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The more I think about it, the more I would like to see a probe into whether the AFC is acting as agents provocateurs on behalf of some foreign agency. I'm thinking along the lines of the role that AIFLD played during the '61-'64 period. I would like to see the books opened on AFC financial support, to see whether it is significantly foreign in origin.


The opposition does not have a leg to stand on regarding the core issue.  There will certainly be some sympathy protest against the shootings but primarily asking for an investigation.  The GoG and security forces will be exonerated but there will be come compensatory/appeasement recommendations.


In the end, almost all Guyanese outside of Linden support the rate equalization and this will happen.  In AFC's intransigence will costs the darely come next election.  Nagamootoo, GR and the rest should set their sights on places like Linden for their next basket of votes.  It will not come from where the last came.  Most AFC supporters are appalled by the fact that personalities like Freddie Kissoon and Benschop have inserted themselves as AFC's latest poster-boys.  What a joke.


The GoG is regaining traction via sympathy as the opposition is seen as irrational, revenge seekers with little more than their own egos at stake.  The AFC will implode and fly into bit and pieces before the next election, just too many loose cannons and uncontrolled agendas without a congruent purpose, like a flock of wild geese without a leader.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

What would you like to see covered under the terms of reference into the Commission of Inquiry announced by Ramotar into the Linden situation


  • Direct the Commissioner:
  • to conduct the Inquiry  including  the finding of fault on the part of any individual, community, organization/s or the Guyana Police Force involved  in instigating and participating in the Linden riots, resulting in deaths, and make recommendations  whether or not criminal charges should be laid against those involved;
  • to consider the policies and practices of the Guyana Police Force and recommend changes, if any, to prevent future occurrences;
  • authorize the Commissioner to consider findings, as he/she considers appropriate, of previous examinations, investigations or reports that may have been conducted that he/she deems relevant to the Inquiry and to give them any weight, including accepting them as conclusive,
  • direct the Commissioner  to supplement those previous examinations, investigations or reports with his own investigation and to consider the Government’s response to previous recommendations,
  • authorize the Commissioner to rent/use any space and facilities that may be required for the purposes of the Inquiry, in accordance with current government  policies,
  • authorize the Commissioner to adopt any procedures and methods that he/she may consider expedient for the proper conduct of the Inquiry, to sit at any times and in any places in Guyana that he decides and to conduct consultations in relation to the Inquiry as he sees fit,
  • authorize the Commissioner to engage the services of any staff, experts and other persons,
  • authorize the Commissioner to grant, to any person who satisfies him that they have a substantial and direct interest in the subject matter of the Inquiry, an opportunity for appropriate participation in it,
  • authorize the Commissioner  to recommend  that funding be provided, in accordance with terms and conditions approved by the Government of Guyana, to ensure the appropriate participation of any person granted standing at the Inquiry  to the extent of the person’s interest, if the Commissioner is of the view that the person would not otherwise be able to participate in the Inquiry,
  • direct the Commissioner to perform his duties including expressing any conclusion or recommendation regarding the civil or criminal liability of any person or organization,
  • direct the Commissioner to deposit its findings, records and papers of the Inquiry with the Office of the President of Guyana as soon after the conclusion of the Inquiry as is reasonably possible.
Originally Posted by baseman:

The opposition does not have a leg to stand on regarding the core issue.  joke.


The core issue is NOT the subsidy.  Thnat is not and should not be the role of any Commission of Inquiry.  Their mandate is to determine the facts in the handling of the protest, determine whether the police action was appropriate (which evidence shows its wasnt). And recommend how a futore protest should be handled with improved training and protocols for crowd control by the police.


All else is beyond its mandate.




I guess you thought that Mubarak's handling of crowds was appropriate because this is what he did.  Fired into crowds when the refused to move.


Interesting that you would sympathise with protest in Egypot, even though not authorized by their govt.  But Guyanese lack these rights, even though you will claim that Guyana is more democratic then Egypt.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The opposition does not have a leg to stand on regarding the core issue.  joke.


The core issue is NOT the subsidy.  Thnat is not and should not be the role of any Commission of Inquiry.  Their mandate is to determine the facts in the handling of the protest, determine whether the police action was appropriate (which evidence shows its wasnt). And recommend how a futore protest should be handled with improved training and protocols for crowd control by the police.


All else is beyond its mandate.




I guess you thought that Mubarak's handling of crowds was appropriate because this is what he did.  Fired into crowds when the refused to move.


Interesting that you would sympathise with protest in Egypot, even though not authorized by their govt.  But Guyanese lack these rights, even though you will claim that Guyana is more democratic then Egypt.


Originally Posted by caribny:
The core issue is NOT the subsidy.  Thnat is not and should not be the role of any Commission of Inquiry.  Their mandate is to determine the facts in the handling of the protest, determine whether the police action was appropriate (which evidence shows its wasnt). And recommend how a futore protest should be handled with improved training and protocols for crowd control by the police.

All else is beyond its mandate.
What about the instigation, manipulation and exploitation of the protest? That ought to be fair game.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Most AFC supporters are appalled by the fact that personalities like Freddie Kissoon and Benschop have inserted themselves as AFC's latest poster-boys.

Firmly embraced by the AFC.

AFC is now the "Thug Arm" of the PNC.  

PNC+TUF - 1964-1992 - Burnham+D'Aguiar

PNC+AFC - 2012-???? - Granger++Trotman/Ramjattan

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Most AFC supporters are appalled by the fact that personalities like Freddie Kissoon and Benschop have inserted themselves as AFC's latest poster-boys.

Firmly embraced by the AFC.

AFC is now the "Thug Arm" of the PNC.  

PNC+TUF - 1964-1992 - Burnham+D'Aguiar

PNC+AFC - 2012-???? - Granger++Trotman/Ramjattan

I spoke to a senior APNU/PNC guy back in 2011 regarding how will the AFC fit into the picture if the PNC forms the Govt.  His words, in effect were:


The PNC will take control of the GDF, Home affairs, foreign affairs, civil service, etc and will give the AFC Finance and Economics.


I pondered on his views as he was an insider and my could not think of the PNC/UF alliance back in the '60's.  Anyone who thinks the PNC/APNU is substantially different from the 60's/70's/80's are naive at best, if not fools.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Henry:
What about the instigation, manipulation and exploitation of the protest? That ought to be fair game.

Fair game for WHAT . . . 'sir'?

If you listen to the reasoning of these jackasses, then it's fair game to hold Janet and Cheddi responsible for the deaths of the Enmore Martyrs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Most AFC supporters are appalled by the fact that personalities like Freddie Kissoon and Benschop have inserted themselves as AFC's latest poster-boys.

Firmly embraced by the AFC.

AFC is now the "Thug Arm" of the PNC.  

PNC+TUF - 1964-1992 - Burnham+D'Aguiar

PNC+AFC - 2012-???? - Granger++Trotman/Ramjattan

I spoke to a senior APNU/PNC guy back in 2011 regarding how will the AFC fit into the picture if the PNC forms the Govt.  His words, in effect were:


The PNC will take control of the GDF, Home affairs, foreign affairs, civil service, etc and will give the AFC Finance and Economics.


I pondered on his views as he was an insider and my could not think of the PNC/UF alliance back in the '60's.


Anyone who thinks the PNC/APNU is substantially different from the 60's/70's/80's are naive at best, if not fools.

PNC individuals --


"Cammie" Ramsaroop -- 1957 - current -- President, PNC.

David Granger -- 1970's - current

Robert Corbin -- 1960's - current - Leader, PNC.

Hamilton Greene -- 1960's - current


Etc.; etc.; etc..

Originally Posted by Henry:

The more I think about it, the more I would like to see a probe into whether the AFC is acting as agents provocateurs on behalf of some foreign agency. I'm thinking along the lines of the role that AIFLD played during the '61-'64 period. I would like to see the books opened on AFC financial support, to see whether it is significantly foreign in origin.

I think you are right. I did discern the Queen running hither thither at Ascot the other day and to the casual observer as I,  one can conclude she was merely perusing her racing form and trying to get good vantage points to see the ponies as they come around the track. But if you are right she was most certainly passing instructions to a network of adroit agents with strict instructions to forward them to Ramjattan so they can over throw the PPP and re-establish the the British empire!

Originally Posted by baseman:

The opposition does not have a leg to stand on regarding the core issue.  There will certainly be some sympathy protest against the shootings but primarily asking for an investigation.  The GoG and security forces will be exonerated but there will be come compensatory/appeasement recommendations.


In the end, almost all Guyanese outside of Linden support the rate equalization and this will happen.  In AFC's intransigence will costs the darely come next election.  Nagamootoo, GR and the rest should set their sights on places like Linden for their next basket of votes.  It will not come from where the last came.  Most AFC supporters are appalled by the fact that personalities like Freddie Kissoon and Benschop have inserted themselves as AFC's latest poster-boys.  What a joke.


The GoG is regaining traction via sympathy as the opposition is seen as irrational, revenge seekers with little more than their own egos at stake.  The AFC will implode and fly into bit and pieces before the next election, just too many loose cannons and uncontrolled agendas without a congruent purpose, like a flock of wild geese without a leader.

 The have more than a leg. They have history. Linden continue its decline with the PPP. As Ramotar squatted on Omai, they were handed the mining company and its assets for a pittance  of 5 million with vacuous promises to  to invest 46 million in coming years. While no record of what they spent on improvement if any, the passing of paper because the government approved made a company 41 million!


Instead they did s Mitt Romney. They split up the assets and liquidated them with the lions share going to BOSAI, a firm handpicked by Jagdeo for the princely sum of 46 million.The foreign press noted the shenanigans and pointed out that surely the local people will look into what happened in this transaction. Alas no one did.


That firm, BOSAI. no longer cared about bauxite so the became an electric supplier and a successful one at that. That they supplied electricity to a government holding company who resold it to the people cheaply does not mean the differential in charge here to GT is a subsidy. It is the real rate.


Tying it to GPL bloated and inefficient  management who cannot control their line loss and theft and pass on that cost to their customers with a doubling of their rates do not mean that Lindeners are to be viewed as getting an electricity cost break.


If you are half the bean counter you claim you are you will admit it means the people in GT are getting screwed by their electricity being jacked up through mismanagement.


Now for whatever reason the PPP felt it must bring Linden on par with other areas in the nation. Why I do not know but some may question if it is political or simply idiocy, Lindeners has a right to protest.


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