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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I hope the APNU retains power if they make Jagdeo their leader.  The party will have brawn(Granger) and brains(Jagdeo). 

Guysuco.  Intelligence. Making the rice industry dependent on Venezuela. intelligence.


No wonder we had to run you off GNI a few years ago because of how stupid you are.  You left weeping about how badly we treated you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Delusion abounds here.

You mean the notion that the PPP can call itself a "coolie party", alienate the African, and rapidly growing mixed vote, and win?


They tried this and lost, and this when they still had the ability to bribe the Amerindian vote.


5 years from now, with fewer goodies to spread in Amerindian areas, with Amerindians seeing that black people didn't kill them off, as the PPP predicted that they would, and with a smaller voting age Indian population, the terrain will be much harsher for the PPP than it is now.


Only two things will change this.


1.  The PPP reinventing itself and embracing a multi ethnic identity (not possible as its support base in notably ethnically exclusive, and "don't play well with others".




2. APNU/AFC are so incompetent that they truly mess up and become bitter enemies.



Given that the first outcome is impossible, I know that you hope for the second.


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