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cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

I am the one who sometimes change topic headlines...especially when the sole purpose of the headline is to stir up racial hatred

My focus has always been to reduce the race hate...


Who duh rass you tink you is, Stalin?

Or Django? 😁

Irony of ironies. Anticommunist Django with Stalinist tendencies. Baap ray baap.

Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

I am the one who sometimes change topic headlines...especially when the sole purpose of the headline is to stir up racial hatred

My focus has always been to reduce the race hate...


Who duh rass you tink you is, Stalin?

Or Django? 😁

Irony of ironies. Anticommunist Django with Stalinist tendencies. Baap ray baap.

I reserved Stalinist for that lil Commie Ray. Django I see more like that bad-ass anti-Commie McCarter. 

Dem do same things under different flags.


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