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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

... Kids steal all the time and should not be killed for it..

That says a lot.  This banna, at 18 did not steal, he committed a robbery with assault.  That's different from a kid tiefing a mango or apple.  Tiefing is when you take an unattended item not yours.  Robbery is taking, by force, an item not yours.  Just ask OJ.

As I said above, if the shop keeper had shot his behind he would have been within his rights.


The present matter is he being gunned down in the street for jaywalking.


And what does OJ has to do with it? Do you know who was OJ? He was a blackman living in borrowed skin well accepted in a white world and completely immersed in it. He became black when he was accused of murder then the end of his story was like many black men; he was framed and a rigged justice system decided to get justice retrospectively on him. He is in jail because he is discovered to be black!

As I said, holistically, the banna seemed like a bad man.  I don't seh da banna should be shot, but bad man doz get bad man treatment, intended or unintended.  One day yuh luck run out.  You see, how much more he nevva got caught.  Dat banna look so cool tiefing, he looks like a pro....and a bully.

Look, he was a bully. What was caught on screen was disgusting.


However, you have to make the distinction of him being gunned down by a policeman who did not know of his crime but was looking at a black teen through prejudiced eyes.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

Your jackassism. 

Hmm, are you lost for words.  Borrow from Stormy.

Jackass, it also shows the source of your innate violent mentality. You are a congenital racist. Dirty Harry bhai, does your nephew Anil Nadalall agree with you?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by raymond:

Love seeing Baseman trying to worm his way out in his answer to HM Redux

what ah racist!

I stand by my words, you commit a crime, you take the "risk" of being shot.  He was no "gentle giant", just a barefaced bully from the looks of it.  I don't say he absolutely deserved to be shot, but his behavior introduced that "risk".

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Look, he was a bully. What was caught on screen was disgusting.



I don't say the banna deserved to be shot, but his behavior and attitude introduced that risk, a risk that he shares in bringing onto himself.  Let the truth come out regarding his interaction with the police.


The police seemed a bit heavy-handed that first night, then when they lighten up, looting and arson took over.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

Your jackassism. 

I guess if we lived in India we will see these scenes. Bear in mind, it's not a mob attacking, burning and looting. Indians are a corrupted and twisted society. They do not see all human beings as human beings. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

Your jackassism. 

I guess if we lived in India we will see these scenes. Bear in mind, it's not a mob attacking, burning and looting. Indians are a corrupted and twisted society. They do not see all human beings as human beings. 

That look like a scene from Assam or one of the conflict areas where lots of soldiers have been killed.  Looks like they caught a suspect.  That being said, true, a lot of shyte happen in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

Your jackassism. 

I guess if we lived in India we will see these scenes. Bear in mind, it's not a mob attacking, burning and looting. Indians are a corrupted and twisted society. They do not see all human beings as human beings. 

That look like a scene from Assam or one of the conflict areas where lots of soldiers have been killed.  Looks like they caught a suspect.  That being said, true, a lot of shyte happen in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

You see the black kid looting, but you don't see how the Indian Politicians and likewise the PPP/C politicians looting the treasury and not called upon to disclose their sudden accumulation of wealth.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Durteee Harry is a Durtee burd......



So the wise professor has degenerated to a "Mitwah" level dialogue.

Would you like me to publish your NJ bar story eh Dirty Harry?

All of a sudden you are concerned with degeneration of the conversation Durtee Harry?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It does not take a genius to figure out why no political party wants this fella to be one of their gladiators. Stormy is just a storm in a coffee cup. Nobody takes him seriously.

You are certainly not genius or remotely within reach our you would grasp what I am saying which by the way is the predominant notion among every liberal thinker. Indeed, dunces would not take me seriously and that pertains to any within any of the parties who do not get what I am saying.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Durteee Harry is a Durtee burd......



So the wise professor has degenerated to a "Mitwah" level dialogue.

Would you like me to publish your NJ bar story eh Dirty Harry?

All of a sudden you are concerned with degeneration of the conversation Durtee Harry?

Go ahead, I don't comment on a matter in legal/law enforcement hands.  The people involved will decide.  Professor, you should know that.  The persons in question need a few more defendants, so be my guest.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Durteee Harry is a Durtee burd......



So the wise professor has degenerated to a "Mitwah" level dialogue.

Would you like me to publish your NJ bar story eh Dirty Harry?

All of a sudden you are concerned with degeneration of the conversation Durtee Harry?

Go ahead, I don't comment on a matter in legal/law enforcement hands.  The people involved will decide.  Professor, you should know that.  The persons in question need a few more defendants, so be my guest.

Horse man, like you on to something here with DIRTY HARRY?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Our recent history is replete with men of higher learning who have chosen the wrong path in politics and ended being uninfluential and worthy of absolutely nothing to society. 



Now what profound didactic experience are we to have from the above post? Do you think you are on the right side of history given you are a supplicant to the crooks in the PPP administration?


What has Jagdeo done for us? On the personal level he is ia a liar and a wife abuser and on a political level he is also a liar and worse a crook. He treated our national assets as his private property and raided our treasury to make himself a multimillionaire. Note, none of us selected that creep. Mrs JJ foisted him on us creating a deep rift in the PPP.


What has Ramotar done for us if not follow like a loyal toady to the scorpion, jagdeo that sits on his back. He give us Skeldon. OMAI, and now is a willing facilitator to a multinational pillager who is running full steam robbing us blind and destroying our native peoples, or pristine forest and its untapped biological wealth for to satisfy a craving in China for nice furniture.


I suggest you reflect if you think yourself able, on the abject diseased governing practice in the PPP. Maybe that is the kind of leader you care for given your inclination to kind. Well, I am Guyanese, I have no other supra national prefix attached to that. No Indo or Afro suffix is needed  to qualify my kind of Guyanese. I am Guyanese.


It is my country, the soil of my people and the ground of their cultural reality. You are an immigrant and as an immigrant you are attached to creed and disconnected from the land because you still do not see it as the place that is the mother of who you are. To you it is mere consumable and not the source of your identity and  location in the world. You do not see it as the source to your cultural life and reality.


When you begin to take it as the holy grail of your reality ( and in reality you have none other since in India you could not flourish as a complete human being) then you will begin to see how awful the PPP are. They are destroying guyana, the existential thing, the ÃĐlan vital of who we are by their obscene grasping need for personal wealth.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah . . .

more unburdening by the ignar lout primitive who squeals like a shortchanged street wh*re that he is being unfairly labeled bad things . . . when his only problem is with PNC

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah . . .

more unburdening by the ignar lout primitive who squeals like a shortchanged street wh*re that he is being unfairly labeled bad things . . . when his only problem is with PNC

Redux bai, look like even the Black cop cannot control so fyah mo fyah.  Do far the actions of the police are turning out to be what was needed.  BTW, the cop she shot Brown suffered a swolen face from what looks like a punch.  Wonder how he got it. Obama sending in the national Guard to control the thugs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah . . .

more unburdening by the ignar lout primitive who squeals like a shortchanged street wh*re that he is being unfairly labeled bad things . . . when his only problem is with "PNC"

Redux bai, look like even the Black cop cannot control so fyah mo fyah.  Do far the actions of the police are turning out to be what was needed.  BTW, the cop she shot Brown suffered a swolen face from what looks like a punch.  Wonder how he got it. Obama sending in the national Guard to control the thugs.

ahmmm, OK . . . that's all very interesting baseman; next time inform abee bout something dat all the world doan already know


now tell us, u foul smelling lil antiman, what does all THAT have to do with my post?

Last edited by Former Member

Why aren't these black people protesting black on black crime? More afros die from killing each other. Most of the black youths who die in Ferguson were not killed by the white folks. Most of the deceased black youths who are at the Ferguson cemetry were killed by other black youths. WHY DON'T THE PROTESTERS BURN AND LOOT THE STORES WHEN BLACKS KILL BLACKS? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Why aren't these black people protesting black on black crime? More afros die from killing each other. Most of the black youths who die in Ferguson were not killed by the white folks. Most of the deceased black youths who are at the Ferguson cemetry were killed by other black youths. WHY DON'T THE PROTESTERS BURN AND LOOT THE STORES WHEN BLACKS KILL BLACKS? 

perhaps if alyuh PPP refugees paid attention when they allowed u to stay in 'merica, u would understand what this country's ideals are all about and stop 'asking' stupid questions as u dribble and masturbate to images of 'violent' blackman on TV

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Why aren't these black people protesting black on black crime? More afros die from killing each other. Most of the black youths who die in Ferguson were not killed by the white folks. Most of the deceased black youths who are at the Ferguson cemetry were killed by other black youths. WHY DON'T THE PROTESTERS BURN AND LOOT THE STORES WHEN BLACKS KILL BLACKS? 

perhaps if alyuh PPP refugees paid attention when they allowed u to stay in 'merica, u would understand what this country's ideals are all about and stop 'asking' stupid questions as u dribble and masturbate to images of 'violent' blackman on TV

The blackman is never wrong. Not surprised at your ignorant and irrational response. All over the world negroes eat one another; you see this as being a civilised race?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah . . .

more unburdening by the ignar lout primitive who squeals like a shortchanged street wh*re that he is being unfairly labeled bad things . . . when his only problem is with "PNC"

Redux bai, look like even the Black cop cannot control so fyah mo fyah.  Do far the actions of the police are turning out to be what was needed.  BTW, the cop she shot Brown suffered a swolen face from what looks like a punch.  Wonder how he got it. Obama sending in the national Guard to control the thugs.

ahmmm, OK . . . that's all very interesting baseman; next time inform abee bout something dat all the world doan already know


now tell us, u foul smelling lil antiman, what does all THAT have to do with my post?

Well, the autopsy certainly adds credibility to the police officer's story.


Dr. Baden provided a diagram of the entry wounds, and noted that the six shots produced numerous wounds. Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds.

“This one here looks like his head was bent downward,” he said, indicating the wound at the very top of Mr. Brown’s head. “It can be because he’s giving up, or because he’s charging forward at the officer.”


He stressed that his information does not assign blame or justify the shooting.

“We need more information; for example, the police should be examining the automobile to see if there is gunshot residue in the police car,” he said.

Dr. Baden, 80, is a well-known New York-based medical examiner, who is one of only about 400 board-certified forensic pathologists in the nation. He reviewed the autopsies of both President John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and has performed more than 20,000 autopsies himself.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

One of the best autopsy doctors in the country saying we need more information but Baseman has already concluded his own autopsy and already come to conclusions.


Thanks for your insight Dr. Baseman.  

It supported the fact he was not shot running away, not from the first shot as his partner in crime friend claimed.  Furthermore, how does one explain the cop's face being swollen, likely by a fist punch.  Why did he have a struggle with the police, it's called resisting arrest, itself a crime.  Why did he then try to run.  That banna was a bad man.  See him in that convenience store.  Sooner or later, badman luck runs out.  I think this police will walk.

Last edited by Former Member

Meanwhile, an independent autopsy conducted by famed forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden cast doubts on police accounts of how Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown.

“There weren’t any signs of a struggle,” said Baden, the former chief medical examiner in New York City.

Brown appears to have been shot at least six times from a distance, and all but the shot to the top of his head were most likely survivable, Baden said.

Read more:

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Meanwhile, an independent autopsy conducted by famed forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden cast doubts on police accounts of how Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown.

“There weren’t any signs of a struggle,” said Baden, the former chief medical examiner in New York City.

Brown appears to have been shot at least six times from a distance, and all but the shot to the top of his head were most likely survivable, Baden said.

Read more:

Correct, on the body of Brown, it does not address the injury to the police's face.  Just like the Trayvon Martin case, Martin has no signs of injury except the gunshot while Zimmerman had a busted up head.  This cop will walk.


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