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Jagdeo cannot run the government from Freedom House – Harmon

July 14, 2016 Source

"He [Jagdeo] can't run the government from the opposition, he cant run it from Freedom House. The Government is run from government offices, not from Freedom House," Harmon said.

State Minister Joseph Harmon on Thursday cautioned Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo against accusing the APNU+AFC government of lacking transparency.

The Minister had a stern message for the Opposition Leader in which he informed Jagdeo that he should not attempt to run the affairs of government from the opposition party’s headquarters, commonly referred to as Freedom House.

“He [Jagdeo] can’t run the government from the opposition, he cant run it from Freedom House. The Government is run from government offices, not from Freedom House,” Harmon said.

The Minister was responding to Jagdeo’s calls for the government to place in the public domain, contracts that were signed by the previous People’s Progressive Party goverment.

Some of those very contracts, including the Marriott Hotel, Specialty Hospital and the Amaila Falls Hydro Power were criticized by the APNU+AFC government while it was in opposition and reviews were promised for some of them.

But Jagdeo seems to be odds with Harmon’s statement in which he claimed that some of the contracts could not be released to the public because of confidentiality clauses.

Jagdeo recently contended that nothing could stop the government from releasing the contracts and denied the claim of confidentiality clauses.

“He seems to be having a view on everything now in Guyana, from parking meters to contracts. The point is that the Leader of the Opposition… I don’t know if he has been in opposition too long but he is behaving in a manner that he don’t remember things or the previous administration under Ramotar had him outside.”

Harmon maintained his position and said that some of the contracts had so many confidentiality clauses which were so deeply buried that this government can’t even find them.

Two such contracts are the Specialty Hospital and Amaila Falls Hydro Power project.

“These are two instances and I dare Jagdeo to say otherwise. I don’t want to get into a public battle or a squabble with the Leader of the Opposition he has his job to do but we have a country to run,” Harmon added.

He said Jagdeo must now tell this nation where are the contracts that even the Finance Minister cannot locate.

“Jagdeo must think a little bit more before he speaks. We don’t have anything to hide,” Harmon said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This government needs to move on and stop acting as if Jagdeo is still running the government from Freedom House. 

Instead of blaming and accusing the PPP for every crime against humanity, they need to act competently, identify the problems they find and fix them so that they are not repeated by a future government. Enough with the blame game.  They need to show some initiative.

Does Harmon not realize that Jagdeo is playing the role of the opposition?

Last edited by VishMahabir

PNC lil too dunce to realize anything.  Jagdeo have them on their toes and the spinning like tops!

Imagine, after one year the confidentiality clause so deep they cannot find them.  If them clauses were Pokemon, Harmon would be all over them by now!

Maybe seeing his team too dunce to find clauses, why not just ask Jagdeo weh dem bury, and he can carry on hunting for Pokemon!!

PNC/AFC are comedy Central!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

PNC lil too dunce to realize anything.  Jagdeo have them on their toes and the spinning like tops!

Imagine, after one year the confidentiality clause so deep they cannot find them.  If them clauses were Pokemon, Harmon would be all over them by now!

Maybe seeing his team too dunce to find clauses, why not just ask Jagdeo weh dem bury, and he can carry on hunting for Pokemon!!

PNC/AFC are comedy Central!!

"Harmon maintained his position and said that some of the contracts had so many confidentiality clauses which were so deeply buried that this government can’t even find them.

Two such contracts are the Specialty Hospital and Amaila Falls Hydro Power project.

He said Jagdeo must now tell this nation where are the contracts that even the Finance Minister cannot locate."


How will you find the confidentiality clauses when the contracts can't be found.

Where are the contracts ??


So it took them one year and two months to realize the contracts are missing????  The question should be who was occupying that office for the past year, and who had access to those files during that time.  Someone should check Harmon's backyard to see if they are buried there.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So it took them one year and two months to realize the contracts are missing????  The question should be who was occupying that office for the past year, and who had access to those files during that time.  Someone should check Harmon's backyard to see if they are buried there.

Some one is hiding the contracts,the question is who,is it the previous or the current gov't.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So it took them one year and two months to realize the contracts are missing????  The question should be who was occupying that office for the past year, and who had access to those files during that time.  Someone should check Harmon's backyard to see if they are buried there.

Some one is hiding the contracts,the question is who,is it the previous or the current gov't.

Maybe Joe Wong Ping buried them in his backyard with the $5 mil(USD).

VishMahabir posted:

This government needs to move on and stop acting as if Jagdeo is still running the government from Freedom House. 

Instead of blaming and accusing the PPP for every crime against humanity, they need to act competently, identify the problems they find and fix them so that they are not repeated by a future government. Enough with the blame game.  They need to show some initiative.

Does Harmon not realize that Jagdeo is playing the role of the opposition?

Sir, you may not realize but it is like asking Balgobin to spell wan BIG BIG thing like COW!!  Those incompetent SHIT HEADS are trying BUT it is the BEST they can do!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
ba$eman posted:

If he cannot find the contracts, how does he know of these clauses?  

Meh Belly gun Buss wid Laff for 4 more years!! STUPID AS STUPID GETS WITH PNC AND THEIR GNI SUPPORTERS

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

PNC lil too dunce to realize anything.  Jagdeo have them on their toes and the spinning like tops!

Imagine, after one year the confidentiality clause so deep they cannot find them.  If them clauses were Pokemon, Harmon would be all over them by now!

Maybe seeing his team too dunce to find clauses, why not just ask Jagdeo weh dem bury, and he can carry on hunting for Pokemon!!

PNC/AFC are comedy Central!!

"Harmon maintained his position and said that some of the contracts had so many confidentiality clauses which were so deeply buried that this government can’t even find them.

Two such contracts are the Specialty Hospital and Amaila Falls Hydro Power project.

He said Jagdeo must now tell this nation where are the contracts that even the Finance Minister cannot locate."


How will you find the confidentiality clauses when the contracts can't be found.

Where are the contracts ??

There are ways of doing so by dealing with the beneficiaries who were parties ti the contract. The government can threaten to withhold future deals if contracts are not presented. The government does not exist in a vacuum...contractual partners also have an obligation to come forth since they are dealing with the Government of Guyana (not a PNC or PPP government).

The problem is this government is still in campaign mode and still looking to score is it possible that after a year with all the forensic reports they cant find anything???    

VishMahabir posted:


Does Harmon not realize that Jagdeo is playing the role of the opposition?

This government needs to set the record straight, and not let the PPP lie itself about the mess that they left Guyana in.

If they don't respond then the PPP lie becomes the truth.  The truth that the PPP needs to answer for is the extreme reputation for corruption that they left Guyana in.  The poorest English speaking Caribbean country, with the worst educational system, the highest rates of child labor, the highest levels of poverty, and a reputation as the most corrupt.  And an economy that remained virtually the same as it was at the end of WWII.

Let the PPP stew on that instead of pretending as was well until the population chased them out of office.


Jagdeo Responds to Harmon on Contracts.


While Mr. Harmon has said he is still to set his eyes on the contracts for the Amaila Falls Hydropower project and the Specialty Hospital, in both cases I can prove a different story.
I am reliably informed that the Ramotar Administration gave several briefings to APNU and AFC on the Amaila Falls Hydropower project and most of the technical documents were shared with them in that period.
I am also aware that in the post-election period a CD containing the documents related to the Amaila project was given to a Cabinet sub-committee. It is not my fault if they don’t even know what they have. Mr. Harmon can easily check that CD and find the documents.
On the issue of the Specialty Hospital, how can Mr. Harmon say that he cannot find the contract or the evaluation report for release? It was the same evaluation report that the APNU+AFC Government used to justify their push of Fedders Lloyd as the new contractor, claiming that that company was ranked number two in the evaluation report, a contention that was proven to be inaccurate.
However, I will deal with these issues more comprehensively on my return to Guyana.
It is clear that APNU+AFC is fearful of releasing the evaluation reports and contracts for projects they dubbed corrupt because the Coalition Government would be further exposed for misleading Guyanese on these matters.
At the end of the day, APNU+AFC cannot run from its promise of being transparent and accountable to the Guyanese people.
They have a responsibility to release the evaluation reports and contracts for those projects under the PPP/C they labeled as corrupt.
Furthermore, I saw Mr. Harmon saying I can’t run Government from Freedom House. But at no time would I want to be credited with managing the incompetence that APNU+AFC Government is passing off to the Guyanese people as governing this country. (Bharrat Jagdeo)

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Does Harmon not realize that Jagdeo is playing the role of the opposition?

This government needs to set the record straight, and not let the PPP lie itself about the mess that they left Guyana in.

If they don't respond then the PPP lie becomes the truth.  The truth that the PPP needs to answer for is the extreme reputation for corruption that they left Guyana in.  The poorest English speaking Caribbean country, with the worst educational system, the highest rates of child labor, the highest levels of poverty, and a reputation as the most corrupt.  And an economy that remained virtually the same as it was at the end of WWII.

Let the PPP stew on that instead of pretending as was well until the population chased them out of office.

Listen banna, stick to the contracts for Amelia and the Speciality hospital!  That was the topic at hand!!  Don't go wandering off to Mars and Jupiter!!


Gov’t still in the dark


–about PPP’s multi-billion-dollar contracts

AFTER more than a year in office, the David Granger Administration is still finding it difficult to secure the details of multi-billion-dollar contracts signed under the former Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar administrations.Cabinet Secretary Joseph Harmon said, a few days ago, that this Government is yet to jump the hurdles left by the former administration on the disclosure of details on two controversial projects, namely the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project, and the Specialty Hospital at Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown.

“Certain contracts had such deep confidentiality about (them) that (are) so deeply buried that, until now, we cannot see (them),” Harmon told reporters on Thursday.
He said he was informed by Finance Minister Winston Jordan that the Specialty Hospital contract is still being kept in the dark. The contract was drafted in partnership with the Government of India.

Harmon is accusing Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo of conveniently having amnesia, saying, he is “behaving in a manner as if he (doesn’t) remember things.”

Harmon posited another theory, in that Jagdeo must have been left out of the loop by former President Donald Ramotar, especially where these controversial contracts are concerned.

Harmon expressed concern that the State has poured millions of dollars into the Specialty Hospital contract, but that contract is still out of Government’s view.

Jagdeo, on the other hand, sought to dispel said claims while reiterating his call for the David Granger Administration to “release the evaluation reports and contracts for several projects initiated by the PPP/C governments which they have labelled as corrupt.”

“While Mr. Harmon has said he is still to set his eyes on the contracts for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and the Specialty Hospital, in both cases I can prove a different story,” Jagdeo said in a statement yesterday.

Mr Jagdeo is adamant that the APNU and AFC, when in opposition, were provided with information from the Amaila Falls hydroelectricity project.

Jagdeo said a compact disk (CD) containing those documents was even handed over to the Cabinet sub-committee following the change in government after May 2015.

For his part, Mr Harmon told the media on Thursday: “We were invited to these offices to meetings, and we were told by the [PPP/C] government that these are confidential arrangements,” Mr Harmon said a few days prior to Jagdeo’s statement.

From 2011 to 2015, Mr Harmon served as a parliamentarian for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). The APNU is now the major bloc of the David Granger-led coalition government with the Alliance For Change (AFC).

Harmon told reporters on Thursday that the former President, Jagdeo, should allow the Government to do its work, rather than seek to dictate to the Government from the PPP Freedom House headquarters at Robb Street.

Harmon recalled that after the Government changed, a number of state documents had to be retrieved from private homes of persons close to the former PPP/C government.

That many state documents were not stored in Government offices meant that there were hurdles against the new administration, especially as it related to accessing state information.

“We have to reconstruct in order to understand what the previous administration did,” Harmon said.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  

I thought so too. His composition was concise, fluent and pointed. Cool, Calm and collected. Then you have Harmon's rants in the first post.


How does Harmon reconcile these two? Seems like he doesn't remember either or maybe he feels he doesn't have to.

"He [Jagdeo] can't run the government from the opposition, he cant run it from Freedom House. The Government is run from government offices, not from Freedom House," Harmon said.

State Minister Joseph Harmon on Thursday cautioned Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo against accusing the APNU+AFC government of lacking transparency.

Some of those very contracts, including the Marriott Hotel, Specialty Hospital and the Amaila Falls Hydro Power were criticized by the APNU+AFC government while it was in opposition and reviews were promised for some of them.


ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Does Harmon not realize that Jagdeo is playing the role of the opposition?

This government needs to set the record straight, and not let the PPP lie itself about the mess that they left Guyana in.

If they don't respond then the PPP lie becomes the truth.  The truth that the PPP needs to answer for is the extreme reputation for corruption that they left Guyana in.  The poorest English speaking Caribbean country, with the worst educational system, the highest rates of child labor, the highest levels of poverty, and a reputation as the most corrupt.  And an economy that remained virtually the same as it was at the end of WWII.

Let the PPP stew on that instead of pretending as was well until the population chased them out of office.

Listen banna, stick to the contracts for Amelia and the Speciality hospital!  That was the topic at hand!!  Don't go wandering off to Mars and Jupiter!!

Bhai, stupid as Stupid gets, he cant help it.

Last edited by Nehru
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  He needs to spend more time responding to his critics by writing aside from holding press conferences.  

Jagdeo  said that the provided a CD. He didn't say what the contents of the CD were.

So his response only pleases his disciples.

ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  

I thought so too. His composition was concise, fluent and pointed. Cool, Calm and collected. Then you have Harmon's rants in the first post.

And said nothing.  All he said was that information was provided. He didn't reveal the contents.  The CDs that he rambles about could have been filled with nonsense.

ksazma posted:

How does Harmon reconcile these two? Seems like he doesn't remember either or maybe he feels he doesn't have to.

"He [Jagdeo] can't run the government from the opposition, he cant run it from Freedom House. The Government is run from government offices, not from Freedom House," Harmon said.

State Minister Joseph Harmon on Thursday cautioned Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo against accusing the APNU+AFC government of lacking transparency.

Some of those very contracts, including the Marriott Hotel, Specialty Hospital and the Amaila Falls Hydro Power were criticized by the APNU+AFC government while it was in opposition and reviews were promised for some of them.


Two thieves, Harmon and Jagdeo having a squabble.

So what.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  He needs to spend more time responding to his critics by writing aside from holding press conferences.  

Jagdeo  said that the provided a CD. He didn't say what the contents of the CD were.

So his response only pleases his disciples.

Caribj, stop playing da fool.  If the then opposition did not receive a full briefing and documentation, would this have not been their stated reason for not supporting the project?  Give me a break, you have no shame what so ever.  I know you know this, but you pretending otherwise.

I will ask Ms Haniffa to give you two slap, you gone off wandering again!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

How Harmon became a Lawyer,every time he opens his mouth is sheer nonsense he talks,Granger need to fire him.

I met a school teacher at a reunion in N.Y yesterday,while having a conversation he mentioned Harmon was one his students and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This gov't got some Lagu Bagu hope Pesi Granger should revisit some of the fellas and do a lil shake up.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Django posted:

How Harmon became a Lawyer,every time he opens his mouth is sheer nonsense he talks,Granger need to fire him.

I met a school teacher at a reunion in N.Y yesterday,while having a conversation he mentioned Harmon was one his students and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This gov't got some Lagu Bagu hope Pesi Granger revisit some of the fellas and do a lil shake up.

Granger needs shake up himself, together with a Bell to wake him up every hour on the hour!!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  He needs to spend more time responding to his critics by writing aside from holding press conferences.  

Jagdeo  said that the provided a CD. He didn't say what the contents of the CD were.

So his response only pleases his disciples.

Caribj, stop playing da fool.  If the then opposition did not receive a full briefing and documentation, would this have not been their stated reason for not supporting the project?  Give me a break, you have no shame what so ever.  I know you know this, but you pretending otherwise.

I will ask Ms Haniffa to give you two slap, you gone off wandering again!

Any ideas where the does store the Gov't contracts ??

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  He needs to spend more time responding to his critics by writing aside from holding press conferences.  

Jagdeo  said that the provided a CD. He didn't say what the contents of the CD were.

So his response only pleases his disciples.

Caribj, stop playing da fool.  If the then opposition did not receive a full briefing and documentation, would this have not been their stated reason for not supporting the project?  Give me a break, you have no shame what so ever.  I know you know this, but you pretending otherwise.

I will ask Ms Haniffa to give you two slap, you gone off wandering again!

Any ideas where the does store the Gov't contracts ??

You should Joe WonG Ping where he buried the $5 mil(USD) and you will figure where the contracts are stored.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Django posted:

How Harmon became a Lawyer,every time he opens his mouth is sheer nonsense he talks,Granger need to fire him.

I met a school teacher at a reunion in N.Y yesterday,while having a conversation he mentioned Harmon was one his students and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This gov't got some Lagu Bagu hope Pesi Granger revisit some of the fellas and do a lil shake up.

Granger needs shake up himself, together with aBell to wake him up every hour on the hour!!!

Stabroek Market Bell can do the job,wondering if it working.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo's response was excellent.  

I thought so too. His composition was concise, fluent and pointed. Cool, Calm and collected. Then you have Harmon's rants in the first post.

And said nothing.  All he said was that information was provided. He didn't reveal the contents.  The CDs that he rambles about could have been filled with nonsense.

Hopefully you are not neglecting the fact that someone from the PPP government can release the contract but since it is this government which accused the PPP of corruption, he was right to ask them to produce their proof. But instead of happily doing so, Harmon chose to make an idiotic excuse.

Therefore he said everything pertaining to this matter and he did it coherently. Then you have the complete opposite of coherence from Harmon.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Django posted:

How Harmon became a Lawyer,every time he opens his mouth is sheer nonsense he talks,Granger need to fire him.

I met a school teacher at a reunion in N.Y yesterday,while having a conversation he mentioned Harmon was one his students and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This gov't got some Lagu Bagu hope Pesi Granger should revisit some of the fellas and do a lil shake up.

Unfortunately President Granger is a no show in the department of President. He can only do what Harmon tells him to do.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Django posted:

How Harmon became a Lawyer,every time he opens his mouth is sheer nonsense he talks,Granger need to fire him.

I met a school teacher at a reunion in N.Y yesterday,while having a conversation he mentioned Harmon was one his students and wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This gov't got some Lagu Bagu hope Pesi Granger should revisit some of the fellas and do a lil shake up.

Unfortunately President Granger is a no show in the department of President. He can only do what Harmon tells him to do.

Correction! Joe Wong Ping. He wants to be like the prez. De man want wan chiney ting now. De prez must have enlighten de man on dem chiney and chiney blush.

ksazma posted:

Unfortunately President Granger is a no show in the department of President. He can only do what Harmon tells him to do.

Joseph Harmon, the supreme boss of David Granger.


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