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Having a laptop is a start of a new journey-OLPF CEO - at Canje distribution

Georgetown, GINA, January 7, 2012
Source - GINA

Betsy Ground beneficiaries of the OLPF programme take a photo opportunity with OLPF’s CEO Sesh Sukhdeo at Betsy Ground Primary School Canje, Berbice

Seventy families of Betsy Ground and Gangaram, Canje, Berbice today received their laptops as officers of the One Laptop per Family (OLPF) Secretariat were in the communities to continue the distribution drive.

Chief Executive Officer of the OLPF, Sesh Sukhdeo, said that as persons receive their laptops they are starting a new journey in life as they are now given the opportunity to discover the world, moreso familiarise themselves with the new technology.

“This government initiative offers its beneficiaries the opportunity to not only elevate their standard of living but, also maximize their learning potential with the use of the internet and Information Communication Technology(ICT) as a key tool… the laptop also offers the opportunity to keep in contact with relatives and family residing overseas via the internet,” Sukhdeo said.

This initiative forms part of government’s plan to modernize the country in its bid to have the entire country computer literate. “This initiative will see the country competing globally because as the citizens become efficient in the use of computers, they will maximize their learning potential…collectively this will see the country making quantum leaps in education along with the other major sectors as they are linked,” Sukhdeo said..

OLPF Gangaram beneficiaries pose with OLPF’s CEO Sesh Sukhdeo at the Gangaram Primary School Canje, Berbice

The Betsy Ground Primary School is a location earmarked as an ICT hub and its headmistress Nalini Carmichael said that she is elated that the school has been given an opportunity to assist in the further continued development of not just its students but, also the community at large as this initiative will also see the elderly being taught to efficiently use the equipment.

Neville Bourne, Headmaster of Gangaram Primary School,another ICT hub in the Canje area- said that the implementation of this initiative will help residents to stay more connected with the outer world, as it provides the perfect opportunity for them to stay abreast with current affairs, as the community is an isolated one.

Beneficiaries today were thankful for the devices and highlighted that they were not only anxious for their experience of new discoveries but, more importantly to see this initiative becoming a reality and knowing that they are now empowered to maximize their potential, educationally and socially.

Fazia Solomon receiving her laptop from Sesh Sukhdeo, OLPF’s CEO

The OLPF, introduced by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, seeks to empower Guyanese with the modern means of enhancing their education, livelihood and personal ambitions through the use of ICT specifically computer technology, as government believes that ICT will lead the way forward moreso will be one of the new sectors to generate greater disposable income and create thousands of jobs.

From the commencement of the distribution exercise of these laptops by government late last year to present, more than 9,000 families can boast of being proud owners of the equipment and have undergone the necessary training to be proficient in its use. Further, more than 23,000 of the 44,000 applicants have been verified to date, as the verification exercise is still ongoing in some parts of the country.

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