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Thia post is not to cast blame or to adjudicate. However I received a message from GNI stating I have been suspended for Language(See Below) When I went back and looked at the thread some who has been Certified as a "SHIT HEAD" both logically and scientifically used language that one which such certification will expect to use.  This IDIOT ran to Admin and startes to Hall and Cry like a Baby Weee  Weeee Weee  Admin , Admin dem ah trouble me Admin. Weee  waaaaa  Waaaa Weeeeeee. Then the idiot said to Admin, with leh meh get wan towel to wipe my tears then the idiot continued waaaaaa weeeee ahhhhh  ahhhh ahhhh like the Baby he is.

Remember this is the same filth mouth idiot who used to run to Admin like a Kindergarten Brat against Ramakant, Yugi, Cobra and others. This individual who was coreectly certified will forever be in that stATE. HE JUST HAS TO LEARN TO LIVE WITH HIS LIMITATIONS. . They say STUPID combined with filth and Dope makes one a SHIT HEAD.

Hello, Nehru:

This is to inform you that the administrators at Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums just suspended you from their community. This means that you no longer have any membership rights on that community.

Membership Suspended

Suspended for 1 week. Due to language

Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Leonora posted:

Nehru, last night on the Social Forum I asked Amral to release you to a Forum lit up for Diwali, like Ram returning from Banwas. He granted me half the wish and said you were having your last supper in jail and will be here first thing today.      

Ram has returned from Banwas after defeating dope head IDIOt

ba$eman posted:

Welcome back Nehru.  Now the katahars and sh1t heads no longer have the board to themselves!

It is good they have the Board sometimes to themselves. It will certify them as worst than Shit Heads. Guyana gone Fuh Channa and the GNI shit heads supporters are no better than the PNC Govt: all dumb, incompetent, useless and brainless. Everytime they open their mouths the certification Board stamping them on the forehead " CERTIFIED zHIT HEAD"

alena06 posted:

You got let out of jail.  Dope head really let out some big big cuss pun that thread and he is still here, watch out!! 

He cant help himself. FilTH HEADS usually dont know other words. He use the DOPE as excuse BUT as I logically and scientifically CERTIFIED him as the above, we should not be hard on him. It would be like doing  what trump did to the reporter.

Nehru posted:

Thia post is not to cast blame or to adjudicate. However I received a message from GNI stating I have been suspended for Language(See Below) When I went back and looked at the thread some who has been Certified as a "SHIT HEAD" both logically and scientifically used language that one which such certification will expect to use.  This IDIOT ran to Admin and startes to Hall and Cry like a Baby Weee  Weeee Weee  Admin , Admin dem ah trouble me Admin. Weee  waaaaa  Waaaa Weeeeeee. Then the idiot said to Admin, with leh meh get wan towel to wipe my tears then the idiot continued waaaaaa weeeee ahhhhh  ahhhh ahhhh like the Baby he is.

Remember this is the same filth mouth idiot who used to run to Admin like a Kindergarten Brat against Ramakant, Yugi, Cobra and others. This individual who was coreectly certified will forever be in that stATE. HE JUST HAS TO LEARN TO LIVE WITH HIS LIMITATIONS. . They say STUPID combined with filth and Dope makes one a SHIT HEAD.

Hello, Nehru:

This is to inform you that the administrators at Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums just suspended you from their community. This means that you no longer have any membership rights on that community.

Membership Suspended

Suspended for 1 week. Due to language

Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums


Welcome back Nehru Bhai.

One Dope Head went crying wee, wee, wee to admin while he is the nastiest cuss bird on GNI. He cusses people's mothers etc. I will personally point it out to Amral the next time that he does it.

Anyway, the Bossman chose the word Language, the word dope head is not indecent language and it can be used to describe the person who went wee, wee to admin.

No need to address them as Shyte Heads anymore, dope head is quit appropriate and within the limits of the rules of GNI.

The board lit up as soon as you came back.

Welcome back and forgive the Dope Heads and Storm Sewers who are defending the AFC/PNC thieves and crooks. The will live and die in ignorance.

Call a spade a spade, the do not hold back. Fighting fire with fire and returning the favour is all fair game in political because these chaps were ruthless while in opposition.

Notice that they are quiet while the AFC/PNC are looting the contingency funds. 



Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Bhai Yuji, this PNC GNI support Group are some of the most naive, immoral, selfish and notorious set of people I ever came across. I will never trust them with one black cent, I will run if they tell me to walk, I will not listen/believe one word they say!!!

Ah! Shut your poke!

You eat Poke hide , hide, Allah nah watch right now, tek wan bite.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Bhai Yuji, this PNC GNI support Group are some of the most naive, immoral, selfish and notorious set of people I ever came across. I will never trust them with one black cent, I will run if they tell me to walk, I will not listen/believe one word they say!!!

Ah! Shut your poke!

How were you able to know is you I talkin bout?  Did someone explain it to you????


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