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Originally Posted by Vish M:

I was the GM of Universal Airlines and nothing else. 


I strongly belief in a 3rd carrier as it


Creates competition


Add capacity to the Air Cargo Industry


Improves the Cash flow for 1000's in Guyana.


Pushes the GY Government to become more aware of the Industry and the Diaspora.

Vishnu EVERY third carrier has collapsed and the reason is that there is no room for a third carrier into the smallGuyana market.  There MIGHT be room for additional foreign based airlines, which is why I offered Surinam Airways as an option to CAL and Delta.


Given that as we speak hundreds of Guyanese have now been robbed by yet another airline that you are connected to can you tell me how Guyanese are beingt helped.  Thousands others who spent their hard earned cash to go hoime for the Xmas holidays are now left having been DEFRAUDED and with little hope of compensation.


Vishnu until you are able to do what TravelSpan did and that is offer 100% refunds or tickets on other carriers you are a FRAUD.  Not saying that you have benefitted but your continued attempt to defend these criminals makes you equally guilty.



Please tell that to the Guyanese whoi were chased away from EZjet's office by the police, and who now have to find US$300 to get back to their jobs in NYC, assuming of course that BW and DL still have seats to accommodate them.


While you excuse this mess the Guyanese who didnt listen to you and who selected BW and DL are LAUGHING at you.


I will leave you with two pieces of advise.


1.  Those who dont know their history are compelled to repeat it.


2.  If you continue to do what you have already done why be surprised when the outcome is the same.



Ezjet is just anothere in a long line of failures.  Every time you all started these fly by nights your justofications were always the same.  And every time the results were the same.  Angry stranded passengers defrauded by crooks.


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