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Heightened attention on child care this year – Minister Webster tells National Assembly


During her Budget debate presentation in the National Assembly this evening, Human Services Minister Jennifer Webster called on the House to work together to capitalise on the current dispensation provided.


“As much as we in the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security advocates for every family to work to overcome challenges together, we as a national family must embrace the theme of Budget 2013 of overcoming challenges together-accelerating the gains for Guyana,” she said.


Minister of Human Services and Social Security Jennifer Webster making her Budget debate presentation

Minister of Human Services and Social Security Jennifer Webster making her Budget debate presentation


“I firmly believe that if we maintain a collective view and vision that our role in this House is to work together in service to the cause of national development then our every action and intervention must support the achievement of this vision, and before we act or speak we should pose the first questions to ourselves-how will my actions and my interventions continue to national development,” the Minister said.


“History and the people of this country will judge us and I trust that we will not be found wanting,” she said.


Meanwhile the Minister highlighted some of the provisions in the Budget as Government seeks to continue the steadfast gains in the sector over the past two decades.


Child Protection


Minister Webster stated that in 2013 the Child Protection Agency will continue to play a leading role in the investigation of child abuse cases reported throughout the country. The agency investigated 3690 child abuse cases in 2012 as opposed to 3653 in 2011.


This year, in addition to investigating child abuse cases, the agency’s is placing emphasis on the implementation of Early Childhood Development Programme, which caters for registering and licencing of the more than 200 day care facilities throughout the country.


The agency will also work to introduce during the year, night care facilities for children of single parents, Minister Webster said. She explained this is in an effort to support those parents, who by virtue of their employment are required to work long hours.


“This initiative is one of the clearest reflections that our government has seen the need to reduce the vulnerability of our children being left without adequate supervision and care, with emphasis being placed upon the safety of our children,” Minister Webster pointed out.


Child Care


The Human Services Minister revealed also that plans are to expand and strengthen the foster care and kinship care programme as an alternative care option for children at risk, whilst heightening focus on reducing the number of children in institutional care by promoting family based care.


Focus will be also be on ensuring all privately managed children’s homes conduct their operation in accordance with the minimum standards and guidelines in place to safeguard children who will have to remain in institutional homes. Visiting committees are tasked with regularly visiting, inspecting, monitoring and evaluating the operations of these facilities with the view of ensuring their compliance with minimum standards that have been developed by the Caricom Secretariat, Minister Webster said.


Those families in need will also continue to benefit from the Family Assistance Programme which includes day care support, and uniform assistance.


This new state-of-the-art facility which will provide care and support for abused and exploited children will be commissioned soon. Minister Webster explained that special attention will be given to complementing the existing programme in place to the re-integration of teenage mothers into the school system. Day care services will be provided at this facility to support teenage mothers in support of their education and building a livelihood for themselves.


The Child Care and Protection Agency will also in 2013 seek to establish necessary links with other agencies and groups to effectively meet the needs of child protection in Guyana even as emphasis will be placed on examining and strengthening existing legislation, as well as initiating new ones, also in the direction of ensuring the equality and protection of all children in Guyana, the Minister said.


Through funding from UNICEF, capacity building workshop and training programmes will be conducted to enhance the capacity of the agency. There will be re-organisation and decentralisation of the services provided by the agency throughout the 10 administrative regions.


Homeless and Elderly


The Centre for rehabilitation and Reintegration at Onverwagt, Region Five is set to open later this month, and will provide housing for 180 homeless persons.


Whilst the 2013 budget also provides  for a comprehensive package of support and services amounting to $15,157 to senior citizens, this includes an old age pension of $12,500, $900 every month for water rates to Georgetown pensioners and $1667 to offset the cost of electricity.


Also in the area of assistance to senior citizens, Minister Webster explained that this year, the ministry will examine the standards at the senior citizens’ care centres, homes and hospitals, and will also work to establish a national register for shut-ins with a view to developing individual case management plans and provide training to empower caregivers.




The draft national plan to address violence against women and children will be finalised this year.


The Women’s Affairs Bureau will continue its effort and will conduct public awareness sessions on the new sexual offences legislation and education sessions on the Low Carbon Development Strategy, as well as addressing the issue of violence against women in support with other agencies.


To give financial support to women, the Women of Worth Programme will be re-invigorated and will be launched in Regions 1 and 7. More than 400 single parents are targeted to benefit.


The ministry will commence preparation of a strategic plan for the sector in an effort to strengthen and improve the administration of its operation and programmes nationwide, Minister Webster explained.


Investigating Complaints against social workers


Minister Webster has committed to look into concerns raised by Opposition Member of Parliament, Jennifer Wade who represents Region Five, of Social Service Officers in the region not working in the interest of the region’s children.


Minister Webster assured the Opposition MP that the PPP/C Government is a caring one, and even whilst it is recognised that the staff of the Probation and Social Services Department work beyond the call of duty, the Ministry will certainly investigate all complaints.


“I want to assure this Honourable House that Ms. Wade’s comments have not fallen on deaf ears,” the Minister said.

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