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Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Dave, you being a skont.  Why don’t you go and help with the numbers!!

Cuzz Ralphy needs some help from his NY Ivy Leaguer brigade!


You Rass talk about that purple suit and getting lucky....and you see the jealousy rise up.

Bhai, you see how violent them Guyanese woman is, recently... Hot rice, Hot mar, Fire water, cane cotter 22 “ 


My view is that small parties will be squeezed out in the next elections, if we have one. Also, it is my view that there are either of two main reasons for their formation. First, to prevent any or one specific political party to have a majority in Parliament. Second, to get some leaverage for the leaders to be part of one of the major parties. E.g, Shuman.

it is disturbing for me that people like Ralph and Henry, members of the political elite for so many years and who benefitted from involvement in one or both major political parties  for many years under the constitution are now saying that the constitution needs to be changed if there is to be progress. They forget, though they are intelligent, that constitutions, like institutions and processes are managed by humans. No constitution can cover all eventualities, all possibilities. It’s core principles is what is important. Their wanting to change the constitution now is they trying to fool us that it is the constitution and not them, the political elite who is the blame for the current mess we are in. 

Zed posted:

My view is that small parties will be squeezed out in the next elections, if we have one. Also, it is my view that there are either of two main reasons for their formation. First, to prevent any or one specific political party to have a majority in Parliament. Second, to get some leaverage for the leaders to be part of one of the major parties. E.g, Shuman.

it is disturbing for me that people like Ralph and Henry, members of the political elite for so many years and who benefitted from involvement in one or both major political parties  for many years under the constitution are now saying that the constitution needs to be changed if there is to be progress. They forget, though they are intelligent, that constitutions, like institutions and processes are managed by humans. No constitution can cover all eventualities, all possibilities. It’s core principles is what is important. Their wanting to change the constitution now is they trying to fool us that it is the constitution and not them, the political elite who is the blame for the current mess we are in. 

I agree. I believe that’s why they are not gaining traction.  A PNC supporter mentioned to me that people like Ralph sat back while BJ took over the PPP away from them and kicked them to the curb and they sat dumbfounded.  Now suddenly they found a voice against the PNC and promising this and that!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana's problem is the party that violates the constitution and governs dictatorially.  That party is the PNC.  A fraudulent election will destroy any goodwill that small parties can bring since the victor would be the fraudster.  

Banna, get off the Po!  We been saying that throughout history and still powerless to do anything!  Unless the White Man intervenes, PNC seems all powerful to do as they wish!  Where that is concerned, PPP has been a waste of time!  But ayuh coolies want am suh!


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