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Iguana posted:

Yuh tink US marines would be sent to the defense of a bunch of Commies like Priya and she "comrades" who cuss down Americans?

Funny how yuh talk about US Marines defending alyuh worthless asses when yuh call dem "yankee pigs" hay daily.


These PPP frauds are interesting creatures.  I clearly remember after the lost in 2015 they screamed about how the USA and Exxon got together to put "blackman" in.  Wailed that Obama put in "one of he own blackman". Joined Maduro in screaming that Granger was not a valid president and that he was installed by the Yankee Imperialists.  And then ranted about how this is just like the early 60s when the Americans dumped the PPP.

Now the squeals that "white man gun rescue we from ayo blackman".

Word to you. Trump hates anyone who sniffs love to Maduro as Jagdeo does.

Iguana posted:
). Even empirical evidence tells you that half or close of Jagan's early supporters were blacks, including Burnham, the then young attorney. The question remains - what drove those blacks away? The answer is central to Guyana's political history.


And when we investigate the truth of the Burnham split we see that when he left the PPP he took Indos with him and they played prominent roles within the PNC.  Not all blacks left with him. Eusi stayed as long as he good, but after "apan jhat" screams even he realized that what was once a working class party had become one of Indo supremacy.

Blacks definitely vote race, but they didn't always do so.  I can think of no time when Indians didn't vote in the vast majority for a party led by an Indian.

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I think some traditional PPP supporters were tricked into voting for the Coalition by them being told to reject corruption and take the high road. The trouble is those preaching to them cared not for any high road. People do lots of pontificating but it is advisable for one to see beyond all the empty pontification to their true motives. I cautioned about all the one love pontificating way back in 2015 and so far the PNC has lost no steps in proving how dishonest they are.

sir, isn't there some 'blackman are the scourge of the world' neo-Nazi hate rally you are late for somewhere?

i understand you are a one-man brown bai Guyana contingent with pending membership application

Ksazma is the head of the Indo Nazi party so he merely does his job with his daily Indo supremacy squeals. Modi wishes that he could be as blatant as Ksazma is.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Hey Afro Dumbo, Indo Guyanese(coolies) are not violent people. They do not resort to 

Really.  I suggest that you check out the murder stats and you will see ample evidence that Indians are very capable of violence, usually against other Indians.

I am referring to blacks violent mob mentality.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Exactly. People behaving badly and then blaming others instead of taking responsibility for their actions. 

Yes like you engaging in naked bigotry and not wanting to declare you pride in being an Indo supremacist racist.  Screaming about blacks being the scourge of the earth.

Even some of your fellow Indos find you embarrassing. Baseman is trying to get you to keep your bigotry hidden as he tries to do these days.

Banna, do you see me seeking accommodation from anyone? I make my comments with full faculty. I mean everything that I write. I don’t care how it is received. Whether you like it or not is of no consequence to me.

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Labba, the PPP lost because many Indians did not agree with their policies between 2013 and 2015 so they vote their displeasure. The GPF, GDF , Civil Service which is predominantly Afros, ALWAYS vote PNC. Now tell me who is clannish? The question is for the board in general not at you Labba.

Another ignoramus a la Yugi. What happened in 92? Look at the blacks in the AFC that parted company with the PNC. And since yuh talking about "clannish" and mention the army, if black man suh clannish why is it that we never saw a military coup in Guyana by the predominantly black GDF during the PPP 23 year reign (when even indians were discontented).

Go back 50+ years and look at the blacks who were with Jagan and the PPP . Ask yuh mattie Gilbakka fuh lil schoolin'.

There was an attempted back door coup via the Buxton FF movement.  But dem bais ended up imploding!

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!


like dem 2 chaps sitting next to Irfaan....and de fake Bishop 

caribny posted:

These PPP frauds are interesting creatures.  I clearly remember after the lost in 2015 they screamed about how the USA and Exxon got together to put "blackman" in.  Wailed that Obama put in "one of he own blackman". Joined Maduro in screaming that Granger was not a valid president and that he was installed by the Yankee Imperialists.  And then ranted about how this is just like the early 60s when the Americans dumped the PPP.

Now the squeals that "white man gun rescue we from ayo blackman".

Word to you. Trump hates anyone who sniffs love to Maduro as Jagdeo does.

Yuh rass always mekking shit up. 😀

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Labba, the PPP lost because many Indians did not agree with their policies between 2013 and 2015 so they vote their displeasure. The GPF, GDF , Civil Service which is predominantly Afros, ALWAYS vote PNC. Now tell me who is clannish? The question is for the board in general not at you Labba.

Another ignoramus a la Yugi. What happened in 92? Look at the blacks in the AFC that parted company with the PNC. And since yuh talking about "clannish" and mention the army, if black man suh clannish why is it that we never saw a military coup in Guyana by the predominantly black GDF during the PPP 23 year reign (when even indians were discontented).

Go back 50+ years and look at the blacks who were with Jagan and the PPP . Ask yuh mattie Gilbakka fuh lil schoolin'.

There was an attempted back door coup via the Buxton FF movement.  But dem bais ended up imploding!

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!


like dem 2 chaps sitting next to Irfaan....and de fake Bishop 

From what I observe here, you have enemies on GNI 360. I suggest you don’t go making more!  

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Labba, the PPP lost because many Indians did not agree with their policies between 2013 and 2015 so they vote their displeasure. The GPF, GDF , Civil Service which is predominantly Afros, ALWAYS vote PNC. Now tell me who is clannish? The question is for the board in general not at you Labba.

Another ignoramus a la Yugi. What happened in 92? Look at the blacks in the AFC that parted company with the PNC. And since yuh talking about "clannish" and mention the army, if black man suh clannish why is it that we never saw a military coup in Guyana by the predominantly black GDF during the PPP 23 year reign (when even indians were discontented).

Go back 50+ years and look at the blacks who were with Jagan and the PPP . Ask yuh mattie Gilbakka fuh lil schoolin'.

There was an attempted back door coup via the Buxton FF movement.  But dem bais ended up imploding!

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!


like dem 2 chaps sitting next to Irfaan....and de fake Bishop 

I dont doubt that some Afros might vote for the PPP...but not in this current situation

...the nonsense that took place in 23 years of PPP rule is still fresh in their minds...

Irfaan is not a good choice...he is an embarassment. Sometimes a new leader, young and vibrant can surprise us, but Irfaan does not show a level of education, creativity, savvyness, charisma and independence of mind to be a credible leader.

Perhaps a PM candidate...if its a genuine one (not an uncle tom with no roots in the community) may place the party in a better position...but this is doubtful...

Irfaan's academic record is already a suspect....not a good start...

The PPP needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom to shed this negative image, and it needs to become an innovative party that reflect the changing political, social and economic environment. The party is a remnant and a creature of the past and its organizational structure allows those on the top to have undue influence (democratic centralism at work) and those in power have no great interest in changing the political culture of the party...nor do they have an interest in recruiting and training a new cadre of leaders. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Ksazma is the head of the Indo Nazi party so he merely does his job with his daily Indo supremacy squeals. Modi wishes that he could be as blatant as Ksazma is.

Y’all just can’t handle the truth.


Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!


like dem 2 chaps sitting next to Irfaan....and de fake Bishop 

From what I observe here, you have enemies on GNI 360. I suggest you don’t go making more!  

Truth can be painful to swallow...

so far you have not answered a question I posed regarding how the PPP will be able to maintain stability assuming they win the next a minority party..


When you see Afro-Guyanese as your enemies, you will always have enemies in your midst. Indo-Guyanese need to grow up and stop hallucinating. Treat your fellow citizens with love and respect and your fear shall disappear. I know that is a difficult task, but trying it a start in the right direction towards peace. You can't live with them or without them but try to coexist. Indos, as long as I am on GNI, I will continue to push Afros in your face if you continue to have problem with them.  Ok.

Prince posted:

When you see Afro-Guyanese as your enemies, you will always have enemies in your midst. Indo-Guyanese need to grow up and stop hallucinating. Treat your fellow citizens with love and respect and your fear shall disappear. I know that is a difficult task, but trying it a start in the right direction towards peace. You can't live with them or without them but try to coexist. Indos, as long as I am on GNI, I will continue to push Afros in your face if you continue to have problem with them.  Ok.

Princess... sound like de white colonial massa...

...dont you see the stereotypical view in your comment here? treating Afros like they are little children...thinking that they are incapable of defending themselves and need you to do it for them?

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

When you see Afro-Guyanese as your enemies, you will always have enemies in your midst. Indo-Guyanese need to grow up and stop hallucinating. Treat your fellow citizens with love and respect and your fear shall disappear. I know that is a difficult task, but trying it a start in the right direction towards peace. You can't live with them or without them but try to coexist. Indos, as long as I am on GNI, I will continue to push Afros in your face if you continue to have problem with them.  Ok.

Princess... sound like de white colonial massa...

...dont you see the stereotypical view in your comment here? treating Afros like they are little children...thinking that they are incapable of defending themselves and need you to do it for them?

When you going to school in old age you brains does take longer to process what you learn. I hope you graduate soon.  

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

 And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

Naaaahhhhhhhh .....

Prince was happy, happy happy and extremely excited to be there.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

 And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

Nah. BJ would have been polite and turned Prince into Prince Charming. 

There was one guy there (Arjune?).  He started off and BJ laughingly commented he cuss him everyday on FB.  He said it’s ok, he get cuss every day in Guyana.  Then he answered the question!

Demerara_Guy posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

Naaaahhhhhhhh .....

Prince was happy, happy happy and extremely excited to be there.

I hear Django went also ... them bhais enjoying  Bharrat vanilla popsicle ..  

Dave posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

Naaaahhhhhhhh .....

Prince was happy, happy happy and extremely excited to be there.

I hear Django went also ... them bhais enjoying  Bharrat vanilla popsicle ..  

Do you think this encourages people To attend any event to listen and try to understand the point of view.  As a person who claims to be an investor in Guyana, I would hope it’s what you want!   

Most of BJs most diehards on this site are clearly out of sync with his message.  Not sure why,  maybe you guys are not for real!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

They are loyal servants of their master

Prince you rass insulting Black folks. 

Your are a loyal servant to Jagdeo, right? Do you feel insulted? 

And yet you attended his town hall and sat in front of him. Why did you not fly your mouth then? Were you afraid that your face would get fatter?

Naaaahhhhhhhh .....

Prince was happy, happy happy and extremely excited to be there.

I hear Django went also ... them bhais enjoying  Bharrat vanilla popsicle ..  

Do you think this encourages people To attend any event to listen and try to understand the point of view.  As a person who claims to be an investor in Guyana, I would hope it’s what you want!   

Most of BJs most diehards on this site are clearly out of sync with his message.  Not sure why,  maybe you guys are not for real!

Jeezze man, you guys for real.. I was just ****ing  around...  


Last edited by Former Member

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