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I believe Guysuco can be saved but the political will to do so is lacking

September 8,2018

Dear Editor,

I wish to applaud the Editorial in the Kaieteur News captioned ‘Ministerial Appointments’ and seek to agree that this Government ‘seems indecisive and confused on the future of GuySuCo’.
I will deal with one entity – the Skeldon Estate. This Estate is much touted to be a dismal failure engineered by the PPP Government and has been used ad lib by many politicians as the proverbial ‘whipping boy’. This is done until now whenever Guysuco is being discussed.
However, the COI commissioned by this Government gave detailed capital expenditures, which can transform the entire GuySuCo, making it viable and profitable by 2020. This is the same argument proposed by the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo who has said that the $30 billion syndicated loan can be utilized to keep the operations at all the estates going. The more I analyze the scenario, the more I am convinced that GuySuCo can be saved from the guillotine but the political will to do so is unabashedly lacking by this Government!
Let us put this into perspective. The vendetta against the sugar industry is historical and was aborted in 1991 when there was a massive privatization drive by the PNC to sell and enrich. However, the opportunity presented itself again in 2015 and the Coalition Government lost no time in getting back on track to sound the death knell of the industry and the mantra that ‘GuySuCo is too big to fail’ sounded hollow, weak and misleading to the extent of being deceptive.
It is an acceptable and undisputed fact that Skeldon Estate is capable of producing 75 tons per hectare, 1,000,000 tons per annum, 110,000 tons of sugar, 40,000 tons of molasses and a tc/ts of around 9 tons of cane to produce a ton of sugar. In addition, the co-generation plant has the capability of generating 40mWh of power. In the years 2015 and 2016 this Estate, even though it had not reached this potential was producing in excess of 30,000 tons of sugar per annum. The COI had recommended that US$5.2 million be budgeted for Skeldon from 2016 to 2020 can bring it to realize its true potential. This was for the areas of:
– Accessibility and cane transport
– Civil structures
– Drainage and irrigation
– Mechanization
– Tillage and planting.
This is just over $1 billion. In fact, the COI had concluded that $21 billion or US$102 million can ‘restore and secure (all) the estates at a satisfactory operating condition’. It must be borne in mind that the SPU has now secured $30 billion, which is more than was recommended for the entire sugar industry! The COI has made it clear that ‘mechanization is increasingly important to sugar cane production in Guyana’ and can improve cost efficiencies to an extent to make the industry viable and profitable. Why did the Government fail to go this route, a recommendation for which it had paid in excess of $52 million?
The COI had estimated that by the end of 2017 with the recommended capital injection, Skeldon would have produced 61,745 tons, Rose Hall 37,836 tons and Wales 29,243 tons of sugar: a total of 128,827 tons of sugar. At the current moment, the entire industry will barely eke out 100,000 tons of sugar. With the recommendation of the COI, the entire industry would have produced 300,386 tons of sugar! This is again evidence that Jagdeo is absolutely correct! It is still not too late to use the $30 billion syndicated loan and make the entire industry operable again.
In terms of unit cost of production is estimated by the COI that Skeldon would have been producing at US$0.20 cents per pound, Rose Hall US 21 cents and Wales US 23 cents. The Industry average would have been US$0.21 cents by 2020.
The COI had recommended that each estate be involved in co-generation and the processing of refined sugar for which there is a demand of 200,000 tons within CARICOM. It must be noted that the SPU is regurgitating the same recommendation. The COI had specifically recommended the installation of high and medium pressure boilers and to perform the necessary modifications to the drives and process that will reduce power requirements. A boiler and turbine alternator will only cost US$11 million. The excess electricity would have been sold to the national grid.
It must be noted further that the COI had recommended that Skeldon factory be retained ‘and make it reliable by remedying the faults and narrowing the mismatch between field and factory’ and to build a sugar refinery at Skeldon and to brand and sell molasses. However, the COI noted that no capital expenditure was done at Skeldon in 2015. This would seem to suggest that the factory was deliberately allowed to deteriorate so that it can be placed under the guillotine!
It is evident that this Coalition Government conveniently followed the recommendations of the COI and disregarded some because it suited its vindictiveness. For instance, closure was not recommended but it went ahead and closed four estates, it plunged in excess of 6,000 persons and their families into dire poverty, it made a number of progressive communities into depressed ones overnight; the entire Region 6 ( a PPP stronghold) is in a regressive mode.
This Coalition Government could have taken a different approach to GuySuCo but it did not. They deliberately exacerbated the debilitating conditions, which exist in the industry as a prelude and an excuse to sell. Furthermore, it deliberately took the ‘wrong turn’ to magnify the sufferings of the sugar workers and their families (perceived as PPP supporters) who did not get a wage increase since 2015, have many benefits snatched from them and who are still anxiously waiting to get their severance pay. However, the Coalition contradicted itself in more ways than one as is manifested in the fact that on one hand it says that Skeldon, Rose Hall, Wales and Enmore are not viable yet claiming to the investors that they can be made viable and profitable. If that is so, then why are we selling those estates?
In conclusion, I wish to submit here that this Coalition Government is seemingly ‘indecisive, confused and contradicting’ themselves because they have a game plan, which focuses on the on the final plunder of the sugar industry for the enrichment of the few!
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf
RDC Councillor Region 6

Replies sorted oldest to newest

the coalition gov't is "indecisive" about WHAT MUST BE DONE about Guysuco because they are sensitive to the ginned up perception that they are 'punishing' those who are not their constituency

given 'media' senseh fowls at the ready to pick pick pick at the country's ethnic sores for ignoble purposes at even the slightest opportunity 

you see, the race hores in the now opposition had no solutions for the full generation they held power, destroyed the industry, and now deploy agent ignars like Haseef Yusuf to hussle some lies and long-winded disinformation manufactured in Freedom House to confuse and mek yuh eyes glaze over . . . all the better to stir up the poorly informed with easily digestible sloganeering when they ask wuh it all really mean 

please . . .

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

the coalition gov't is "indecisive" about WHAT MUST BE DONE about Guysuco because they are sensitive to the perception that they are 'punishing' those who are not their constituency

given 'media' senseh fowls at the ready to pick pick pick at the country's ethnic sores for ignoble purposes given even the slightest opportunity 

you see, the race hores in the now opposition had no solutions for the full generation they held power, destroyed the industry, and now deploy agent ignars like Haseef Yusuf to hussle some lies and long-winded disinformation manufactured in Freedom House designed to confuse and mek yuh eyes glaze over . . . all the better to stir up the poorly informed with easily digestible sloganeering when they ask wuh it all really mean 

please . . .

The PNC has never been "sensitive" to the concerns and issues of the Indian community.  These sensitivities serve as the fulcrum of their thrust to cleanse Indians from Guyana!

Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females even though they knew the sensitivities within the Indian community forcing many to quit UG and many many more to leave Guyana and denied higher Ed in their land of birth!

The PNC are hooligans and bullies!

And by PNC, I don't mean APNU!

Now, go back and squat in the shitter you racist punk!

Baseman posted:

The PNC has never been "sensitive" to the concerns and issues of the Indian community.  These sensitivities serve as the fulcrum of their thrust to cleanse Indians from Guyana!

Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females even though they knew the sensitivities within the Indian community forcing many to quit UG and many many more to leave Guyana and denied higher Ed in their land of birth!

The PNC are hooligans and bullies!

And by PNC, I don't mean APNU! [Huh?]

all bile and ignorance . . . the vomit complements your natural sour smell and signals your dotish, malign presence at 100 yards

another fool not worth my time

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

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What I find interesting in all of this is that when people suggested that what the PPP did to bauxite workers who lost their jobs because the industry wasn't profitable could also happen to sugar workers as Guysuco was also a money loser.  The screams were that Indians are "hard working" so don't care what APNU does about Guysuco.

What happened to those boasts? By now all the former sugar workers should be millionaires owning their businesses instead of wailing about starvation.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!


yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

ronan posted:

yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

Why you so upset?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

Why you so upset?

have you read the racist demagogue sh!t you've been posting . . . the name calling and all?

or Ravi Dev holding yuh haan as you type

you, Nehru, Dave, Keffer, et al think y'all corner the market on cussin

but i can go lower . . . with a much larger vocabulary

and "upset" is far far better than unhinged


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

Why you so upset?

have you read the racist demagogue sh!t you've been posting . . . the name calling and all?

or Ravi Dev holding yuh haan as you type

you, Nehru, Dave, Keffer, et al think y'all corner the market on cussin

but i can go lower . . . with a much larger vocabulary

and "upset" is far far better than unhinged


Where did I talk of race?

Baseman posted:

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!

I would think that if Indian females were exempt from requirements that black females were forced to adhere to THAT would have been racist.

Funny that on another day you would be screaming and wailing about the fact that I am a ungrateful person for not worshipping Fat Boy.  You suffer anguish when ever I state that he destroyed black Guyanese.

ronan posted:

yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

He is angry that Indians were not made exempt from the requirements that blacks and others had to meet.

Indos should have been allowed to attend UG FREE while all others would have had to go to GNS.

I bet if Burnham exempted Indos from GNS but then said that they had to pay fees to attend UG he would be screaming Indian Holocaust.  These guys are really odd.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!

Your whole thesis is based on race.  According to you while blacks and others did GNS instead of paying UG fees Indians should have gone to UG FREE and be exempted from GNS.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!

Your whole thesis is based on race.  According to you while blacks and others did GNS instead of paying UG fees Indians should have gone to UG FREE and be exempted from GNS.

What a clown, where did I ever say that?  I said there should have been an alternative GNS where females could opt for which keeps them at home.  GNS did not need to be everyone running around the jungle in military fatigues!   This, I agree, should be compulsory for males and an option for females.

But why waste time with you.  You are like burnham, your way or the highway.  Well half the nation chose the fly way!  This was your greatest and lasting success!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!

Your whole thesis is based on race.  According to you while blacks and others did GNS instead of paying UG fees Indians should have gone to UG FREE and be exempted from GNS.

My whole thesis is based on custom and cultural sensitivities.  Yours is based on your way or the highway!

caribny posted:
ronan posted:

yes baseman . . . to characterize the PNC attempt to force feed a communist egalitarian solution on an important developmental challenge as a plot to "cleanse Indians from Guyana" is properly the fantasy of an unhinged "racist" animal

roast in "hell" you rabid dog 

He is angry that Indians were not made exempt from the requirements that blacks and others had to meet.

Indos should have been allowed to attend UG FREE while all others would have had to go to GNS.

I bet if Burnham exempted Indos from GNS but then said that they had to pay fees to attend UG he would be screaming Indian Holocaust.  These guys are really odd.

Stop with your lies.  You and Ronan ran your sorrowful asses away from the kabaka nirvana, now Alyuh singing his praises.   Why you did not stay and build your PNC caliphate?   Burnham needed his disciples!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Eg, the PNC bamboozled GNS onto the Indian females 

So if Indian females were excluded from GNS, so from attending UG and scholarships, would you have accepted this?

Or Indian females excluded from a requirement that all others had to comply with?

This is your Indian fixation.  I bet that non Indian mothers were no less anxious about their daughters being sent into the bush.

BTW the PPP was no more sensitive to blacks than the PNC is to Indians, so I don't know why you scream.  Because  you clearly didn't care when the PPP was screwing blacks.

Dumb *******, You epitomize the old guard PNC.

Many Indian females were excluded, they quit higher ed due to your racist policies.

There was a solution for all females, an option, which your godfather Burnham wanted no part of.

Go to hell you racist pig!

Your whole thesis is based on race.  According to you while blacks and others did GNS instead of paying UG fees Indians should have gone to UG FREE and be exempted from GNS.

GNS mainly to give Blacks a purpose. Indians juss got thrown into the mix for whatever reasons. Forbes was molding a nation on African Principles-speak softly whilst carrying a big stick. Much of Africa is like that, militaristic.

Amazing how blackwomen wore the fatigues with pride.

Baseman posted:

You and Ronan ran your sorrowful asses away from the kabaka nirvana, now Alyuh singing his praises.   Why you did not stay and build your PNC caliphate?  Burnham needed his disciples!

instructive watching you do your little sand dance baseman

i won't waste my time addressing the latest rantings on this thread by the unholy 'Christian/Hindu' bacoo seignet

as far as squeezing ever last bit of filthy 'political' currency from the National Service jumbie, alyuh dishonest race arsonists can't even settle on which piece of mendacious dogshit to run with . . . "duglarization" or "ethnic cleansing"

no cure for dawg who does suck egg . . . you are what you are

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Stop with your lies.  You and Ronan ran your sorrowful asses away from the kabaka nirvana, now Alyuh singing his praises.   Why you did not stay and build your PNC caliphate?   Burnham needed his disciples!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Don't gaslight what I say, you are the one with the issue.  You are one of the Afroist mentals who believe Indians are 2nd class in Guyana and have no right to political power.  Stop with your pretense!

Please outline when and how I said this.

In fact this is your issue.  I demanded an end of Indo racism and you scream that this means that Indians shouldn't be INCLUDED in leadership positions.

Guyana does NOT belong to any ethnic group and its about time YOU understand this.  ALL Guyanese need to figure out a strategy where Guyanese of ALL ethnicities feel included and NO Guyanese feels excluded because of their ethnicity. 

Now you scream that this means that Indians shouldn't be allowed to DOMINATE Guyana.  After all its Indo domination that you want.

You dishonest dog fully well know my opinion of the Burnham regime and also that I am not enthused with the Granger administration either.  The fact that these are black/mixed dominated doesn't entitle them to my support if they show incompetence, corruption and a lack of innovation.

You are very upset and angry that I don't endorse Eric Phillip's screams for tribal lands to be given to Africans and that I detest Burnham and am not impressed with Granger.  Your goal is to ensure that anyone who demands equity for African/mixed Guyanese is seen as an "Afroist" and I just make it hard for you to prove this.

Baseman stop with the foolishness, read the hilited areas. Carib has always said exactly what was said here and has been saying this for years but some of you guys love to turn a blind eye and make up your own shit.

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People living within the borders of Guyana will never come to grips OF ALL involved in the same cause-safety and a good life. 

Greed and Prejudices takes command of the minds.

Indians, no matter how much non-Indians say we are racist, we know of our pains under Burnham and Granger. Hoyte was the best President, the entire Guyanese population experienced his Presidency.

"One People", I think, it means looking after eachother, protecting citizens from racism in the case of Guyana. National Strategies of sound laws that prosecute regardless. That is dead in Guyana.

Guyana is dead, juss reading the Blacks on here, they can't even move on from their racism. Even the wannabe Blacks in his racism sees the Indian as a racist. There is racism in Guyana, period. Blacks hate Indians and the Indians who experienced Black racism are obliged to hate them. 


ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You and Ronan ran your sorrowful asses away from the kabaka nirvana, now Alyuh singing his praises.   Why you did not stay and build your PNC caliphate?  Burnham needed his disciples!

instructive watching you do your little sand dance baseman

i won't waste my time addressing the latest rantings on this thread by the unholy 'Christian/Hindu' bacoo seignet

as far as squeezing ever last bit of filthy 'political' currency from the National Service jumbie, alyuh dishonest race arsonists can't even settle on which piece of mendacious dogshit to run with . . . "duglarization" or "ethnic cleansing"

no cure for dawg who does suck egg . . . you are what you are

no cure implies there are curses.  attitude is the motivator to a good life. why black ppl always looking at the indian. 

seignet posted:

Guyana is dead, juss reading the Blacks on here, they can't even move on from their racism. Even the wannabe Blacks in his racism sees the Indian as a racist. There is racism in Guyana, period. Blacks hate Indians and the Indians who experienced Black racism are obliged to hate them. 


Me thinks most old farts dwell to much on Indo-Afro racism in Guyana,maybe because of their past experiences in the 60's.

Guyana will gradually change,present day,the younger generation have different views,the mixed population is increasing.

Django posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana is dead, juss reading the Blacks on here, they can't even move on from their racism. Even the wannabe Blacks in his racism sees the Indian as a racist. There is racism in Guyana, period. Blacks hate Indians and the Indians who experienced Black racism are obliged to hate them. 


Me thinks most old farts dwell to much on Indo-Afro racism in Guyana,maybe because of their past experiences in the 60's.

Guyana will gradually change,present day,the younger generation have different views,the mixed population is increasing.

Bai, who yuh calling "old farts" early marning? Yuh forget that yuh in retirement now? Be careful, old boy.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana is dead, juss reading the Blacks on here, they can't even move on from their racism. Even the wannabe Blacks in his racism sees the Indian as a racist. There is racism in Guyana, period. Blacks hate Indians and the Indians who experienced Black racism are obliged to hate them. 


Me thinks most old farts dwell to much on Indo-Afro racism in Guyana,maybe because of their past experiences in the 60's.

Guyana will gradually change,present day,the younger generation have different views,the mixed population is increasing.

Bai, who yuh calling "old farts" early marning? Yuh forget that yuh in retirement now? Be careful, old boy.

I am aware,i am in the club,

my views differs regarding Afro-Indo racism than others in the club.

Last edited by Django
seignet posted:

Hoyte was the best President, the entire Guyanese population experienced his Presidency.



And despite the fact that he attempted to address the racist exclusion of Indians by Burnham, and was called "Desi Persaud" by blacks, you all never voted for him.  He was abandoned by the black working class in 1994 in the LGE with the GGG (Hammie Green) winning.  APNU (PNC) didn't take control of G/T until the 2016 LGE.

This is why the man became frustrated and screamed " slo fiah, mo fiah".  He stuck his neck out for Indians, incurred the wrath of the black working class, but was then abandoned by 95% of Indians because he was a black man. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Guyana will gradually change,present day,the younger generation have different views,the mixed population is increasing.

Which younger generation do you speak of.  A mere 3 years ago Guyanese voted race again and the average voter was in their low 30s and 20s.  Not only do they care little of the 60s but many barely heard of Burnham.  To some even Cheddi Jagan is ancient history.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

no cure implies there are curses.  attitude is the motivator to a good life. why black ppl always looking at the indian. 

And here is the problem. Squeals daily from you and others about "blackman". Wailing, ranting and engaging in mental breakdowns that "Granger Africanizing the country".

So why indeed do so many spend so much time obsessing about blacks, more than a few of you even about black male genitalia?

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Guyana will gradually change,present day,the younger generation have different views,the mixed population is increasing.

Which younger generation do you speak of.  A mere 3 years ago Guyanese voted race again and the average voter was in their low 30s and 20s.  Not only do they care little of the 60s but many barely heard of Burnham.  To some even Cheddi Jagan is ancient history.

I agree with you, Django in lala land. Guyana race division as strong as ever brought on by the adoptive racism of black youths towards Indians.  This attitude is why people like fineman felt he could kill Indians with impunity.  

The daily racism of the African dominated institutions of Guyana fan the flames of racism. Indians react then are called racists!


Appears one can't hope for changes  in the 21 st century.Racism which polarized the two major races started in the first half the 20 th century,begins when politicians was seeking self government for British Guiana.There were no racial problems in the 19 th century.The people will revert to the harmony that was there in the 19 th century.All the perpetrators of racism will fade away in this century.

Alyuh need to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Last edited by Django

You better speak for yourself, you don’t like your Mattie Indos. You are always degrading and portraying Indis as thieves and criminals.

Banna, you need to take a look in the mirror. 

yuji22 posted:

You better speak for yourself, you don’t like your Mattie Indos.

You are always degrading and portraying Indis as thieves and criminals.

Where you got that from ? the ones degraded are the kleptocrats.

Last edited by Django

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