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Kaieteur News on December 25, 2013, titled: ‘Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developer.


What truth to this matter?  Are ordinary people getting houselots in the front lands or is it only the private developers?


What does the evidence reveal?

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Originally Posted by KishanB:



Kaieteur News on December 25, 2013, titled: ‘Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developer.


What truth to this matter?  Are ordinary people getting houselots in the front lands or is it only the private developers?


What does the evidence reveal?

He deserves some more cussing, why invite Ramjattan and then further bog him by telephone calls to attend his stupid meeting, if the man want to attend  then he will surprise that Ramjattan treated him so lightly.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Irfaat would like Prakash to send a flat truck to do the hauling.

the man say the price of the front land is almost the same for the back land well i know every body like the front land which is always more expensive unless Ali talking about his backside that he always buggering that he think is expensive 


Source StabroekNews- Minister Ali to face privileges committee for allegedly misleading House

Posted By Staff Writer On August 10, 2010 @ 5:27 am In Archives | 24 Comments

Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali will appear before the National Assem-bly’s Privileges Committee over a controversial $4B supplementary allocation to his Ministry.

Irfaan Ali

AFC MP Khemraj Ramjattan had moved a disciplinary motion against Ali and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and yesterday Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran ruled that a prima facie case has been made out against Ali while the motion against the Finance Minister was dismissed.

Ramkarran noted that Ali’s referral is not a finding of guilt but rather an assertion/ allegation and that Ali is yet to be heard in the matter. The matter would be fully ventilated and decided before the Privileges Committee, where Ali would present his defence, Ramkarran added.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Source StabroekNews- Minister Ali to face privileges committee for allegedly misleading House

Posted By Staff Writer On August 10, 2010 @ 5:27 am In Archives | 24 Comments

Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali will appear before the National Assem-bly’s Privileges Committee over a controversial $4B supplementary allocation to his Ministry.

Irfaan Ali

AFC MP Khemraj Ramjattan had moved a disciplinary motion against Ali and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and yesterday Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran ruled that a prima facie case has been made out against Ali while the motion against the Finance Minister was dismissed.

Ramkarran noted that Ali’s referral is not a finding of guilt but rather an assertion/ allegation and that Ali is yet to be heard in the matter. The matter would be fully ventilated and decided before the Privileges Committee, where Ali would present his defence, Ramkarran added.

antiman circle ALI bugger out the money 


The disrespect started with the Govt



-    The whole country should disrespect them; why should apologise? – Ramjattan

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan will not apologize to Housing Minister Irfaan Ali for the “haul his ass” comment he made whilst dismissing an invitation to the Minister’s press conference.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader
Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan confirmed his stance on the matter yesterday after the Minister demanded a public apology on Friday during a press conference. He questioned where “Ali’s desire for an apology was” when this Government and former President Bharrat Jagdeo insulted persons at different fora.
Providing examples for his sentiment, Ramjattan said last March at Babu John, Corentyne, President Donald Ramotar called AFC’s Executive member, Moses Nagamootoo a ‘jackass’. And in July, Ramotar tagged the Opposition Parties in the National Assembly as ‘terrorists,” because they walked out from a key Parliamentary Select Committee meeting on anti-money laundering legislation.
Lamenting on the matter, Ramjattan said “Ali deserves the haul his ass comment…He has no right to compel me to go to his press conference…I have it in my email… I did not refer the comment to his staff…and in Guyanese vernacular it means go to bloody hell.”
Ramjattan finds it ridiculous that Ali wanted him to attend the press conference, which was used to clarify Government’s position in offering lands between Eccles and Providence to private housing developers.
According to Ramjattan, corruption is mounting in the housing sector and the whole country should tell him to “haul his ass” for the disrespect he is showing this nation. He stressed that Government is offering their friends large blocks of land for housing development to make huge profits.
Meanwhile, at the press conference on Friday, Ali  defended his ministry’s programmes on the East Bank of Demerara, insisting that the sale of large plots to private developers were all conducted in an ‘above board’ way and was in no way discriminatory to ordinary applicants.
According to Ali, lands in the front part of the area between Eccles and Providence which were sold to

Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali

Minister of Housing & Water Irfaan Ali

developers for between $4M and $6M per acre cannot be more than the value of the others located further behind.
Ali also expressed disgust with Ramjattan whom he said was invited to the press conference yesterday but was disrespectful to his secretary allegedly saying that the Minister should “haul his ass”. A further email invitation saw the AFC leader responding in the same rude manner. Calling the AFC leader unethical, Ali demanded a public apology to his secretary.




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