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Originally posted by albert:
Its clear to see Mitwah lacks reasoning skills...and cannot defend himself...
It is clear to see from the kinds of stupid speculative threads that you folks are in full propaganda mode.

Note, no body gives a damn who the PPP selected except as noted they recycled their inner circle, I guess to you fools that means they are honorable and the fact theat none of the people who crossed party line and did so because the hoped for any rewards but after their own kindness!

Mithwah is not in question here. The nonsense you post presuming it is reasonable is. MOses is a nimakharam, TK, Gherard and now this woman are discards! Not one of these people asked you most of all to be their spokes person. Further, they arew surely not deprived of a tongue to complain of unfair treatment. But guess what, they have their enemy as their mouth piece! I am sure Gerhare and Tk called ou an idiot more times than a dozen so I am certain you are not their new hire to speak for them. By extension we know the others have not done so either. The only thing left is youy are up to your old nasty muckraking Toll task as usual
Originally posted by albert:
Mitwah don't fight the truth...there are many disgruntled members in the A.F.C...

They are all disgruntled members in the AFC.

They claimed to have the balance of power.

They are working behind the scenes to have Trotman elected as speaker. The objective is to push Trotman out of the decision making and let Ramjattan takes over the supreme command and Moses, his deputy.

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