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Health system boosted with 20 doctors, 1 pharmacist  


Georgetown, GINA, September 6, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Doctors Mark Ramar and Dwayne Kellman and, Pharmacist Stacy James are proud Guyanese youths who have just completed medical studies in Cuba. Importantly they are enthusiastic to start using their new skills and knowledge to serve the Guyanese public.


These three medical practitioners are part of a larger group of 21 professionals, two of whom received their training in Russia.


The doctors will be stationed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and the New Amsterdam Hospital where they will receive another round of guided training before they are dispatched into the Regions to continue their service.


Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, Director (ag.), Regional Health Services, Dr. Irv Chan are joined by the medical professionals who have completed training in Cuba and Russia. Also, in the front row are the Cuban doctors who had oversight of the Guyanese training in Cuba.


Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran noted that youths can access medical training to become doctors via the Cuba and Russian scholarship programmes and at the GPHC.


Minister Ramsaran acknowledged the need for more doctors with specialised skills however; they must serve for at least two and a half to three years before they can pursue higher training.


He emphasised that the Government is pleased that the doctors have succeeded in their studies and now expects them to effectively provide medical care to the public.  This, he added, has been well undertaken by the other doctors who have returned home in the past years.


Director (ag.), Regional Health Service, Dr. Irv Chan, who also received his training in Cuba, pointed out that the doctors are now at a point in their life where they will be able to practice what they have learnt.


Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, in his presentation, looked at various components of the health sector including laws, reporting of deaths, the national health authority, health partnerships, legislations and goals of the sector.


Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford last month told the National Assembly that 69 Guyanese medical students are expected back this year and would be undertaking their final year of training at seven faculties located in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six which are manned by Cuban specialists.

The Cuban Scholarship Programme started in 2002 when the Cuban Government offered Guyana 350 scholarships. It was extended in 2006 when President Jagdeo and Cuba’s President Castro signed the agreement for a further 965 scholarships over the period 2006 to 2010.

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This is the sad excuse of the ambulance that went to the scene of this morning's accident which claimed the lives of the Former Police Commissioner Henry Greene and a child. For way too long we would see ambulances turn up in Guyana on the scene and the ambulances are not fitted with any proper emergency equipment to stabilize the injured or sick.  Now look at this photo, clearly even the persons packing the ambulance have no medical training, if you aint dead on the spot, you will certainly die on your way to the hospital.

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Dem boys seh…Uncle Donald ain’t know if he standing or sitting


September 8, 2012 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

There is a saying that is better fuh keep you mouth shut and mek people think you is a fool than to open you mouth and remove all doubt. Dem boys don’t believe that Uncle Donald is a fool but dem believe that he don’t know if he deh pun he head, he foot or he behind.

Dem seh that dem don’t want fuh disrespect he but he putting heself in a position fuh people disrespect him.  Imagine de man tell a crowd that dem don’t have evidence of corruption. Ralph tell de world that dem have corruption; Papa Cheddi daughter tell everybody in Berbice that dem have corruption and even Uncle Donald heself seh that he know dem have corruption and he tell he party people that he wouldn’t tolerate any of dem if dem get tie up in de corruption that taking place.

Well dem boys want know how this man can seh that dem ain’t got no corruption in Guyana. When a government give a man like Fip who never build a toilet US$15.4 million fuh build a road and then lef he fuh walk away wid US$ 6 million that is corruption.

When dem give dem contractor more money than a project cost and then accept shoddy work that is corruption. What was going on at Hen See Hen was corruption. People tekking de money fuh de company and putting it in dem pocket. But Uncle Donald seh that he ain’t see no evidence of corruption.

Dem boys seh that he not only disappoint dem, he let de whole nation down.

Talk half and pray fuh poor Uncle Donald

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Bai, PPP late, you know how long ago the "cow jumped over the moon" and Jaggy "ran away with the golden spoon"!


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