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No show...

Where is the PPP????


President David Granger
President David Granger

Granger issues

stern warning to race-baiters â€Ķ

says offenders will

face full brunt of the law


President David Granger said his administration

will not go soft on peddlers of racial hatred and division,

declaring that the laws

will be robustly enforced against them.


The President made the announcement on Thursday

at the opening of

the social cohesion round-table discussion

at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre.


“We will enforce the existing laws

against racism more vigorously



and vigilantly guard

against bad elements

who foment social and racial strife,”

President Granger said

as he outlined government’s plans

to build a united Guyana.


A criminal charge

has been filed against former President Bharrat Jagdeo

for comments he made

during a political rally at Babu Jaan, Region 6,

during the recently concluded

General and Regional Elections.


The former President at that rally had said

“â€Ķ but they consistently,

they shout about racism of the PPP,

but they practise racism......

They whisper campaigns.

In the last elections

they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages

and beat some drums at 6 o’clock in the morning

and say let us throw out these coolie people.


Get up, go out and vote,

throw out the coolie people.

That’s the kind of language they use.


Anybody from our party

who uses that sort of language,

we will kick them out.



This is our approach.”


The private criminal charge

was filed by Attorney-at-Law and

prominent Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram.


Jagdeo was forced

to make an appearance at the Whim Magistrate’s Court

where the charge of was read to him

by Magistrate Charlyn Artiga.


The former President has contended

that the charge against him is politically-motivated

and has since moved through his Attorneys-at-Law

to challenge it in the High Court.


No show...

Where is the PPP????

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)

was a no-show

at the opening of the social cohesion

round-table discussion

at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre.


The PPP/C had described the round-table as

a “merely window dressing”

and said it would not participate since many of its supporters or persons perceived to be its supporters

have been dismissed

since the new government assumed office.


The PPP/C has called the situation a witch-hunt,

but President David Granger yesterday

said that is not so,

as there are valid reason

for all the dismissals.


The dismissals are reportedly linked

to the disappearance of funds

and other malpractices.


Meanwhile, the international community

has commended the round-table discussion

with British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn

expressing high optimism that it will be a success,

though not overnight.


He said

for Guyana to develop and prosper,

social cohesion is necessary,

and the round-table discussion

is a step in the right direction.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


No show...

Where is the PPP????


President David Granger
President David Granger

Granger issues

stern warning to race-baiters â€Ķ

says offenders will

face full brunt of the law


President David Granger said his administration

will not go soft on peddlers of racial hatred and division,

declaring that the laws

will be robustly enforced against them.


The President made the announcement on Thursday

at the opening of

the social cohesion round-table discussion

at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre.


“We will enforce the existing laws

against racism more vigorously



and vigilantly guard

against bad elements

who foment social and racial strife,”

President Granger said

as he outlined government’s plans

to build a united Guyana.


A criminal charge

has been filed against former President Bharrat Jagdeo

for comments he made

during a political rally at Babu Jaan, Region 6,

during the recently concluded

General and Regional Elections.


The former President at that rally had said

“â€Ķ but they consistently,

they shout about racism of the PPP,

but they practise racism......

They whisper campaigns.

In the last elections

they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages

and beat some drums at 6 o’clock in the morning

and say let us throw out these coolie people.


Get up, go out and vote,

throw out the coolie people.

That’s the kind of language they use.


Anybody from our party

who uses that sort of language,

we will kick them out.



This is our approach.”


The private criminal charge

was filed by Attorney-at-Law and

prominent Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram.


Jagdeo was forced

to make an appearance at the Whim Magistrate’s Court

where the charge of was read to him

by Magistrate Charlyn Artiga.


The former President has contended

that the charge against him is politically-motivated

and has since moved through his Attorneys-at-Law

to challenge it in the High Court.


No show...

Where is the PPP????

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)

was a no-show

at the opening of the social cohesion

round-table discussion

at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre.


The PPP/C had described the round-table as

a “merely window dressing”

and said it would not participate since many of its supporters or persons perceived to be its supporters

have been dismissed

since the new government assumed office.


The PPP/C has called the situation a witch-hunt,

but President David Granger yesterday

said that is not so,

as there are valid reason

for all the dismissals.


The dismissals are reportedly linked

to the disappearance of funds

and other malpractices.


Meanwhile, the international community

has commended the round-table discussion

with British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn

expressing high optimism that it will be a success,

though not overnight.


He said

for Guyana to develop and prosper,

social cohesion is necessary,

and the round-table discussion

is a step in the right direction.

Why the heck you have to make posts like these that are zig zag...its making me dizzy.


Racists should have presented their views at the Round Table conference.


Amna Ally needs to hear from those who endured racism-black and Indian.


Was there any presentation by Hamilton Green and Kit Nascimento? 


President Granger was in the army at the height of racial violence.


Three men in the eye of the violent storms of Guyana. 


They should be made to reveal their part in division of the country on racial lines.


It wasn't the British as Nascimento wants to portray-it was the UF that empowered the PNC. Did the UF cared enough about the East Indian-I doan think so.



Originally Posted by seignet:

Racists should have presented their views at the Round Table conference.


Amna Ally needs to hear from those who endured racism-black and Indian.


Was there any presentation by Hamilton Green and Kit Nascimento? 


President Granger was in the army at the height of racial violence.


Three men in the eye of the violent storms of Guyana. 


They should be made to reveal their part in division of the country on racial lines.


It wasn't the British as Nascimento wants to portray-it was the UF that empowered the PNC. Did the UF cared enough about the East Indian-I doan think so.



You are a real joke.  So why not query the people who have caused blacks to endure racism?


Your usual "black man a kill poor me coolie" is quite obvious.


Harris is a genius: Where is Moses?

I may not have much of an understanding of satirical rhetoric, but what the baxide is the "Where is Moses?" question? Did Moses suddenly go into hiding on the question of what Amna Ally is the face of? Harris's cartoon and Aman's carrying the social cohesion brunt looks like a meaningless exercise.


So what gives TK?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Racists should have presented their views at the Round Table conference.


Amna Ally needs to hear from those who endured racism-black and Indian.


Was there any presentation by Hamilton Green and Kit Nascimento? 


President Granger was in the army at the height of racial violence.


Three men in the eye of the violent storms of Guyana. 


They should be made to reveal their part in division of the country on racial lines.


It wasn't the British as Nascimento wants to portray-it was the UF that empowered the PNC. Did the UF cared enough about the East Indian-I doan think so.



You are a real joke.  So why not query the people who have caused blacks to endure racism?


Your usual "black man a kill poor me coolie" is quite obvious.

Blacks never endured racism under the Indians, but under the Portuguese they lost all their gains after emancipation. Then they turn around and fabricated incidents of Indian racism.


Burnham tried to marginalize Indoes, now Granger wants to erase those memories.


The man worships Forbes. 


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Racists should have presented their views at the Round Table conference.


Amna Ally needs to hear from those who endured racism-black and Indian.


Was there any presentation by Hamilton Green and Kit Nascimento? 


President Granger was in the army at the height of racial violence.


Three men in the eye of the violent storms of Guyana. 


They should be made to reveal their part in division of the country on racial lines.


It wasn't the British as Nascimento wants to portray-it was the UF that empowered the PNC. Did the UF cared enough about the East Indian-I doan think so.



You are a real joke.  So why not query the people who have caused blacks to endure racism?


Your usual "black man a kill poor me coolie" is quite obvious.

Blacks never endured racism under the Indians, but under the Portuguese they lost all their gains after emancipation. Then they turn around and fabricated incidents of Indian racism.


Burnham tried to marginalize Indoes, now Granger wants to erase those memories.


The man worships Forbes. 


Preach the gOSPEL tRUTH BROTHER, PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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