hours.

Harmon’s lawyer, Roysdale Forde, who was recently appointed head of the Gaming Authority, said that Kaieteur News has libeled his client.
In the letter sent to this newspaper, Forde said that readers of the Kaieteur News would conclude that Harmon knowingly engaged in shady dealings; is unfit to hold Ministerial Office and the Office of the Secretary of the Defence Board; unfit to be Member of Parliament and unfit to hold any other public office. He said that readers would think that Harmon is corrupt, oppressive and dishonest.

Forde said that Harmon has since informed him that the articles published by Kaieteur News are “untrue, false, malicious, and deliberately misleading.”

Forde said that he was instructed by Harmon to demand that Kaieteur News remove all “defamatory” publications from the online archives. Harmon also wants Kaieteur News to publish an unconditional retraction of the “insinuations, allegations and contents of the said publications with equal prominence.”

Further, Harmon wants an “unqualified apology for any harm and/or hurt that the publications may have caused. He is demanding that this be done in 24 hours. Also, the Minister wants Kaieteur News to make a $13M donation to the Veterans’ Foundation.
Forde warned that if Kaieteur News does not comply, he is authorized to “institute legal proceeding forthwith.”


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Harmon demands $13M from KN …for ‘libelous’ articles, newspaper to apologise, retract


By Ravin Singh

MINISTER of State Joseph Harmon is seeking $13M compensation and an apology from Kaieteur News for alleged defamatory statements published in 13 articles, which appeared in the daily newspaper between March and May of 2016.Speaking to the media on Thursday, following the adjournment of the National Assembly, the Minister revealed that a letter was sent to Kaieteur News by his lawyer Roysdale Forde. He disclosed

Adam Harris

Adam Harris

that he is seeking “damages for libel,” which includes an apology, retraction of 13 articles and $1M compensation for each article. The money he said, if successful in his case against the newspaper, will be directed to the Veterans’ Foundation.

Questioned on whether he feels the case will be successful, the Minister related that he is not “dealing with feelings”, but is dealing with facts. His lawyer, Forde, when contacted, confirmed that the letter was indeed sent to the media house, which was asked to issue the apology, retractions and $1M for each of the 13 articles published.

The articles are suspected to be those related to the Minister’s trip to China, a few months ago, which sparked criticisms against him.
Forde was keen to note too, that the financial compensation of $13M would not be for the Minister, but the Veteran’s Foundation. He explained further, that if Kaieteur News was not willing to accede to these “reasonable” requests, then the matter would be taken to court to stand trial. Forde went on to suggest that from that point, the court would make an assessment of the damages, which would incur financial compensation, subject to a decision by the court. He remains hopeful however, that the issue would not go to trial and that it would be resolved “amicably and maturely.”

But Editor-in-Chief of Kaieteur News, Adam Harris, when contacted last evening, told the Guyana Chronicle that the media house was not prepared to compensate the Minister financially. However, Harris revealed that an apology and the retractions are likely to be forthcoming. He reasoned that the leadership of the newspaper is “tempted to agree with him [Harmon]” regarding the headlines in the stories published, and this would be the basis for the apology and retractions.


Is that Harmon and his young chick. Boy, you never know the luck of a lousy cat.  Just a year ago he was catching a minibuis and going home to the old lady. now the man is jetsetting with a cute personal asst!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

De man gat nice taste in women though.  Dem Even gat matching his and hers sunglasses.  Look like that Glen Lall jealous me boy Harmon.  Yugi say money talks and bullshit walks. 

You see how dem chiney man entice de bai? Dem put the chiney gyal over de man head so he muss feel prappa nice. He probably he's got something going for him. Wait until the chinese are ready for him. He rass have to delivah.
Is that Glen Lall? All along I thought that was another PNC negro. Damn! Some coolie black more than blackman.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

De man gat nice taste in women though.  Dem Even gat matching his and hers sunglasses.  Look like that Glen Lall jealous me boy Harmon.  Yugi say money talks and bullshit walks. 

You see how dem chiney man entice de bai? Dem put the chiney gyal over de man head so he muss feel prappa nice. He probably he's got something going for him. Wait until the chinese are ready for him. He rass have to delivah.
Is that Glen Lall? All along I thought that was another PNC negro. Damn! Some coolie black more than blackman.

That is not Glenn Lall in the pic.  Glen Lall is the banna from KN who broke the news when the plane was mid air.  Granger had to call them on the plane before it landed to let them know the cat is out of the bag.  BK was also on the plane with them.



Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

Is that Harmon and his young chick. Boy, you never know the luck of a lousy cat.  Just a year ago he was catching a minibuis and going home to the old lady. now the man is jetsetting with a cute personal asst!

She is not a Personal Asst.  She is an attorney.  De man mek dem coolie bai look stupitttttt deh!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

Horman is like a real thug.

First Freddie got put in his place and now Glen Lalla is feeling the heat.

Let us see if Lalla will fold like cowards Moses, Rumjattan and Freddie.

Or will this kickstart Lalla's vengeance on the incompetent AFC/PNC clowns.

It would be great business for Lalla if he starts to highlight the failures of this clueless administration. Paper sales will increase substantially. 


Last edited by Former Member

Dem should send dem daughters now to take one for the team.  It's not fair that somebody else daughter paying the price.   The PNC boys gat money in dem pocket now.  They can get any woman dem want.

Bibi Haniffa

This is a dangerous path the PNC is taking.  Why are they trying to stifle the media.  They have a right to reply, use it.  Why is Harmon hiding from the media?


Guyana is an extremely open society, by virtue of the number of publications that are circulated — especially on line and how many are controlled by the PPP. There is no doubt about it. 

Our laws grant Mr. Harmon the right to reply if he feel is false or misleading. So why is he not using it?

I am convinced that Kaiteur News will give him front page if he request to reply to their allegations.  But he just blasted wicked, he want to shut up Kaiteuer News because they arew now aware that some US$3 million was deposit in an account in Macau by the players on the plane for one player on that plane.

Them learn well from BJ, the BHIG RAT.

Let them try and shut down Kaiteur News and see what the Americans will do to them rass.

Kaiteur News did the same thing to the PPP and Anil and them rest of Chatree rolled with the punched.  In politics we must have thick skins, not this anti-man attitude of running and hide under the skirt of your lawyers.


Last edited by Former Member

This is funny to watch how dem boys who were dying to get the PNC back in power are now talking "Soo Soo".

They are scared of Horman and can only talk behind his back.

Not one single AFC coward can stand up to Horman.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dem should send dem daughters now to take one for the team.  It's not fair that somebody else daughter paying the price.   The PNC boys gat money in dem pocket now.  They can get any woman dem want.

Good call Bibi. Let us see then step forward and offer up.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dem should send dem daughters now to take one for the team.  It's not fair that somebody else daughter paying the price.   The PNC boys gat money in dem pocket now.  They can get any woman dem want.

Good call Bibi. Let us see then step forward and offer up.

Offer up them first born daughter!  See them buy rope from home depot!

ba$eman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dem should send dem daughters now to take one for the team.  It's not fair that somebody else daughter paying the price.   The PNC boys gat money in dem pocket now.  They can get any woman dem want.

Good call Bibi. Let us see then step forward and offer up.

Offer up them first born daughter!  See them buy rope from home depot!

Nah, dem bais nah racists. Dem ah give freely.

ba$eman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dem should send dem daughters now to take one for the team.  It's not fair that somebody else daughter paying the price.   The PNC boys gat money in dem pocket now.  They can get any woman dem want.

Good call Bibi. Let us see then step forward and offer up.

Offer up them first born daughter!  See them buy rope from home depot!

Dem AFC boys seh dat dem love Blackman but dem not offering up their own.


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