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Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

India should never give up Kashmir!

India can never give up Kashmir the land because doing so will break India apart. What they should do is take Indian citizenship away from Kashmiris and kick them out of the country via Southern Indian ports.


This is the type of hate that destroys the World.

Kashmiris cannot be expelled from Kashmir, they belong there.  What needs to be exorcised is the evil demons of Wahabism which infects some. India should embrace the Chinese model and seek common ground with China in defeating this scourge!

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, I had recommend the Israeli method

Right now Israel is bombing Gaza and people are dying and here you are rejoicing. 

Payback is bitch, pray to god your children or no member of your family does not suffer the fate of the people who are being bomb.

Some of the few I have sympathy for!  Unfortunately the Wahabs and their evil deeds are allowing Israel to get away with a lot of shyte!


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