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Home > LETTERS > Freddie’s Back – and Ramaya at his comical best when he mispronounced ‘vulgarity’ twice by saying ‘vulgalarity’ on television programme

Freddie’s Back – and Ramaya at his comical best when he mispronounced ‘vulgarity’ twice by saying ‘vulgalarity’ on television programme

IT has now dawned on me that the University of Guyana made a terrible blunder when they terminated Freddie Kissoon’s contract in 2012. This man was on the verge of solving the problems of GuySuCo with the application of the theory of ‘scientific management’. This theory was developed by Frederick Taylor in the 1880s and became obsolete by the 1930s although some aspects of it were absorbed by other contemporary management theories or have influenced the development of such theories.Therefore, the value of the ‘scientific management theory’ is seminal in nature. This claim by Frederick Kissoon may have been influenced by his namesake who postulated that theory. It is apparent that Freddie Kissoon has lagged far behind in his exposure to contemporary management theories.

However, Freddie feels that since he was speaking to Berbicians whom he has scant regard for, the use of the term ‘scientific’ will cast them in a state of awe and wonderment and project him as a great intellectual.

Then, Mr. Kissoon on DTV 8 on the same day, April 11th, 2015, made a claim which is quite stunning and which I do feel should be relayed to Mr. Khushid Sattaur of GRA. He claimed that businessmen are currently evading taxes to the tune of 11 billion dollars and that he has seen records to verify that. He further claimed that this money can be used by the coalition to pay wage and salary increases. So it seemed that apart from jailing some members of the PPP, the coalition will target and witch hunt these businessmen to recover those taxes. No wonder the coalition is seeking to become more militarised.
Mr. Kissoon, then spoke of a ‘new political culture’ whereby people must forget what happened in the past and seek to unite all races and that the coalition of AFC/APNU has done just that. He claimed that it was ‘Burnham’s and Jagan’s dream of the 1950s coming true’. This man does not seem to know that Burnham rejected any form of coalition with Jagan’s PPP right up to his death. Furthermore, Jagan did not want to get rid of the PPP but to include it and to bring together the two major races. Freddie is a disgrace for a man who claims to be an intellectual!
It is now clear that the past is the greatest impediment in the path of the Coalition so Freddie wants us to erase this period of our history. Mr. Bissessar then implored Berbicians that what happened during the PNC misrule of 28 years will not happen again. But the AFC+APNU Prime Ministerial Candidate then in his 2011 Budget speech had said that, “I have fought the police repression – and I was a victim of it – and I fought the fair battles against rigged elections in Guyana for 28 years…”
There was no intention at that time about implementing this ‘new political culture’, but since the Coalition in their quest to deliver the 11% Indian votes they first need to inject this amnesiac state into the minds of the Indians, especially those in Berbice.
However, towards the end of the Alliance on the Move programme, Mr. Kissoon angrily flung this veneer of intellectualism and attacked a caller in the most disgraceful manner. The caller rebutted what they were saying and this caused Freddie to resort to some Elm Street tactics. He flew into a tantrum and accused the caller to be a ‘PPP stooge’ and ‘ex-convict’ who was rehabilitated by the PPP to make that phone call. Then he shamelessly mimicked the caller who had begged them not to cut him off. This was so immature and puerile. I simply could not believe what I was hearing. This man has the audacity to condemn people like Dr Jagdeo, who simply was relating an incident he heard about. This man should be ashamed to show his ‘lovely’ face in Berbice. I have that DVD and I could verify what I am saying.
During that programme, both Ramayya and Bissessar made a mess trying to convince Berbicians that they will not close GuySuCo. Bissessar claimed that GuySuCo needs to diversify into aquaculture and Ramayya maintained that they will not be doing ‘tilapia farming’. Maybe Dr. Ramayya does not understand what ‘aquaculture’ is and thought that he was hearing some ‘vulgalarity’. Rajendra please educate your friend! How could you sit there and allow your friend to mispronounce ‘vulgarity’ twice?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

BTW, is Shaitan bothering you? 

Nah, me and Shaitaan tight. Ah Dem Lungeera Warrior and others bothering me.



Whaaa Gwaan Jamaica.

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


HEY...speakin of Banks. Did you know that liquor stores on U.S. military bases carry Banks Beer?


The good export quality kind made in Barbados.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


HEY...speakin of Banks. Did you know that liquor stores on U.S. military bases carry Banks Beer?


The good export quality kind made in Barbados.

Can you buy me some Duty FREE Likka and Beers.  I will send the money with Cobra

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


P.S....I suspect it's you who juss write the retainer provisions for PPP/C Consultancy Contracts. Ayuh rass wan fuh pay intelligent people in Banks Beer and Gilbakka Curry

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


HEY...speakin of Banks. Did you know that liquor stores on U.S. military bases carry Banks Beer?


The good export quality kind made in Barbados.

Can you buy me some Duty FREE Likka and Beers.  I will send the money with Cobra


Dude, I'd be happy to oblige you but I'm not there at the moment. I'm causin mischief elsewhere at de moment

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


P.S....I suspect it's you who juss write the retainer provisions for PPP/C Consultancy Contracts. Ayuh rass wan fuh pay intelligent people in Banks Beer and Gilbakka Curry

Boy you doing it for LOVE OF COUNTRY BUT Banks and Gillbaka Curry nah bad.  Dem Rass want 9 US dollars per pound fuh Gillbaka at Liberty.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

eh eh....look at dis. Me Cousin and he homan ah lime pon de GNI seawall hey


Ayuh nah gat shame gyal? Guyana gat dem hourly motel now. No need to use de seawall

Come ova nah and bend ova.  Yuh can earn a six pack Banks.


P.S....I suspect it's you who juss write the retainer provisions for PPP/C Consultancy Contracts. Ayuh rass wan fuh pay intelligent people in Banks Beer and Gilbakka Curry

Boy you doing it for LOVE OF COUNTRY BUT Banks and Gillbaka Curry nah bad.  Dem Rass want 9 US dollars per pound fuh Gillbaka at Liberty.


Love of country? To wuk fuh wan tiefman party?


Yea, dem Liberty Avenue hustlers think people are made of Gilbakka money


I did not know the price was so high fuh Gilbakka


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