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Hernia damaged prisoner’s intestines, not rape – Health Minister

January 17, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, has denied that the injuries to Colwyn Harding, the 23-year-old man who claims that he was sexually assaulted with a baton by a policeman while in custody, were not caused by rape, but instead are related to an incarcerated hernia.

Ramsaran was yesterday addressing Members of Parliament, when A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)


Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health,
Dr Bheri Ramsaran


Winston Felix, sought an update on the injuries to Harding who had alleged that he was raped while in custody at the Timehri Police Station.

Harding had alleged that a police rank placed a condom on a baton and forcibly inserted into his anus. He was later hospitalised.

Amidst shouts of ‘cover up,’ the Health Minister told the House that the patient had surgery for an incarcerated hernia. This condition, he said, reached a point where Harding’s bowels had become gangrenous.

He said that in juxtaposing the claim of the sexual assault, this needs to be taken into account.

According to the Health Minister, a section of his intestine had to be removed and the two lengths connected. This, Ramsaran said, was done on December 18, after which there was a breakdown of the joining. The Minister said that this led to a septic condition within the abdomen and he had to be reopened for a strangulated hernia.

Ramsaran said that following the breakdown in the joining of the intestines, Harding had to be reopened and rejoined, and this led to the use of Colostomy bags.

The bags are used by Harding to defecate since he is unable to use his anus.

The Minister maintained that the first surgery done on Harding on December 18 was because he was complaining of pains to the right scrotum when it was discovered that he had an incarcerated hernia.

The second surgery according to Minister Ramsaran was done on December 28.

“What our surgical professionals are saying is that the patient was operated on because of pain in the right scrotum area, this is what caused the injuries to the bowel,” according to Ramsaran.

The Minister said that the persons juxtaposing Harding’s injuries with the sexual assault have to be careful, as it is not necessarily the case that the injuries were caused by the reported sexual assault.

According to Ramsaran, he is optimistic that following the second operation, Harding will once again be able to use his anus for the purpose it was intended.

Asked whether the Ministry would send Harding overseas for further treatment, Minister Ramsaran, told the House that this would not be happening.

“This is a case well within the reach of our skills and practice.”

The Minister sought to assure the House that the Georgetown Public Hospital along with its surgeons and resources are fully able to deal with an incarcerated hernia.

Asked about an independent examination of Harding, Minister Ramsaran told the House that he (Harding) was free to seek a second opinion.  During a recent interview with this publication Harding had explained that he was brutalized in front of his girlfriend who was placed outside the house when she began to object.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps, more will become available to add more clarity to this case.

Exactly.  KN AKA ASS WIPE will as usual  convict the Cop then give him a trial.


I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


A video of the act was even produced. I do not know for what use it was intended but that it was created in the process of officers raping a kid with a baton is almost unimaginable. What ever injury the kid had I am sure was not the reason this he was sent to the hospital. His present condition of multiple rips to his intestines and consequent complications is medically undeniable.


Why would this doctor, not concentrate on the crime and the injury and the objectionable way it happened? Of course, the good doctor need an excuse, our cops do not do this, they do not beat citizens. I would like to inform this good doctor that the legacy of cruelty of the police force is long and uninterrupted for decades.  I also ask, what happened to the cop that beat our native sister so badly in the interior?...we all know...nothing. And what happened to the investigation of the young soldier who was left for days beaten and naked in his cell....again...nothing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


A video of the act was even produced. I do not know for what use it was intended but that it was created in the process of officers raping a kid with a baton is almost unimaginable. What ever injury the kid had I am sure was not the reason this he was sent to the hospital. His present condition of multiple rips to his intestines and consequent complications is medically undeniable.


Why would this doctor, not concentrate on the crime and the injury and the objectionable way it happened? Of course, the good doctor need an excuse, our cops do not do this, they do not beat citizens. I would like to inform this good doctor that the legacy of cruelty of the police force is long and uninterrupted for decades.  I also ask, what happened to the cop that beat our native sister so badly in the interior?...we all know...nothing. And what happened to the investigation of the young soldier who was left for days beaten and naked in his cell....again...nothing.

Doctor D2 speaks.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


Doctor D2 speaks.

Of course I am not a doctor and I do not trust t his one. Was he not denying the harassment of another physician by the administration for poor patient care? Did he not in his arrogance called the physician a "lil boy" and insinuated he can send the police to get him for illegally practicing medicine under his mother "bottom house"? This fellow was the one also accused of raping his friends 16 year old kid?... so no...I do not trust him to be the messenger. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


Doctor D2 speaks.

Of course I am not a doctor and I do not trust t his one. Was he not denying the harassment of another physician by the administration for poor patient care? Did he not in his arrogance called the physician a "lil boy" and insinuated he can send the police to get him for illegally practicing medicine under his mother "bottom house"? This fellow was the one also accused of raping his friends 16 year old kid?... so no...I do not trust him to be the messenger. 

So the entire Panel of Doctors and a Nurse are LIARS and a Criminal is believable. You have a RIGHt to believe that, it is a Democratic Country.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


Doctor D2 speaks.

Of course I am not a doctor and I do not trust t his one. Was he not denying the harassment of another physician by the administration for poor patient care? Did he not in his arrogance called the physician a "lil boy" and insinuated he can send the police to get him for illegally practicing medicine under his mother "bottom house"? This fellow was the one also accused of raping his friends 16 year old kid?... so no...I do not trust him to be the messenger. 

So the entire Panel of Doctors and a Nurse are LIARS and a Criminal is believable. You have a RIGHt to believe that, it is a Democratic Country.

what happen to the lie detector machine that they have hook up the cop and the victim on it let see who is lying and let a independent agency do the test

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


Doctor D2 speaks.

Of course I am not a doctor and I do not trust t his one. Was he not denying the harassment of another physician by the administration for poor patient care? Did he not in his arrogance called the physician a "lil boy" and insinuated he can send the police to get him for illegally practicing medicine under his mother "bottom house"? This fellow was the one also accused of raping his friends 16 year old kid?... so no...I do not trust him to be the messenger. 

So the entire Panel of Doctors and a Nurse are LIARS and a Criminal is believable. You have a RIGHt to believe that, it is a Democratic Country.

what happen to the lie detector machine that they have hook up the cop and the victim on it let see who is lying and let a independent agency do the test

The Family should hire an International Panel if they do not trust the Authorities.


This allegation of brutality happened in November. Had the KN not report it, it would have swept under the rug. Brumell had assigned it to a top cop to investigate. He did nothing and now it's  being assigned after it has been published.


What happened top those cops who beat up that Amerindian woman?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think the PPP minister demonstrates why he were born with a foot in his mouth. What reason has he to create a subterfuge for the fall out from this careless act? The kid had his intestines perforated by a baton wielded by a perverted fellow in the police force while other officers stood by and cheered.


Doctor D2 speaks.

Of course I am not a doctor and I do not trust t his one. Was he not denying the harassment of another physician by the administration for poor patient care? Did he not in his arrogance called the physician a "lil boy" and insinuated he can send the police to get him for illegally practicing medicine under his mother "bottom house"? This fellow was the one also accused of raping his friends 16 year old kid?... so no...I do not trust him to be the messenger. 

So the entire Panel of Doctors and a Nurse are LIARS and a Criminal is believable. You have a RIGHt to believe that, it is a Democratic Country.

I read carefully what they said and you should also. They have no evidence to refute the accusation of rape. They say they cannot know at this point. My fear is neglect to investigate, was as usual to the detriment of the investigation.


I absolutely am incense that the minister of health, and the doctors weighed in with no evidence to refute the fellows statement but that the minister highlighted the injury can be from a hernia. It can also be from being sodomized you knuckle head!  This is dog whistling at its perfection. They intend to lay down a cloud of doubt.


Here are authoritative figures ( no matter their asses are ignorant of what happened to this point) standing up and saying it can be otherwise than the fellow stated. This is disgusting. It rises significant levels of doubt from the aether and that is exactly as intended. It is the reason we have police taking liberties left and right and no one asking any questions.


The police should be the one speaking not the doctors or the minister of health. Rohee should be the one weighing in advising what is being done not  and not as these  despicable professionals did, seeking to discredit the accuser with biased testimony.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:

conman when you going to this hospital to take out your brain tumor

Say what? Councie got a tumor on his ass?

Yeah. It is called a lump of shyte. Even the Chronicle ain't strong enough to wipe it off. The doctor might need a baton to remove it.


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