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Health Ministry teams up with UWI and UCBSO on three-day eye outreach


The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the University of California and UC Berkeley School of Optometry (USBSO) is currently hosting a three-day optometry outreach that will see Linden; Golden Grove, and Wales, West Bank Demerara residents benefitting.


Some of the spectacles that were provided to Wales, West Bank Demerara residents during a collaborative outreach among the Ministry of Health, University of the West Indies [UWI) and the University of California and UC Berkeley School of Optometry [USBSO)

Some of the spectacles that were provided to Wales,

West Bank Demerara residents during a collaborative

outreach among the Ministry of Health, University of

the West Indies (UWI) and the University of California

and UC Berkeley School of Optometry (USBSO)


At the Wales Community Center Ground, free eye screening was conducted and spectacles provided to about 150 persons today. Among these persons were students, workers, disabled and the elderly.


The team of professionals included about 30 students from the University of Guyana (UG), 16 students from UWI, in Trinidad & Tobago, a Trinidadian optometrist, Dr. Roshan Ali and 7 students from  UCBSO, along with their professors Mr. Maziar Haririfar from UCBSO and Mr. John Randall from UWI, along with the president of the Guyana Association of Optometrist and the Caribbean Association of Optometrist Dr. Michelle Ming.


A section of the gathering that a waited eye testing at the Wales outreach

A section of the gathering that a waited eye testing

at the Wales outreach


Chief Medex of the Ministry of Health Baldeo James, said that persons found with cataract or other eye related diseases will be sent to the Ophthalmology hospital in Port Morant, in Berbice through the Ministry for surgery. This operation will be provided to these individuals free of cost.


A section of the students who were provided with free eye testing

A section of the students who were provided with free

eye testing


He also highlighted that a similar activity was done last year. These outreaches usually target the areas that may be considered remote or where such service is greatly needed, but limited.


Dr. Ming said that this initiative will help to promote eye care throughout the country, and optometry service to the citizens of Guyana. She added the collaborative effort will provide eye care at the five health care levels.


Residents of Wales were pleased with the Ministry’s effort to provide them with eye care. One resident said that he has been suffering from cataract for a number of years, but could not afford the service and was very thankful to the Ministry that he will now benefit from free eye surgery. He added his nine- year old son has been having trouble reading and he could not afford spectacles, but this outreach has provided him with the spectacles.


A student of University of California and UC Berkeley School of Optometry [USBSO) screening the eyes of a Wales resident

A student of University of California and UC Berkeley

School of Optometry (USBSO) screening the eyes of

a Wales resident


A follow up exercise is scheduled for next Wednesday, at the same venue. The exercise will be conducted by a team of professionals from the Ministry and will continue the provision of free eye testing and screening to the residents of that area.


A similar outreach will be held tomorrow at the Golden Grove Health Center in Region 5 and will be followed by another at Two Mile Health Center in Wismar, Linden in Region 10.

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