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@Rochelle posted:

...the silence of Jagdeo these past few days?

Do note he isn't currently in Guyana while the country burns.

That's all I can say for now.

First, Claudette Singh hospitalized. Now, Jagdeo isn't in the country. No news media in Guyana reported these newsworthy events. But we can read all about it in this Forum. Hmmm....

@Former Member posted:

He set up thugs to do it, disappeared, then will declare the country is in a state of emergency from PNC thuggery, and try to get foreign leaders to force PNC to hand over the country to PPP? 

Foreign Leaders knew PPP won since March. 😃😃 I must congratulate you for imagining things.  You PNC folks are running crazy.

Last edited by alena06
@Rochelle posted:

...the silence of Jagdeo these past few days?

Do note he isn't currently in Guyana while the country burns.

That's all I can say for now.

@Former Member posted:

First, Claudette Singh hospitalized. Now, Jagdeo isn't in the country. No news media in Guyana reported these newsworthy events. But we can read all about it in this Forum. Hmmm....

Dee news, dee news, deee neeewwws, ...

... by an esteemed member of GCDF/GNI 

@Former Member posted:

Dee news, dee news, deee neeewwws, ...

... by an esteemed member of GCDF/GNI 

@Former Member posted:

Aren't you News Editor here?

You can vet for accuracy.

Our Editor-in-chief discourages conjectures. 🙂

The author of the said news can verify the information with appropriate reference sources.

If none is provided; it will be considered as an individual's view.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

First, Claudette Singh hospitalized. Now, Jagdeo isn't in the country. No news media in Guyana reported these newsworthy events. But we can read all about it in this Forum. Hmmm....

Why would the media outlet speak of his whereabouts? And isn't this the same media outlets he owns or has influence over?

The man is out of the country and was apparently in possession of items that needed to be declared.  

He appears to think he is above the law. 

@Rochelle posted:

Why would the media outlet speak of his whereabouts? And isn't this the same media outlets he owns or has influence over?

The man is out of the country and was apparently in possession of items that needed to be declared.  

He appears to think he is above the law. 

If the man is out of the country, why does he need to declare anything.  Schuppps 

@Abu Jihad posted:

And you are a lawyer, must have graduated from Basil Williams School of law.

A Custom declaration is made upon return, not while you are away, please re-read your statements.

You lack basic grammar skills.

If anyone who has traveled will know, customs declaration is completed BEFORE you land in a new country. You must declare what you bring into a country if it is at or above a certain threshhold.

It is alleged that Jagdeo and his entourage were attempting to bring in a large quantity of a particular natural resource into Trinidad without the proper vetting. Local and international enforcement are now involved as this could be considered smuggling.

Ever wonder why he and his cohort remain silent with everything going on in Guyana, especially at such a critical time?

I rest my case. 


@Abu Jihad posted:

You lack clarity in your knowledge if the law.

A customs declaration is made upon arrival, not before you arrive.  You can fill your declaration prior to arrival.


You proved my point and just contradicted yourself in your two sentences. 

Isn't "before your arrive" the same as "prior to arrival" ?

Ah gone.


Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

You proved my point and just contradicted yourself in your two sentences. 

Isn't "before your arrive" the same as "prior to arrival" ?

Ah gone.


You are now the official fake news contributor on the forum. Nothing you have said in these past few days makes any sense. Dr. Jagdeo is making a lot of folks in coalition camp go crazy. They have changed their narrative from dead and migrant voters and the need for credibility to the newly found votes that Lowenfield discovered when he was concocting his report. The man is going crazy, he cannot make up his mind. The coalition agree with all of his reports. The entire rigging cabal and their supporters will pay a heavy price for this rigging attempt.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

You are now the official fake news contributor on the forum. Nothing you have said in these past few days makes any sense. Dr. Jagdeo is making a lot of folks in coalition camp go crazy. They have changed their narrative from dead and migrant voters and the need for credibility to the newly found votes that Lowenfield discovered when he was concocting his report. The man is going crazy, he cannot make up his mind. The coalition agree with all of his reports. The entire rigging cabal and their supporters will pay a heavy price for this rigging attempt.

Long Live Democracy.

I have been reading all your posts which I find most interesting. No nonsense. Straight and level. My question to u now is, based on Lowenfield s report do u think that Granger would be sworn in amid all the allegations of fictitious numbers that are being touted?

Your honest opinion .

@Rochelle posted:

You proved my point and just contradicted yourself in your two sentences. 

Isn't "before your arrive" the same as "prior to arrival" ?

Ah gone.


GM Dawling. How was your night?  hope you had a good rest.

I believe you two are saying the same thing.  You must do the paperwork ahead, the declaration is at the time.  Semantics.

Is like the elections, the paperwork (tabulation) is complete, now it’s for Madam Chair to make the Declaration.   The only problem, Lowenfield keeps changing numbers so Madam Chair keep sending him back.  And this is not semantic.

@Former Member posted:

GM Dawling. How was your night?  hope you had a good rest.

I believe you two are saying the same thing.  You must do the paperwork ahead, the declaration is at the time.  Semantics.

Is like the elections, the paperwork (tabulation) is complete, now it’s for Madam Chair to make the Declaration.   The only problem, Lowenfield keeps changing numbers so Madam Chair keep sending him back.  And this is not semantic.

When did Madam Chair ever send Lowenfield back?

@Ramakant-P posted:

A former President has duty free concessions and also has diplomatic immunity. Goods that are in transit are not checked in a foreign country.

Duty free concessions and diplomatic immunity need not apply to those who are not CURRENT sitting Presidents. Besides, since when is it okay for any former President to be breaking laws under the guise of diplomatic immunity? 

What may be allowed in Guyana is not allowed in other people yard. 

@Rochelle posted:

Duty free concessions and diplomatic immunity need not apply to those who are not CURRENT sitting Presidents. Besides, since when is it okay for any former President to be breaking laws under the guise of diplomatic immunity? 

What may be allowed in Guyana is not allowed in other people yard. 

You should give that advise to the pnc cabal. Y’all could swear in Grainger but only in Guyana y’all could be true barbarians, them trinis and Bajans and the rest of the civilize world ain’t gona tolerate no one suffering from riggeritist in their backyard...

Last edited by sachin_05
@Sheik101 posted:

I have been reading all your posts which I find most interesting. No nonsense. Straight and level. My question to u now is, based on Lowenfield s report do u think that Granger would be sworn in amid all the allegations of fictitious numbers that are being touted?

Your honest opinion .

I am not the Chairwoman and I do not know what’s on mind. Based on what I have observed to date, she should dismiss Lowenfield and appoint an acting CEO who in turn will compile a report based on the Certificates of Recount. If she does otherwise she knows she will be facing the Chief Justice to whom she indicated that GECOM will do a recount. 

The struggle continues. The will of the people must prevail.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

Duty free concessions and diplomatic immunity need not apply to those who are not CURRENT sitting Presidents. Besides, since when is it okay for any former President to be breaking laws under the guise of diplomatic immunity? 

What may be allowed in Guyana is not allowed in other people yard. 

"need not apply"?  Speak about things you know about not what you think it should be. You may be a lawyer in NY but you are not one on this Forum.  Where is your proof that the former President broke the law?

Is it Ok for Granger to break the law and ordered others to do it?

@Rochelle posted:

If anyone who has traveled will know, customs declaration is completed BEFORE you land in a new country. You must declare what you bring into a country if it is at or above a certain threshhold.

It is alleged that Jagdeo and his entourage were attempting to bring in a large quantity of a particular natural resource into Trinidad without the proper vetting. Local and international enforcement are now involved as this could be considered smuggling.

Ever wonder why he and his cohort remain silent with everything going on in Guyana, especially at such a critical time?

I rest my case. 


Sophia Graduate, how can the customs know what you are bringing? They only know after they see your declaration, you know, like the one they give you on the plane.
Pure adulterated hogwash with your allegations. Some kind of educated attorney. Was Basil Williams your only instructor?

@kp posted:

Rochelle is allowed to post FAKE news. First ,she stated that the Chair lady is in hospital then also stated that Jagdeo is out of the country carrying documents and other stuff. Well, both are lies. She had no proof of her statements, I guess we can all post blatant lies and walk Scotch Free.

No one asks ‘lt’ to post the source of it’s articles. The rest of us gets called out if we do.  Bibi clearly called it out to be a LIAR.


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