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Former Member

Harmon terminated as Director-General of MotP; earned $900,000 per month plus benefits

Joseph Harmon

Senior Member of the APNU/AFC Coalition Joseph Harmon was earning $900,000 per month plus benefits as Director-General of the Ministry of the Presidency.

The former David Granger Administration had created the post of Director General specifically for Harmon after he was forced to resign as a Member of Parliament and ultimately as the Minister of State in 2019. Harmon had resigned after the courts ruled that dual citizens cannot sit as Members of Parliament.

In addition to his salary, Harmon received a nontaxable duty allowance of $250,000 per month; a nontaxable entertainment allowance of $100,000 per month; a nontaxable maid allowance of $128,400 per month; and a nontaxable gardener allowance of $65,000 per month.

Moreover, his housing, telephone bills, internet bills, electricity bills, and security were paid for by the State. He also received a motorcar and driver provided by the State or duty-free concession of up to 4000cc per three years period.

Harmon was also benefiting from a gratuity of 22.5% of his basic salary every six months.

Harmon has since been informed by the government that his services are no longer required. In a letter, Harmon was informed that “having regard to the nature of the job, which you were engaged to execute, and did in fact execute, it is no longer possible or practical for you to perform those tasks under the new Government”.

Harmon was also reminded of the fact that he was relieved of his job as Director-General of the MotP sometime in April 2020, when he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition’s Covid-19 Task Force.

“Presumably, you accepted that decision, in as much as, you accepted the new assignment in lieu thereof, thereby rendering your removal as Director-General, consensual, and the termination of the attendant contract, mutual,” the letter outlined.

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@Former Member posted:

I wouldn't know that until APNU/AFC file election petition and get a ruling from the court.  

They aren't filing any petition. 11 days are gone and nothing yet. Mingo and Lawrence due in court tomorrow and they hiding from the court.

@Former Member posted:

They aren't filing any petition. 11 days are gone and nothing yet. Mingo and Lawrence due in court tomorrow and they hiding from the court.

Please point me to the link that says they are not filing any petition. 

@Former Member posted:

They aren't filing any petition. 11 days are gone and nothing yet. Mingo and Lawrence due in court tomorrow and they hiding from the court.

Did they receive the court summons? 

@Django posted:

Keynote to these figures is that in 2014 salaries for public servants increased by 13% whereas it increased by 5% for Ministers and the President. What was the increases for these three sectors in 2015 when the Coalition immediately took over?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Keynote to these figures is that in 2014 salaries for public servants increased by 13% whereas it increased by 5% for Ministers and the President. What was the increases for these three sectors in 2015 when the Coalition immediately took over?

Why the diversion from the intent of the information  provided to disprove Billy claim PPP Ministers was earning $300k monthly ?

That's it nothing else.

@Former Member posted:

I wouldn't know that until APNU/AFC file election petition and get a ruling from the court.  

You have a long time to wait.  With all the discrepancies that are surfacing, I doubt whether they would be willing to be grilled in court about their inconsistencies. They risk going to jail if they file an election petition and will have to prove that they didn't try to rig the recount.

Cobra, back to you.

@Django posted:

Why the diversion from the intent of the information  provided to disprove Billy claim PPP Ministers was earning $300k monthly ?

That's it nothing else.

Because the topic of this thread is about Harmon's obscene compensation in particular and the Coalition ministers in general. Since 2006 where there was unreasonable increases in minister and Presidential salaries there was an across the board figure from 2007 thru' 2014 and that changed exponentially and unevenly with the increases in 2015. Do you have any figures on those three sectors when the Coalition took over in 2015? My recollections was that while the Ministers, Prime Minister and President got ridiculous increases the public servants didn't get any or they got a miniscule one.

@Former Member posted:

They never seeing power again. 

I agree. The new generation is not driven by race or religion. They are more driven by fairness and what is right and the PNC display of gross disregard for the constitution and laws since the NCM and perhaps even before that will be foremost on their mind when they vote.

Realistically, the PNC never won an elections. They got through the back door in 1964 and again in 2015. Since 1964 they tried to stay in power through rigging the elections and they tried it again in March but forgot this is not the 70s or 80s.


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