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Former Member

Ever since the 2011 elections i've noted the disappearance of the AFC's Dr Tarron Khemraj. The PNC's Carl Greenidge seems so have assumed his role.

I have also noted the presence of Gerhard Ramsaroop on the Budget talks committee. Shouldn't it have been the person who coined the much touted AFC 'Economic Plan'? Where is TK and why has he been replaced by Greenidge?


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That boy TK had big aspirations only to be deflated after the less than stellar showing by the AFC. His motives were suspect as I noted before. If he was serious about caring about Guyana he would have stuck it out for the next 6 years like Gmoney down in the trenches. That boy now return to his cushy professor job in Florida, it was always his backup as he was never fully committed.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy TK had big aspirations only to be deflated after the less than stellar showing by the AFC. His motives were suspect as I noted before.

If he was serious about caring about Guyana he would have stuck it out for the next 6 years like Gmoney down in the trenches.


That boy now return to his cushy professor job in Florida, it was always his backup as he was never fully committed.  

It is commendable that Gerhard Ramsaroop is indeed commited to his initiatives and has stuck with his goals.


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