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Former Member

It is almost impossible to tell that former AFC executive member Dr Tarron Khemraj has switched allegiances to the PNC's APNU judging from his daily defense of the AFC against criticisms in several Facebook groups. Apart from his frequent shifting of political allegiances, Khemraj is being criticized for his almost robot like defense of his former party. Posters have said that despite moving on to the PNC's APNU Khemraj's heart lies with the AFC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


*Right now there is a 95% probability AFC will join the APNU umbrella prior to the next election.


* The blacks in the AFC are hell bent on joining APNU.


* Moses was the stumbling block---but he is now coming around.


* When AFC joins APNU---Roopnarine will be discarded as the PM candidate and either Moses or Ramjattan will replace Roopnarine.


* the PNC is not sure Granger should be the presidential candidate in the next election----he is seen as a loser.







APNU knows it cannot defeat the PPP without the AFC----and the AFC given their current chaos---they are starting to welcome a coalition with APNU.





Originally Posted by Rev:


*Right now there is a 95% probability AFC will join the APNU umbrella prior to the next election.


* The blacks in the AFC are hell bent on joining APNU.


* Moses was the stumbling block---but he is now coming around.


* When AFC joins APNU---Roopnarine will be discarded as the PM candidate and either Moses or Ramjattan will replace Roopnarine.


* the PNC is not sure Granger should be the presidential candidate in the next election----he is seen as a loser.







APNU knows it cannot defeat the PPP without the AFC----and the AFC given their current chaos---they are starting to welcome a coalition with APNU.





I agree with you Rev.  Moses is a wondering soul and will do what he thinks is best for him and his Family.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is finished, their goons are desperately fighting this truth...

* You guys in the PPP better get your friggin act together---it was your complacency in the last election that cost you the majority.


* And I am still seeing that complacency from the PPP.


* Anyway, I notice the PPP is paying some attention to region 6---but more attention should be paid.


* And you need to ensure you don't lose region 8 in the next election.




Stop this nonsense about the AFC is finished---you know the PPP is scared about the AFC/APNU coalition.




The AFC is shooting themselves in their feet, there were a combination of factors why the PPP  lost the majority, besides complacency, GECOM also played a role, votes from 19 polling stations in PPP/C strongholds were not counted, had there been a rec-count, the PPP/C would have secure a majority, the minority status of the PPP/C is a test for the party to get back to the grass root and fixed their acts, and guard against incumbency fatigue,  the joint opposition are cognizant of this fact, and would never past a vote of no confidence as the PPP. The PPP/C it seems are feverishly doing its homework, and appears to be the single party in the best position to win the next elections.


Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 So(TK) now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

* TK is an opportunist but he is not stupid.


* He knows APNU has zero chance of winning the presidency unless they form a coalition with the AFC.


* And with the current chaos in the AFC---they are now amenable to forming a coalition with APNU.


* AFC and APNU are talking about the coalition behind the scene.




The PPP will still win but they better not be complacent and they better pay attention to region 6 and region 8----that's where the missing seats are.




I'm of the opinion enough PR work wasn't done in those stated regions by the PPP, as a result the constituents took a lot for granted, and was reluctant to go the the palces of poll, they where of the illusion "awe win already" and was shocked when the results were annouced, many where beating their chest will others bend the heads in aweful sorrow, while saying "if a ben know, a woulda go and vote". The next elections as stated an an earlier post, the PPP will get back to the grass root, and recover from complacency and incumbency fatigue.


Rev .....Robert admit the PPP

 lost the majority at the last election.

He further say the PPP is losing Support every day.

And you agree with Robert.

Rev say.....Who Vex....Vex.


Now where this Councie fella come from

is where aya find eee

all ee doing is

being a Super-sucker fuh Kwame....


Like Councie get eee name

because the thing eee eat...

Rev....Look what eee love eating...

 As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


he cannot be a straight-up man

like de rev

he like a Vacuum

hook up to Kwame batty....

As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm of the opinion enough PR work wasn't done in those stated regions by the PPP, as a result the constituents took a lot for granted, and was reluctant to go the the palces of poll, they where of the illusion "awe win already" and was shocked when the results were annouced, many where beating their chest will others bend the heads in aweful sorrow, while saying "if a ben know, a woulda go and vote". The next elections as stated an an earlier post, the PPP will get back to the grass root, and recover from complacency and incumbency fatigue.

This is not a problem of complacency, it was the Moses effect as well as Blacks fleeing the AFC and going back home to the PNC. There will always be a % of potential voters who don't exercise their franchise. If you do a 2006 to 2011 comparison you will see that the numbers of total voters remained the same in the PPP strongholds. In fact the total turnout of eligible voters for 2011 was 72% compared to 68% in 2006. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm of the opinion enough PR work wasn't done in those stated regions by the PPP, as a result the constituents took a lot for granted, and was reluctant to go the the palces of poll, they where of the illusion "awe win already" and was shocked when the results were annouced, many where beating their chest will others bend the heads in aweful sorrow, while saying "if a ben know, a woulda go and vote". The next elections as stated an an earlier post, the PPP will get back to the grass root, and recover from complacency and incumbency fatigue.

This is not a problem of complacency, it was the Moses effect as well as Blacks fleeing the AFC and going back home to the PNC. There will always be a % of potential voters who don't exercise their franchise. If you do a 2006 to 2011 comparison you will see that the numbers of total voters remained the same in the PPP strongholds. In fact the total turnout of eligible voters for 2011 was 72% compared to 68% in 2006. 

Pooooo Councie.....

is everyone slaping eeee rass up


Look Big Seed also

put some good slap pon eee

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev .....Robert admit the PPP

 lost the majority at the last election.

He further say the PPP is losing Support every day.

And you agree with Robert.

Rev say.....Who Vex....Vex.





That dunce Robert Persaud was in charge of strategizing in the 2011 election---getting out the votes---he failed miserably---the PPP lost their majority---he should stop the friggin whining and complaining and the PPP ought to be putting plans in place to regain the majority.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is not a problem of complacency, it was the Moses effect as well as Blacks fleeing the AFC and going back home to the PNC.

Excellent point BG!


By the way Bgurd, you notice there is no vulgarity on the forum today--looks like amral/admin sent the nasty and vulgar Mitwah to the doghouse---and who knows---maybe that sexual deviant redux was also given a time out.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is finished, their goons are desperately fighting this truth...

* You guys in the PPP better get your friggin act together---it was your complacency in the last election that cost you the majority.


* And I am still seeing that complacency from the PPP.


* Anyway, I notice the PPP is paying some attention to region 6---but more attention should be paid.


* And you need to ensure you don't lose region 8 in the next election.




Stop this nonsense about the AFC is finished---you know the PPP is scared about the AFC/APNU coalition.




Good point Rev. The PPP needs to take care of home base and stop this nonsense that the AFC is finished. The AFC is like a wounded lion and will take drastic steps to take revenge on the PPP. The PPP must take care of home base and do so quickly.



Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev .....Robert admit the PPP

 lost the majority at the last election.

He further say the PPP is losing Support every day.

And you agree with Robert.

Rev say.....Who Vex....Vex.


Now where this Councie fella come from

is where aya find eee

all ee doing is

being a Super-sucker fuh Kwame....


Like Councie get eee name

because the thing eee eat...

Rev....Look what eee love eating...

 As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


he cannot be a straight-up man

like de rev

he like a Vacuum

hook up to Kwame batty....

As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex



Looks like Jalil needs to go in the doghouse with the rest of the nasty and vulgar posters. We need to lift standards on this BB and Jalil is taking us backwards. His posts are childish in nature and does not set the tone for an interesting debate.


Jalil Bhai, you sound like a broken record. Time to shift gears.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Mr TK is an opportunist? Are you mad? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Mr TK is an opportunist? Are you mad? 


Let us examine TK's track record:


Party Hopper:

ROAR now the dead party



and Now PNC


What kind of track record is that ? He is unstable and craves attention but is a complete failure. The Grasshopper record speaks for itself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Mr TK is an opportunist? Are you mad? 


Let us examine TK's track record:


Party Hopper:

ROAR now the dead party



and Now PNC


What kind of track record is that ? He is unstable and craves attention but is a complete failure. The Grasshopper record speaks for itself.

 It appears like he gives you sleepless nights? Are you scared? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Mr TK is an opportunist? Are you mad? 


Let us examine TK's track record:


Party Hopper:

ROAR now the dead party



and Now PNC


What kind of track record is that ? He is unstable and craves attention but is a complete failure. The Grasshopper record speaks for itself.

 It appears like he gives you sleepless nights? Are you scared? 


I am not scared of a grasshopper.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Opportunists grasshoppers like TK will go where they feel lies the best opportunities regardless of the conflicts with fundamental beliefs. He tried the PPP but was not offered a place at the soup table, disenchanted, he hung in with the AFC for 5+ years but was passed over for a seat in parliament. So now he is trying the PNC where already they tell him that if he don't bring votes he is useless to them. 

Mr TK is an opportunist? Are you mad? 


Let us examine TK's track record:


Party Hopper:

ROAR now the dead party



and Now PNC


What kind of track record is that ? He is unstable and craves attention but is a complete failure. The Grasshopper record speaks for itself.

 It appears like he gives you sleepless nights? Are you scared? 


I am not scared of a grasshopper.

 I would think otherwise! 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev .....Robert admit the PPP

 lost the majority at the last election.

He further say the PPP is losing Support every day.

And you agree with Robert.

Rev say.....Who Vex....Vex.


Now where this Councie fella come from

is where aya find eee

all ee doing is

being a Super-sucker fuh Kwame....


Like Councie get eee name

because the thing eee eat...

Rev....Look what eee love eating...

 As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


he cannot be a straight-up man

like de rev

he like a Vacuum

hook up to Kwame batty....

As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex



Looks like Jalil needs to go in the doghouse with the rest of the nasty and vulgar posters. We need to lift standards on this BB and Jalil is taking us backwards. His posts are childish in nature and does not set the tone for an interesting debate.


Jalil Bhai, you sound like a broken record. Time to shift gears.

De Rev say he is a

Honorable & Decent Man.....
Rev be careful how yuh bending over...

look like Ewe-gee is a Supper Sucker like Councie

Both ah dem like eating Backside...

As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


Rev.....Ewe-Gee, Kwame & Councie

are all Hindus

Dem not like Abee....


As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

Rev and Yuji are envious, bitter and stupid. 





May god bless you with a nice, decent, respectable, industrious black man as your husband. You deserve the best Guyana has to offer.


Rev you recommend any of those House Of Israel PPP Hindus like Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe, Ewe-gee, Councie or Kwame.

Originally Posted by Jalil: you recommend any of those House Of Israel PPP Hindus like Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe, Councie or Kwame.



Read and learn the philosophy of Barath and Donald:



Scoundrels and dirtbags like Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe---they will never be trusted---and eventually they will be pushed---but politically it made sense for the PPP to accommodate them in the Civic.


READ THAT STATEMENT AGAIN---Keep your enemies closer---then push them later.




De Rev say he is a

Honorable & Decent Man.....


As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex


REV already throw

Ewe-gee & Counce off the Cliff



do you recommend any of those

House Of Israel PPP Hindus like

Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe,

Ewe-gee, Councie or Kwame.


 As the Rev say....Who Vex....Vex

Rev already throw two Crooks off the cliff

Last edited by Former Member



* Yuji is one of the most intelligent posters on this  forum---he is a loyal supporter of the PPP and a bluntly honest man.


* The Rev and yuji don't agree on everything---for example he supported Obama in 2012---the Rev voted for Romey.


* America and yuji now understand the Rev was right about Obama---he is a fraud.




The Rev has a lot of respect for yuji.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:



Which party will this former AFC executive be pledging his support to---the PPP or the PNC ?


If the PPP can win his support---they'll be able to pick up quite a few more votes in Berbice in the next election.






Excellent point. This man can become a magic weapon for the PPP during the next election. The PPP must now start getting the wheels in motion to recruit Mr. Yusuf so that he can expose massive corruption in the AFC and swing back some votes the PPP way.


AFC voters are now like the swing voters in the USA. Mr. Yusuf will be a great asset to the PPP.


BTW, I must admit that supporting Obama was a big mistake. He turned out to be an ineffective president during his second term. The US economy is in a mess, only a moderate Republican can turn the sluggish US economy around.



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