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AFC threatens split from APNU

…after Ramjattan rejected as PM candidate
…AFC not only party in coalition Govt – Granger

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has threatened to part ways with its coalition partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), after its choice for prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming 2020 polls was reportedly rejected.

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC and APNU, which form the current coalition Government, were in talks over the revision of the Cummingsburg Accord so that they could contest the elections again as a coalition. The Accord, which binds the two parties, states that the presidential position will be filled by the APNU while the prime ministerial position would be filled by the AFC.
However, Treasurer of the AFC, Dominic Gaskin, stated at a press conference on Thursday that these negotiations have been stalled as the parties have since failed to reach a consensus on the prime ministerial candidate. While the AFC has moved to select Khemraj Ramjattan for that position, the APNU has shown little sign of support for this decision.

President David Granger

Commenting on the matter, Gaskin indicated, “The AFC wishes to confirm reports that the negotiations of a revised Cummingsburg Accord between the two parties (have been) stalled due to a lack of consensus on this issue. The AFC finds it unacceptable that the matter of the presidential and prime ministerial candidates (has) been repeatedly deferred.”
Gaskin, who has been part of the negotiations, said the deferral was unclear, and his party was not in agreement with reasons provided by its coalition partner. However, the idea of replacing Ramjattan is not up for debate.
Gaskin hinted that the AFC’s selection of the prime ministerial candidate is that party’s condition for remaining in the coalition ahead of the approaching general and regional elections.
“This was a decision taken by the highest decision-making forum of our party, and it is not up for debate; so it is almost a prerequisite for us entering into a coalition…
“We don’t accept that any other entity or any other party shall tell us or dictate to us (whom) we should choose as our prime ministerial candidate,” the former Business Minister clarified.
He added, “There were a number of reasons given why this matter needed to be deferred, none of which we accept or agree with…It wasn’t very clear with us on what basis the matter kept being deferred.”
Meanwhile, the minority coalition party has also informed the APNU that until this stalemate is resolved, no other decision can be made on the Accord.
“Our position is that we cannot have any further discussions on a revised Cummingsburg Accord until there is consensus on the positions of the presidential and prime ministerial candidates.”
The APNU has thrown its support behind President David Granger to return as president for a second term. Asked whether the AFC would be willing to make a switch, Vice-Chair Cathy Hughes affirmed, “We’ve had a set process that chose a candidate. On what basis would we begin to re-examine our process that we hold important to the operations of the AFC? We don’t have a basis to change it. Why would we?”
The AFC will be hosting its National Executive Committee meeting on November 2, 2019. There, executives are hoping to forge a definite position on the party’s “mode of participation” in the upcoming national and regional elections amidst these outcomes.
That party has, however, renewed its commitment towards coalition politics here in Guyana. Though it has not been discussed, Gaskin stated, that party’s form of association shows it is willing to join with any other party.
“We’re the Alliance for Change. I think we’ve always said that we’re here to form alliances for the benefit of Guyana, so we have no inherent opposition to forming alliances with anyone”.
Hughes also mentioned, “The Alliance for Change is willing to work with anyone committed to the principles of constitutional reform and the creation of a more equitable Guyana, where everyone has an equal opportunity.”
On October 3, Granger had said that Ramjattan has not been given the green light by APNU, and the prime ministerial candidacy would be determined after negotiations between the two parties. However, in an interview with new podcast INSIDE Sources, Granger on Thursday said the AFC is not the only party in the coalition Government. Granger also said during the podcast that he is open to recommendations from other parties within the coalition.
“The President is the Chief Executive of the country, and I am open to recommendations from all of my parties, and it is my duty to give the country the best team of Ministers in order to accomplish the strategic objectives of the coalition,” Granger is quoted by podcast INSIDE Sources as saying.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

AFC threatens split from APNU

…after Ramjattan rejected as PM candidate
AFC not only party in coalition Govt – Granger

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has threatened to part ways with its coalition partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), after its choice for prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming 2020 polls was reportedly rejected. of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan

Perhaps it will take a lang, lang, l-a-n-g time fuh dee AFC to realise dat dem izz nat dee honly wan een dee group an' dah wan een dee pictcha nah kno whey eee a lookin'.

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Granger does not need Ramjattan and Naga anymore. Exhibiting his dictatorship qualities.  AFC might need to join with the PPP now and put Real licks on PNC.

Oh skites!  Dis mean Moses won't be a Neemakharan no mo. PPP might end up putting some real licks pon he instead.


Granger told Trotman "Boy, we got the jump start we needed. We don't need AAA or AFC anymore. We engine can run on e own and we battery can re-charge on e-own. Screw the Ex-PPP crew (AFC) and le we move on. "


Billy Ram Balgobin

I think Granger feels that he already got enough converts like slop can boy dj, lilmohan and others to make a go of it on his own. He don`t need Ramjattan and Nagamootoo who already lost their supporters. These two clowns bring nothing to the table, just like gerhard and tk, dunces.


The AFC really screwed themselves up, that party gat some coolie haters. Similar to early days of the PPP. The AFC goan SPLIT. PNC will get Patterson, Trotman, Gaskin and few more. Nagamootoo and Ramjattan gonna leff fuh Iowa.


seignet posted:

The AFC really screwed themselves up, that party gat some coolie haters. Similar to early days of the PPP. The AFC goan SPLIT. PNC will get Patterson, Trotman, Gaskin and few more. Nagamootoo and Ramjattan gonna leff fuh Iowa.


Dem bais were United in their hatred of BJ. Then Ramjattan and his posse made it a F&F affair in NA and the writing was on the wall. Implosion was imminent!

seignet posted:

The AFC really screwed themselves up, that party gat some coolie haters. Similar to early days of the PPP. The AFC goan SPLIT. PNC will get Patterson, Trotman, Gaskin and few more.

Nagamootoo and Ramjattan gonna leff fuh Iowa.

Don't  think that's wholly true ,Prakash Ramjattan will be around, Moses Nagamootoo heading into retirement. Even David Granger may retire soon.

The AFC is still a force , that depends who you listen to.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
seignet posted:

The AFC really screwed themselves up, that party gat some coolie haters. Similar to early days of the PPP. The AFC goan SPLIT. PNC will get Patterson, Trotman, Gaskin and few more.

Nagamootoo and Ramjattan gonna leff fuh Iowa.

Don't  think that's wholly true ,Prakash Ramjattan will be around, Moses Nagamootoo heading into retirement. Even David Granger may retire soon.

The AFC is still a force , that depends who you listen to.

If the LGE was any indication, they are a force alright, a spent force!

Django posted:
seignet posted:

The AFC really screwed themselves up, that party gat some coolie haters. Similar to early days of the PPP. The AFC goan SPLIT. PNC will get Patterson, Trotman, Gaskin and few more.

Nagamootoo and Ramjattan gonna leff fuh Iowa.

Don't  think that's wholly true ,Prakash Ramjattan will be around, Moses Nagamootoo heading into retirement. Even David Granger may retire soon.

The AFC is still a force , that depends who you listen to.

If Jagdeo wins, Ramjatttan is fvcked. And rightly desrved to be fvcked by the PPP. He wanted it to be better and he worst than the PPP, he supporting a dictator.


Ramjattan is screwed regardless of who wins. Congress place is not happy with his performance and PPP is waiting to bite off his ears.

Last edited by Former Member

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