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Hate is such a stupid thing.  I was visiting a mall today in Alberta to do some shopping when a fellow who looked like a small version of the late wrestler Randy Savage approached me in the mall's parking lot and started calling me a "Sand Nig--r". 


First of all, I did not know what a "Sand Nig--r" is.  But I guessed it cannot be something good. So I put down my bag to fight the ediot.  Then the ediot starts telling me how much more he hates nig--rs than sand nig--rs. 


So I started thinking I will buss up this guy's ass with some good blows. So I started to shout "This indian is going to kill your a-s with blows". 


All of a sudden the man stop his shouting. Then he starts explaining to me that he is half Canadian Indian (Amerindian) and half white. Then he says "peace out brother" and then the fool walked away as if nothing happen.


When I got home I looked up the meaning of "Sand Nig--r" on the internet and found out the meaning.



I am seriously thinking about going to the police tomorrow and reporting this incident because I don't want some person getting hurt by this fool.      

Replies sorted oldest to newest


I do accept what you say. Buddy, they may never see or able to talk to the middle class much less the richer ones in their encounter. I had a first-hand look at this – I was a Shamrock taxi driver in Calgary in the early 80’s. I have met many Indians (first nation) from the reserve. Some treated me like dirt and yet I am accepting to their verbal or physical outrage, even as a young man. I got slapped around by the intoxicated few and was paid with acid (not knowing what it’s worth I tossed them). Yet in my heart I feel no disgust or hatred for them.

I can also speak of the majority that treated me kindly.

Originally Posted by Sammyj:


I do accept what you say. Buddy, they may never see or able to talk to the middle class much less the richer ones in their encounter. I had a first-hand look at this – I was a Shamrock taxi driver in Calgary in the early 80’s. I have met many Indians (first nation) from the reserve. Some treated me like dirt and yet I am accepting to their verbal or physical outrage, even as a young man. I got slapped around by the intoxicated few and was paid with acid (not knowing what it’s worth I tossed them). Yet in my heart I feel no disgust or hatred for them.

I can also speak of the majority that treated me kindly.

In the mid to late 70's I was a teen and all my friends were native teenagers stripped of their rights and separated from their family and dumped into  indoctrination centers called "schools" in big cities like Toronto. I have seen the discrimination they face and because I look like them I got the same.  Remember at that time even Indians got their ass kicked openly by white folks at that time and I often saw it in the work place and in school.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

You had to mention the PPP in this, you nitwit with a small mind.

If I am a nit wit you are a god! 


Why did you ask what I did in response to instances of racism if not to goad because you think it can earn you some points among your PPPite friends?


Me mentioning the PPP and your support for them is a matter of fact. They are a corrupt lot and your support for them.


It is hypocritical if you now assume some moral high ground and  infer I ought to have done something in response to a pervasive state of social injustice. 

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

You should make an official report of the incident.


Am I the only one who suspects that this post is total baloney ? i.e a made up , concocted story . LMAO 

Today is July 4th , not April 1st !

Guyanese4eva, if you think I made up the story then you may have got your head in your a-s.  I was just talking to a Jamaican man who has lived in Alberta for 40 years.  He told me that I should not go to the police because no violence occured.  He said the police may question the man and then in the future the man and his buddies may attack me when I am out in public.  Also he said that some in the police force may be racist themselves and hiding it (which is notorious in many White Canadians).


As for the man being mixed race (Native Indian and White) it does not matter.  The man is living his life as a racist white man who happen to realize that we both shared the name indian in our ancestory.  Many years ago when that Somali youth was attacked and beaten to death in Somalia by Racist Canadian soldiers because he stole from them.  Most of those soldiers were of mixed race (Native Indian and White) but they were living their lives as racist white people because it is sometimes impossible to tell a mixed race  person (Native Indian and White) from a white person. For example; would you be able to tell that the actors Val Kilmer, Burton Reynolds Johnny Depp and the country singer Loretta Lynn are of mixed race  (Native Indian and White).  Most likely no because they look white.


That incident yesterday made me realize that things can change in a heart beat for us people of colour who are living in these Northern Hemisphere countries

with regard to our existance here

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:


I do accept what you say. Buddy, they may never see or able to talk to the middle class much less the richer ones in their encounter. I had a first-hand look at this – I was a Shamrock taxi driver in Calgary in the early 80’s. I have met many Indians (first nation) from the reserve. Some treated me like dirt and yet I am accepting to their verbal or physical outrage, even as a young man. I got slapped around by the intoxicated few and was paid with acid (not knowing what it’s worth I tossed them). Yet in my heart I feel no disgust or hatred for them.

I can also speak of the majority that treated me kindly.

In the mid to late 70's I was a teen and all my friends were native teenagers stripped of their rights and separated from their family and dumped into  indoctrination centers called "schools" in big cities like Toronto. I have seen the discrimination they face and because I look like them I got the same.  Remember at that time even Indians got their ass kicked openly by white folks at that time and I often saw it in the work place and in school.

Stormborn your story make mine look like nothing.  Maybe this racism is a product of this indoctrination.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:



" ...So I started thinking I will buss up this guy's ass with some good blows. So I started to shout "This indian is going to kill your a-s with blows..". 


Oh  Raass!  Prash  brave  taras! Me?  I  would  have  shitted pants, greased  my  crease and  fly past  Usain  Bolt on  the  100 Meter dash! 




Good  for  you  Prash! but so  far  PT 2 has  been  very  faithful and  effective  in    getting  me  safely away from  clear and eminent danger.  Just  ask  Uncle  Kiddy  who  has  been   stalking  the  corridors   around  here with  the  intention   of driving  his  jack boot  up  my  keeser.  However, the advantage  I  have  is the  grease  in  the  crease while the Kid is  handicapped by  the  congo eel up this  ass

Originally Posted by Sammyj:

Bad choice of words. I just mean I will read what you have to say. 


On the lighther side;if you mean P2 as in Repu it may make sense. Maybe! If not, I have take a vist to Queens no?


You really wutless.

 In   the  olden  days Friday Afternoons  after  school  used  to  be fight  time.   one  had  the  choice  of  either  stick  around  and  duke  it  out mano-o-mano   or  as  soon  as  class  dismiss  you   grab  your  books and  hightail  it  as  fast  as  you  can. So  PT 2 represent your  two  legs /  the number plate of the  'car' darpok  depends  on to  get  them  out  of   tight   corners. Sorry,  nothing  to  do  with  the  bandit  pandit.


The  missus  says  wutlessness is in  me jeans  and  the  more I  try  to  get  rid  of it, the  more  it  keep  following  me  like  a  stray  daag. 

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:



" ...So I started thinking I will buss up this guy's ass with some good blows. So I started to shout "This indian is going to kill your a-s with blows..". 


Oh  Raass!  Prash  brave  taras! Me?  I  would  have  shitted pants, greased  my  crease and  fly past  Usain  Bolt on  the  100 Meter dash! 




If you are able to deductively reason and put the entire "incident " under an analytic lens , you would realize that there is an extremely high probability  that this is just a fable , a made up story by a typical " Internet Tough Guy " . 

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:



" ...So I started thinking I will buss up this guy's ass with some good blows. So I started to shout "This indian is going to kill your a-s with blows..". 


Oh  Raass!  Prash  brave  taras! Me?  I  would  have  shitted pants, greased  my  crease and  fly past  Usain  Bolt on  the  100 Meter dash! 




If you are able to deductively reason and put the entire "incident " under an analytic lens , you would realize that there is an extremely high probability  that this is just a fable , a made up story by a typical " Internet Tough Guy " . 

Guyanese4eva, you keep living in that Fantasy world that you are living in.  You obviously may not live in a redneck place or at least you have limited contacts with rednecks and other racists because you stay in your bedroom with your computer.  If you live in places in Alberta like Beaumont or North Edmonton then I will take you to some streets at night where you will sh-t your pants yellow in 10 minutes.  Some of these Alberta people are openly racist when they speak if they think that they are not around people of colour but their fellow whites.


Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by cain:

Prash, I'm considering moving to Calgary, point da man out when Iman come up deh.

Cain, I was offered my first government job many years ago because of the City of Calgary.  Many people say it is a racist city but for me I never found it racist (maybe because of the British influence)  unlike some other cities and towns in Alberta .  So I think you should be okay there.   

Originally Posted by Mara:

Good  for  you  Prash! but so  far  PT 2 has  been  very  faithful and  effective  in    getting  me  safely away from  clear and eminent danger.  Just  ask  Uncle  Kiddy  who  has  been   stalking  the  corridors   around  here with  the  intention   of driving  his  jack boot  up  my  keeser.  However, the advantage  I  have  is the  grease  in  the  crease while the Kid is  handicapped by  the  congo eel up this  ass

Mara, in the future me and you will meet up under friendlier skies. West Vancouver.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:



" ...So I started thinking I will buss up this guy's ass with some good blows. So I started to shout "This indian is going to kill your a-s with blows..". 


Oh  Raass!  Prash  brave  taras! Me?  I  would  have  shitted pants, greased  my  crease and  fly past  Usain  Bolt on  the  100 Meter dash! 




If you are able to deductively reason and put the entire "incident " under an analytic lens , you would realize that there is an extremely high probability  that this is just a fable , a made up story by a typical " Internet Tough Guy " . 


The  simple  reason  why  I  would  no    doubt  Prash's  encounter is  because  of  my  own  personal experiences  on numerous  occasions.  As  recently  as  three  years  ago, I was  the  victim   of  one  of  the  most  outrageous police  action  for  no  other reason  but  my  skin  tone and  green  envy.  I  would  not bore  anyone  with  the  details ( although  a  few  GNIRs   are preview to  the  incident)  but  a  lawyer  friend  of  mine  opined  that  had  something like  that occurred  in  America, I  could  have  been  a  rich  man. Unfortunately or  fortunately civil  litigation   in  Canada  is not a  worthwhile recourse  and all  I  could  extract  from  the  SOBs was  an informal apology.

Originally Posted by Mara:

Oh  Skite  Prash! like  you  get  rich  fambly!   Sometime  I  does  go  down  by West  Van  Sea wall, sit and lick  me 99  cents  ice  cream and   pretend  to  be local.  So  hook  me  up  nuh.

Mara, I was there recently.  I like Vancouver bro.  Alot of people there I find very friendly.  I caught the wrong bus on my way back to my room one night (after having dinner with a Guyanese guy from Toronto) at a Japanese restaurant in Gas town.  I ended up several blocks away from my room in the dark  There was an Italian girl on my bus and she came off from the bus the same time I did .  She is a student at some college there.  She helped me to find my way back to my room in the dark.


That would never happen in Alberta.  


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