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Former Member

Are you guys sleeping? Come in and let's talk about Guyana's progress! Or, would you rather talk about how to make the working government look bad? Anyway, I am open to discuss on three versions if you care. The good, bad, and in between. Today is Sunday, the day after the diaspora in NYC finish their holi festivity. Come in my friends, let's gyaff!  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

11 hours ago

The “best and brightest” have taken us for one inglorious ride.....

Let's Examine Dr Singh and Dr Jagdeo true record.....




Mr. Nigel Hinds’s letter “Masters of Finance – Singh, Greenidge & Ram” (Stabroek News, March 15, 2012) has drawn sharp comments on the meaning and intent of the term “best and brightest”, particularly from those who felt that Mr. Hinds was unjustifiably praising Dr. Ashni Singh, the Minister of Finance.

In fact, “best and brightest” is a term of deprecation going back at least to a letter in a 1769 publication in which the writer used it mockingly and ironically to describe King George III’s ministers. Exactly two hundred years later, its place in infamy was sealed when journalist David Halberstam used it as the title of his # 1 bestseller which exposed the intellectual bankruptcy of the whiz-kids of John Kennedy’s disastrous policy that led to America’s ignominious defeat in the Vietnam War.


That it was in that context of derision that Mr. Hinds identified Dr. Singh is clear from his paragraph calling for his “cleansing the Augean Stables filled with questionable deals, those facilitated by National Commercial and Industrial Development Limited (NICIL), sale of Sanata Textile Mills, Amaila Falls Project engineered by the infamous Fip Motilal, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation [GPHC] contracts with New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation [New GPC], and the absence of lottery funds from Consolidated Fund to name a ‘few’”.


It is public knowledge that Dr. Singh was personally involved in every one of these “questionable deals”, and in the case of the “infamous” Fip Motilall, Dr. Singh’s ministry caused to be issued through GINA a three-page attack of undignified calumny on “Ram-like critics” who, on the bizarre selection of Fip Motilall as contractor for the road to the Amaila Falls, dared to expose Motilall as a fake contractor. They have been proved right and Dr. Singh wrong.


In the case of the GPHC and New GPC contracts, it is the Dr. Singh-controlled National Procurement and Tender Administration Board that annually approves single source contracts, and outrageous of all, Dr. Singh chairs the truly egregious National Industrial & Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) which spearheaded the tender for the Amaila Road Project. But these were only a few examples of Dr. Singh’s “brightness”.


Here are some others:

1. Every single audit report since Dr. Singh became Minister of Finance reminds us that “the Contingencies Fund continues to be abused”. And the abuser: the Minister of Finance in whom section 41 (2) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) invests sole powers and responsibilities over the Contingencies Fund.


2. Dr. Singh’s Finance Ministry has underwritten every one of the corrupt transactions of the Jagdeo Administration since October 2006, including the infamous Pradoville 2 for which Dr. Singh’s NICIL allotted house lots to former President Jagdeo, Cabinet Members, members of NICIL board and friends, all at below market price; computer purchases from a Brooklyn barbershop location; sole sourcing of school books for $90 million; disastrous multi-billion dollar road and other infrastructure contracts; and the sale and giveaway of state properties.


3. On all but one occasion of Dr. Singh’s presentation of the [annual] mid-year report under section 67 of the FMAA, the report pre-dates by months the date of its publication, prompting integrity concerns about Dr. Singh. 4. Dr. Singh has never once complied with section 21 of the FMAA dealing with conditional appropriations, concealing the real annual budget deficit. . Nor on his own recent admission in the National Assembly, has he ever complied with the section 24


(4) of the FMAA, on each of the fourteen occasions he came to the National Assembly for supplementary funds.


5. Dr. Singh has begun to use creative financing to plug the ballooning budget deficit caused by over-spending and non-receipt of the Norway money. In 2010 he treated $11.117 billion as Miscellaneous Income, “the net result of the ‘closure’ of inactive accounts, and retiring long outstanding obligations in relation to the issuance and redemption of Government Securities.”


6. Dr. Singh was central to the sale of state property and the unlawful granting of tax exemptions to the Ramroop group, concessions which have been abused and which any responsible Minister of Finance would revoke. In these transactions, Dr. Singh had not one but three occasions to check the validity, legality and propriety of the transactions: as Minister of Finance, as Chairman of NICIL, and as a senior Cabinet minister. He missed them all.


7. As Minister of Finance, Dr. Singh controls the Consolidated Fund and has allowed the proceeds from the Lottery to be placed in a “special” account outside of the Consolidated Fund. He approves the operations of this extra-ordinarily special account from which only his mentor and protector former President Jagdeo could spend.


8. Dr. Singh was part of a transaction for $4 billion in which there was sufficient evidence to refer Minister of Housing Irfaan Ally for misleading the National Assembly.


9. Dr. Singh has presented five budgets to the National Assembly totaling $627.5 Billion.  During that time, we have had no natural disasters or economic shocks undermining the Budget. Yet, during the same period, Dr. Singh has returned to the Assembly with fourteen (14) supplementary appropriation bills covering over 440transactions totaling $67.5 billion – conditions that would embarrass even a mediocre budget controller.  For good measure, none of the transactions involving drawings from the Contingencies Fund, covering a minimum of $19.5 billion, was brought within the “next sitting” of the National Assembly timeframe required under section 41 (5) of the FMAA.


10. Dr. Singh has ministerial responsibility for the National Insurance Scheme and the Insurance Act. To him therefore, is due more than a quarter share of the blame in Jagdeo-Dr. Singh-Luncheon-Geeta Singh quartet for the NIS loss of $5 billion in Clico.


11. As Finance Minister Dr. Singh would have known of the mistake that led to the excessive VAT rate of 16%. In order to disguise the effect of the mistake and a windfall of close to twenty billion dollars, he sought supplementary spending provisions of $18 billion (24% of the Budget) in the last two months of 2007! “Brightness” is certainly not the word to describe such shocking conduct. No wonder, neither Dr. Singh nor former President Jagdeo has responded to my several public challenges to them to release an unredacted copy of the report of the Barbadian consultant who was contracted to carry out the exercise. Together Mr. Jagdeo and Dr. Singh have so far gouged the Guyanese taxpayers of more than fifty billion dollars.


12. Dr. Singh exercises professional, personal and private control (PPP/C) of the Audit Office in a manner that is unique to Guyana but inconsistent with the Constitution, the FMAA and the independence rules of the auditing profession, with obvious effect on thequality of the audits. .


As readers would expect, such a letter cannot address all the financial shenanigans hidden in the spending of $627 billion (US$3,135 million) during the last Parliament.


Only a thorough investigation initiated by the National Assembly will reveal how the “best and brightest” Dr. Singh .........

and his mentor, that other “best and brightest” Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo,.....

have mismanaged the country’s finances for five years while taking the entire country for one inglorious ride.



Christopher Ram



Let's see how

Nehru,Dem_Guy, Councie,


Alena, Baseman....


or any Jagdeo/Ramotar Funny Fellas ........
Defend ....Their own.... "Best & Brightest Record "
There are over a dozen cases of mismanagement.....
if anyone of you can answer or address anyone of these issues....
just one....lets know.
We are waiting to hear from the defenders of the Best & the Brightest.
Lets "gyaff"give it your best shot.....

DPP berates cops over Handling of Serious Crimes

Posted By Staff Writer On March 31, 2013 In Local News |


Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack has raised an alarm over the police’s investigation of serious crimes, saying that case files show “poor and inadequate” work that has left several murders, including all that were committed in ‘D’ Division last year, unsolved.

In a strongly-worded letter to Police Commissioner (ag) Leroy Brumell, dated January 29, 2013, Ali-Hack said in some cases files are only sent to the DPP’s chambers for advice after an inordinate delay and she cited the suspected Bel Air Park murder/suicide of March, 2010, for which the file was received almost three years after and showed that investigators “overlooked obvious clues” of a double murder.

“This unacceptable trend is ultimately impacting on the effective functioning of the DPP’s office,” she wrote. Stabroek News, which has seen a copy of the letter, has learnt that it was received by Brumell on February 12.

From all indications, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee took his cue from the DPP when he too noted the long list of unsolved serious crimes, including execution-type murders, at the Police Officers’ conference earlier month. He warned that the situation suggested that the police force “lacks the ability or will” to solve high-profile cases.

 Sideek Juman

Sideek Juman

Natasha Nizamudeen

Natasha Nizamudeen

Ali-Hack has proposed that as soon as a report is received by police for serious offences, the police file should be taken immediately to the DPP’s office for the necessary advice. It is unclear whether Brumell replied but this newspaper has confirmed that copies of the letter were dispatched to Crime Chief Seelall Persaud and other senior members of the police force.

In her letter, Ali-Hack said that “the poor state of investigations” of serious crimes, such as murder, manslaughter, rape and armed robbery, is resulting in charges not being instituted and persons committing crimes that remain unsolved.

She added that the situation is compounded by the police’s failure to seek advice from her office, especially in serious cases, and the delays in meeting her requests for files when cases are brought to her attention. At the same time, she observed that it was particularly “distressing and disturbing” that files for less serious offences or in cases where there is no evidence or suspect are speedily referred to her office.

In order to ensure efficient police investigation and ultimately successful prosecutions, Ali-Hack requested that a system be put in place to ensure that police files for serious offences are brought to the DPP’s office for legal advice within 72 hours of the receipt of the report. “This is so especially in murder cases, so that advice may be given pertinent to the investigations. Lengthy delays in obtaining advice in many cases have resulted in crucial investigations not being done by the police which results in the lack of important evidence required to establish the offence,” she noted.


Ali-Hack singled out ‘D’ Division, where within the last year there have been several murders but “poor investigations” done by the police resulted in no person being charged. “They all remain unsolved onto now,” she said.

The DPP said that one such unsolved case is that of “Moneer Khan,” whose battered body was found at the Blankenburg Foreshore, West Coast Demerara on October 23, 2012. Relatives had told Stabroek News that the man’s name was “Muneer Hussain,” a 77-year-old Canada-based Guyanese.

 Bebe Jahooral Banu

Bebe Jahooral Banu

 Jennifer Persaud

Jennifer Persaud

According to the DPP, this police file that was received showed “glaring and inadequate” police investigations. She noted that from the photographs taken and even some of the statements provided by the investigating ranks, it was evident that the man was found in a kneeling position with his underpants pulled down. He also sustained severe abrasions on both knees, which was an indication that severe pressure had been applied to him whilst in that kneeling position on a hard surface. In addition to this, she said, there were also apparent fingernail scratches on both sides of his abdomen, going upwards. “These are all signs pointing to one logical conclusion: that Moneer Khan was apparently sodomised,” she said. “None of this was reflected in the coroner’s report and neither was it addressed by the pathologist since no mention was made on the post mortem report and there is no evidence that this part of Moneer Khan’s anatomy was ever examined by the pathologist,” she added.

According to Ali-Hack, Khan’s case is just one of several unsolved murders in the Division in which the files, when eventually brought to her chambers, reflected “poor and inadequate” police work.

Other cases, she said include the murder of Bebe Jahooral Banu, of De Willem, which occurred between December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2012; Afrozie Ali, whose nude body was found in the Zeelugt Cemetery on January 15, 2012; and the triple murder of Jennifer Persaud and her two children, Jadon and Afridi at Anna Catherina, which occurred between September 22 and 23, 2012.

The DPP said that in the case of the drowning of Sideek Juman at Double Day Hotel in November, 2012 and the death of Natasha Nizamudeen on December 18, 2012, neither file was sent to the chamber for legal advice.  Nizamudeen was found hanging in her in her step mother’s home at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo. “I had requested them after they were brought to my attention either in the press or through the visit to the Chambers by relatives of the deceased. After I requested them they took a long time to come,” she noted.

Ali-Hack also highlighted files for which requests have been met but have not been forwarded to the chambers. She said that the list includes two separate files involving Denis Rampersaud, for the offence of carnal knowledge, which were requested since 2010  (this is being handled by the Kitty Police Station); the file in relation to the alleged rape committed by Azad Mohamed (Springlands Police Station), a case in which the DPP had advised in June 2011 that further investigations be conducted; and the file in the case of Ravin Beharry—charged with committing sexual offences on two underage girls, including a 13-year-old—for which the request had been pending since October 21, 2011 (Suddie Police Station).


Double Murder





Ali-Hack also cited the case of the March 4, 2010 discovery of the decomposing remains of Dr Guillermo Martinez, a 58-year-old physiotherapist and 47-year-old Usawatie Persaud in a house at Eping Avenue, Bel Air, which was suspected to be the result of a murder-suicide.

However, she said it supported her concerns about the inordinate time the police take before sending a file for advice and the poor state of investigations. She said that the case file was sent to the chambers 34 months after the discovery. “When it finally arrived, it showed quite clearly that the ranks were not thorough and overlooked many obvious clues that pointed to a double murder. It is evident from the post mortem examination reports that this was a double murder but due to poor police investigations no person has been charged and this double murder remains unsolved,” she stated.

Although police had previously blamed limited forensics capability and the lack of cooperation from witnesses for this situation, security sources have told this newspaper that it all comes down to sloppy investigations. A source told Stabroek News last month that high-profile killings are “a complex matter,” while noting that the longer it takes to get the breakthrough, the higher the chances that the case would remain unsolved. Asked what is lacking, the source pointed out that there needs to be proper police investigations. “The earlier you predict the facts, the better,” the source said, while noting that forensics is not something that independently solves crimes. The source said crimes are solved by investigators as they are the ones who are required to gather the evidence, to find the witness and to find the motive.

-says ‘poor’ investigations leaving murders unsolved

Article printed from Stabroek News:



More things to shortage

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
11 hours ago

The “best and brightest” have taken us for one inglorious ride.....

Let's Examine Dr Singh and Dr Jagdeo true record.....




Mr. Nigel Hinds’s letter “Masters of Finance – Singh, Greenidge & Ram” (Stabroek News, March 15, 2012) has drawn sharp comments on the meaning and intent of the term “best and brightest”, particularly from those who felt that Mr. Hinds was unjustifiably praising Dr. Ashni Singh, the Minister of Finance.

In fact, “best and brightest” is a term of deprecation going back at least to a letter in a 1769 publication in which the writer used it mockingly and ironically to describe King George III’s ministers. Exactly two hundred years later, its place in infamy was sealed when journalist David Halberstam used it as the title of his # 1 bestseller which exposed the intellectual bankruptcy of the whiz-kids of John Kennedy’s disastrous policy that led to America’s ignominious defeat in the Vietnam War.


That it was in that context of derision that Mr. Hinds identified Dr. Singh is clear from his paragraph calling for his “cleansing the Augean Stables filled with questionable deals, those facilitated by National Commercial and Industrial Development Limited (NICIL), sale of Sanata Textile Mills, Amaila Falls Project engineered by the infamous Fip Motilal, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation [GPHC] contracts with New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation [New GPC], and the absence of lottery funds from Consolidated Fund to name a ‘few’”.


It is public knowledge that Dr. Singh was personally involved in every one of these “questionable deals”, and in the case of the “infamous” Fip Motilall, Dr. Singh’s ministry caused to be issued through GINA a three-page attack of undignified calumny on “Ram-like critics” who, on the bizarre selection of Fip Motilall as contractor for the road to the Amaila Falls, dared to expose Motilall as a fake contractor. They have been proved right and Dr. Singh wrong.


In the case of the GPHC and New GPC contracts, it is the Dr. Singh-controlled National Procurement and Tender Administration Board that annually approves single source contracts, and outrageous of all, Dr. Singh chairs the truly egregious National Industrial & Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) which spearheaded the tender for the Amaila Road Project. But these were only a few examples of Dr. Singh’s “brightness”.


Here are some others:

1. Every single audit report since Dr. Singh became Minister of Finance reminds us that “the Contingencies Fund continues to be abused”. And the abuser: the Minister of Finance in whom section 41 (2) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) invests sole powers and responsibilities over the Contingencies Fund.


2. Dr. Singh’s Finance Ministry has underwritten every one of the corrupt transactions of the Jagdeo Administration since October 2006, including the infamous Pradoville 2 for which Dr. Singh’s NICIL allotted house lots to former President Jagdeo, Cabinet Members, members of NICIL board and friends, all at below market price; computer purchases from a Brooklyn barbershop location; sole sourcing of school books for $90 million; disastrous multi-billion dollar road and other infrastructure contracts; and the sale and giveaway of state properties.


3. On all but one occasion of Dr. Singh’s presentation of the [annual] mid-year report under section 67 of the FMAA, the report pre-dates by months the date of its publication, prompting integrity concerns about Dr. Singh. 4. Dr. Singh has never once complied with section 21 of the FMAA dealing with conditional appropriations, concealing the real annual budget deficit. . Nor on his own recent admission in the National Assembly, has he ever complied with the section 24


(4) of the FMAA, on each of the fourteen occasions he came to the National Assembly for supplementary funds.


5. Dr. Singh has begun to use creative financing to plug the ballooning budget deficit caused by over-spending and non-receipt of the Norway money. In 2010 he treated $11.117 billion as Miscellaneous Income, “the net result of the ‘closure’ of inactive accounts, and retiring long outstanding obligations in relation to the issuance and redemption of Government Securities.”


6. Dr. Singh was central to the sale of state property and the unlawful granting of tax exemptions to the Ramroop group, concessions which have been abused and which any responsible Minister of Finance would revoke. In these transactions, Dr. Singh had not one but three occasions to check the validity, legality and propriety of the transactions: as Minister of Finance, as Chairman of NICIL, and as a senior Cabinet minister. He missed them all.


7. As Minister of Finance, Dr. Singh controls the Consolidated Fund and has allowed the proceeds from the Lottery to be placed in a “special” account outside of the Consolidated Fund. He approves the operations of this extra-ordinarily special account from which only his mentor and protector former President Jagdeo could spend.


8. Dr. Singh was part of a transaction for $4 billion in which there was sufficient evidence to refer Minister of Housing Irfaan Ally for misleading the National Assembly.


9. Dr. Singh has presented five budgets to the National Assembly totaling $627.5 Billion.  During that time, we have had no natural disasters or economic shocks undermining the Budget. Yet, during the same period, Dr. Singh has returned to the Assembly with fourteen (14) supplementary appropriation bills covering over 440transactions totaling $67.5 billion – conditions that would embarrass even a mediocre budget controller.  For good measure, none of the transactions involving drawings from the Contingencies Fund, covering a minimum of $19.5 billion, was brought within the “next sitting” of the National Assembly timeframe required under section 41 (5) of the FMAA.


10. Dr. Singh has ministerial responsibility for the National Insurance Scheme and the Insurance Act. To him therefore, is due more than a quarter share of the blame in Jagdeo-Dr. Singh-Luncheon-Geeta Singh quartet for the NIS loss of $5 billion in Clico.


11. As Finance Minister Dr. Singh would have known of the mistake that led to the excessive VAT rate of 16%. In order to disguise the effect of the mistake and a windfall of close to twenty billion dollars, he sought supplementary spending provisions of $18 billion (24% of the Budget) in the last two months of 2007! “Brightness” is certainly not the word to describe such shocking conduct. No wonder, neither Dr. Singh nor former President Jagdeo has responded to my several public challenges to them to release an unredacted copy of the report of the Barbadian consultant who was contracted to carry out the exercise. Together Mr. Jagdeo and Dr. Singh have so far gouged the Guyanese taxpayers of more than fifty billion dollars.


12. Dr. Singh exercises professional, personal and private control (PPP/C) of the Audit Office in a manner that is unique to Guyana but inconsistent with the Constitution, the FMAA and the independence rules of the auditing profession, with obvious effect on thequality of the audits. .


As readers would expect, such a letter cannot address all the financial shenanigans hidden in the spending of $627 billion (US$3,135 million) during the last Parliament.


Only a thorough investigation initiated by the National Assembly will reveal how the “best and brightest” Dr. Singh .........

and his mentor, that other “best and brightest” Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo,.....

have mismanaged the country’s finances for five years while taking the entire country for one inglorious ride.



Christopher Ram



Let's see how

Nehru,Dem_Guy, Councie,


Alena, Baseman....


or any Jagdeo/Ramotar Funny Fellas ........
Defend ....Their own.... "Best & Brightest Record "
There are over a dozen cases of mismanagement.....
if anyone of you can answer or address anyone of these issues....
just one....lets know.
We are waiting to hear from the defenders of the Best & the Brightest.
Lets "gyaff"give it your best shot.....
Those faces you posted above are great sons of Guyana who sees our country on the bright side with optimism. One thing I learn in life and that I will take to my grave is to love your country, support your country, and hope for the best. The gentlemen you portrait shares my ideals about honor and country, against our political indifferences. When last did speak of Guyana like a true son? 
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
11 hours ago

The “best and brightest” have taken us for one inglorious ride.....

Let's Examine Dr Singh and Dr Jagdeo true record.....




Mr. Nigel Hinds’s letter “Masters of Finance – Singh, Greenidge & Ram” (Stabroek News, March 15, 2012) has drawn sharp comments on the meaning and intent of the term “best and brightest”, particularly from those who felt that Mr. Hinds was unjustifiably praising Dr. Ashni Singh, the Minister of Finance.

In fact, “best and brightest” is a term of deprecation going back at least to a letter in a 1769 publication in which the writer used it mockingly and ironically to describe King George III’s ministers. Exactly two hundred years later, its place in infamy was sealed when journalist David Halberstam used it as the title of his # 1 bestseller which exposed the intellectual bankruptcy of the whiz-kids of John Kennedy’s disastrous policy that led to America’s ignominious defeat in the Vietnam War.


That it was in that context of derision that Mr. Hinds identified Dr. Singh is clear from his paragraph calling for his “cleansing the Augean Stables filled with questionable deals, those facilitated by National Commercial and Industrial Development Limited (NICIL), sale of Sanata Textile Mills, Amaila Falls Project engineered by the infamous Fip Motilal, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation [GPHC] contracts with New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation [New GPC], and the absence of lottery funds from Consolidated Fund to name a ‘few’”.


It is public knowledge that Dr. Singh was personally involved in every one of these “questionable deals”, and in the case of the “infamous” Fip Motilall, Dr. Singh’s ministry caused to be issued through GINA a three-page attack of undignified calumny on “Ram-like critics” who, on the bizarre selection of Fip Motilall as contractor for the road to the Amaila Falls, dared to expose Motilall as a fake contractor. They have been proved right and Dr. Singh wrong.


In the case of the GPHC and New GPC contracts, it is the Dr. Singh-controlled National Procurement and Tender Administration Board that annually approves single source contracts, and outrageous of all, Dr. Singh chairs the truly egregious National Industrial & Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) which spearheaded the tender for the Amaila Road Project. But these were only a few examples of Dr. Singh’s “brightness”.


Here are some others:

1. Every single audit report since Dr. Singh became Minister of Finance reminds us that “the Contingencies Fund continues to be abused”. And the abuser: the Minister of Finance in whom section 41 (2) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA) invests sole powers and responsibilities over the Contingencies Fund.


2. Dr. Singh’s Finance Ministry has underwritten every one of the corrupt transactions of the Jagdeo Administration since October 2006, including the infamous Pradoville 2 for which Dr. Singh’s NICIL allotted house lots to former President Jagdeo, Cabinet Members, members of NICIL board and friends, all at below market price; computer purchases from a Brooklyn barbershop location; sole sourcing of school books for $90 million; disastrous multi-billion dollar road and other infrastructure contracts; and the sale and giveaway of state properties.


3. On all but one occasion of Dr. Singh’s presentation of the [annual] mid-year report under section 67 of the FMAA, the report pre-dates by months the date of its publication, prompting integrity concerns about Dr. Singh. 4. Dr. Singh has never once complied with section 21 of the FMAA dealing with conditional appropriations, concealing the real annual budget deficit. . Nor on his own recent admission in the National Assembly, has he ever complied with the section 24


(4) of the FMAA, on each of the fourteen occasions he came to the National Assembly for supplementary funds.


5. Dr. Singh has begun to use creative financing to plug the ballooning budget deficit caused by over-spending and non-receipt of the Norway money. In 2010 he treated $11.117 billion as Miscellaneous Income, “the net result of the ‘closure’ of inactive accounts, and retiring long outstanding obligations in relation to the issuance and redemption of Government Securities.”


6. Dr. Singh was central to the sale of state property and the unlawful granting of tax exemptions to the Ramroop group, concessions which have been abused and which any responsible Minister of Finance would revoke. In these transactions, Dr. Singh had not one but three occasions to check the validity, legality and propriety of the transactions: as Minister of Finance, as Chairman of NICIL, and as a senior Cabinet minister. He missed them all.


7. As Minister of Finance, Dr. Singh controls the Consolidated Fund and has allowed the proceeds from the Lottery to be placed in a “special” account outside of the Consolidated Fund. He approves the operations of this extra-ordinarily special account from which only his mentor and protector former President Jagdeo could spend.


8. Dr. Singh was part of a transaction for $4 billion in which there was sufficient evidence to refer Minister of Housing Irfaan Ally for misleading the National Assembly.


9. Dr. Singh has presented five budgets to the National Assembly totaling $627.5 Billion.  During that time, we have had no natural disasters or economic shocks undermining the Budget. Yet, during the same period, Dr. Singh has returned to the Assembly with fourteen (14) supplementary appropriation bills covering over 440transactions totaling $67.5 billion – conditions that would embarrass even a mediocre budget controller.  For good measure, none of the transactions involving drawings from the Contingencies Fund, covering a minimum of $19.5 billion, was brought within the “next sitting” of the National Assembly timeframe required under section 41 (5) of the FMAA.


10. Dr. Singh has ministerial responsibility for the National Insurance Scheme and the Insurance Act. To him therefore, is due more than a quarter share of the blame in Jagdeo-Dr. Singh-Luncheon-Geeta Singh quartet for the NIS loss of $5 billion in Clico.


11. As Finance Minister Dr. Singh would have known of the mistake that led to the excessive VAT rate of 16%. In order to disguise the effect of the mistake and a windfall of close to twenty billion dollars, he sought supplementary spending provisions of $18 billion (24% of the Budget) in the last two months of 2007! “Brightness” is certainly not the word to describe such shocking conduct. No wonder, neither Dr. Singh nor former President Jagdeo has responded to my several public challenges to them to release an unredacted copy of the report of the Barbadian consultant who was contracted to carry out the exercise. Together Mr. Jagdeo and Dr. Singh have so far gouged the Guyanese taxpayers of more than fifty billion dollars.


12. Dr. Singh exercises professional, personal and private control (PPP/C) of the Audit Office in a manner that is unique to Guyana but inconsistent with the Constitution, the FMAA and the independence rules of the auditing profession, with obvious effect on thequality of the audits. .


As readers would expect, such a letter cannot address all the financial shenanigans hidden in the spending of $627 billion (US$3,135 million) during the last Parliament.


Only a thorough investigation initiated by the National Assembly will reveal how the “best and brightest” Dr. Singh .........

and his mentor, that other “best and brightest” Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo,.....

have mismanaged the country’s finances for five years while taking the entire country for one inglorious ride.



Christopher Ram



Let's see how

Nehru,Dem_Guy, Councie,


Alena, Baseman....


or any Jagdeo/Ramotar Funny Fellas ........
Defend ....Their own.... "Best & Brightest Record "
There are over a dozen cases of mismanagement.....
if anyone of you can answer or address anyone of these issues....
just one....lets know.
We are waiting to hear from the defenders of the Best & the Brightest.
Lets "gyaff"give it your best shot.....
Those faces you posted above are great sons of Guyana who sees our country on the bright side with optimism. One thing I learn in life and that I will take to my grave is to love your country, support your country, and hope for the best. The gentlemen you portrait shares my ideals about honor and country, against our political indifferences. When last did speak of Guyana like a true son? 

Bhai, Dem can only talk bad about Guyana BUT cant wait to have their hands in the CASH REGISTER!!!


Those faces you posted above are great sons of Guyana who sees our country on the bright side with optimism.

One thing I learn in life and that I will take to my grave is to love your country, support your country, and hope for the best.

The gentlemen you portrait shares my ideals about honor and country, against our political indifferences.

When last did speak of Guyana like a true son? 



is Joey Jagan a true son?????


The PPP’s rebuttals of Ramkarranare laughable

Last edited by Former Member

Bro, the Cheddi Jagan PPP has become obsolete from the 1950's. I respect Ramkarran's opinion but he needs to be reformed with the time we're living in. That's all I can say about your article.


The hogwash of Joey Jagan and Ramkarran.


The foundation of the Peoples Progressive Party was laid by the grassroot ppl of the rural communities. The GT crowd was pro-colonial and anti-communist. Not to say, the rural ppl knew of communism-Cheddie and Janet hid that away from them. The rhetoric was mostly attacking the sugar estates owners. That man and wfe were liars and robbers of poor ppl happiness. Every thief is a liar and every liar is a thief.


For one more time, "CHEDDIE JAGAN WAS NOT THE FOUNDER OF THE PPP, he was merely the leader." And he died, and the party is still around and will be still be around when Ramotar dies as well.


He might had thought he owned the party and when challenged by Forbes Burnham, Jagan behaved as he did in the corruption of the party democratic system which result in the corruption of its leadership today.   

Originally Posted by Jalil:

is Joey Jagan a true son of Guyana?????


Why cant you answer the Question.....

Please don't tell me he is not (a Son).....

I have said this before and I am saying it again. Guyana doesn't belong to Joey and whether he is a true son or not is for him to say. The Guyanese people don't owe Joey a dime or an explanation. This is my personal take on Joey: Joey in NOT Cheddi Jagan and he will never be. If Joey is a true son of the soil, he would follow his father foot step and fight for the people of Guyana, rather than talk down the country with his weekly bull shit. Is that enough for you?

Originally Posted by seignet:

The hogwash of Joey Jagan and Ramkarran.


The foundation of the Peoples Progressive Party was laid by the grassroot ppl of the rural communities.I agree 

The GT crowd was pro-colonial and anti-communist. Again you are right. 

Not to say, the rural ppl knew of communism-Cheddie and Janet hid that away from them.Again Correct...they were Religious people and some drink a lot.


The rhetoric was mostly attacking the sugar estates owners. To receive a decent pay for their hard work.


That man and wfe were liars and robbers of poor ppl happiness....U must be talking about Burnham....but U will have to convince us Viola was a Thief or Liar.


Every thief is a liar and every liar is a thief. If you can prove Viola is a thief...please lets know.


For one more time, "CHEDDIE JAGAN WAS NOT THE (ONLY) FOUNDER OF THE PPP, he was merely the leader." Eee was one of the Founders and the Leader.


And he died, and the party is still around and will be still be around when Ramotar dies as well.....Not sure....some of them thieves will be Jailed.


He might had thought he owned the party and when challenged by Forbes Burnham, Jagan behaved as he did in the corruption of the party democratic system which result in the corruption of its leadership today. ........Seignet Bhai neither Jagan nor Burnham own the Party....if U have proof of Jagan rigging or thiefing the General elections anytime le abee know.  


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Joey in NOT Cheddi Jagan and he will never be.

Joey Jagan is not the Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan, though Joey Jagan is Cheddi Jagan.


Originally Posted by PRK:

Dis man Ashknee Singh a wan rale short napolean tieff man yea. Dem nah gat shame. 

Bro, go back to school and learn how to address the Minister of Finance properly, then come back and make your statement.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Joey in NOT Cheddi Jagan and he will never be.

Joey Jagan is not the Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan, though Joey Jagan is Cheddi Jagan.

Christopher Columbus


Not a watershed budget for the poorer person
Snews March 31,2013

Dear Editor,
As Guyanese analyse the Budget for 2013 it is useful to compare some of the numbers with how they are presented and received. There is no group which has welcomed the Budget more than the Private Sector Commission, one representative describing it as our (PSC) budget.

Let us take the apparently straightforward example of the reduction in the rate of personal income tax from 33% to 30%. Readers will note that not only do individuals not have the benefit like dependents allowances while companies are allowed to deduct almost all their expenses, but the individual is still paying the same or higher rate of tax than non-commercial companies do, that is 30%.
If we exclude the personal allowance of $50,000 per month an individual’s nominal and actual tax rate is the same: 30%. Compare this with say GBTI whose nominal corporate tax rate is 40% but which enjoys a host of tax shelters. Its effective corporate tax rate for 2011 is 26.82%. Shareholders of GBTI pay no tax on dividends while its employees pay 30%. Even if we say that the company and the shareholder are the same – which it clearly is not – the shareholders’ tax rate is 26.82%. That is inequitable.

But let us get back to the benefits of the reduction in the rate of income tax and the increase in the rate of NIS, both of which impact on take home pay, or as the PSC says, spending power. In dollar terms, for each $10,000 earned by the worker the tax saving is $333. It means this: the worker who was earning $50,000 per month at December 31, 2012 gets nothing out of the budget; one who earned $60,000 per month takes home $333; one who earned $80,000 takes home $680 more, etc. The earliest point at which the increased take home pay exceeds $10,000 per month is for employees earning $380,000.
Note that I have not taken the projected inflation of 3.5% for 2013 into account. If that is done the income level at which there will be a net saving is for employees earning $296,000 per month. All persons earning below that income per month will actually be worse off.

The PSC is right: this is a watershed budget – but not for the poorer person.

Yours faithfully,
L.C. Ram

Last edited by Mitwah

When I said "opposition" I meant APNU not AFC   Ah throw meh carn but meh nah call no fowl. You see how people does get ketch? 





yuh playing safe....AFC will not vote against anything in the budget that would bring relief to the poor and struggling working class in Guyana.


Dr. Joey is one of the most progressive leaders in Guyana right now. Just listen to the man speak on issues relating Guyana and you will understand what I am saying.


The leader of the Unity Party of Guyana can bring unity to Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Joey in NOT Cheddi Jagan and he will never be.

Joey Jagan is not the Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan, though Joey Jagan is Cheddi Jagan.

So he is not a Junior so what.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The PSC is right: this is a watershed budget – but not for the poorer person.

Yours faithfully,
L.C. Ram

PSC is indeed correct on the budget and for all.




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