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64th Enmore Martyrs’ Day observances begin with religious ceremonyPDFPrintE-mail
Written by GINA  
Monday, 11 June 2012 22:17
PRESIDENT  Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Sunday joined  relatives and residents of Enmore at the Enmore Shiv Mandir, East Coast  Demerara, to begin the commemoration of the struggle of Guyana’s sugar  workers over six decades ago.

Addressing worshippers at the Enmore Shiv Mandir on Sunday, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds tells his audience that Enmore Martyrs’ Day is one of the most formative events in Guyana.

Enmore  Martyrs’ Day is in remembrance of the five sugar workers who were shot  and killed on June 16, 1948, by colonial police, while they were  demonstrating for better working conditions. President Ramotar said  that Enmore Martyrs’ Day has become one of the most important days in  the history of Guyana for several reasons. Firstly, “It was a coming  together of many, many, things that were happening at the time.  Internationally the Second World War had just ended, Hitlerite fascism  had been defeated, and there was a major anti-colonial drive taking  place in the world.” Secondly, the President said, the Enmore sugar  workers’ move ignited and gave life to the first call for the Political  Affairs Committee that was formed by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, a call for  independence and “in our own country that call became very much a call  of national interest.” The first Enmore Martyrs’ Day also coincided  with the struggle for democracy, including workers’ and industrial  democracy. That major struggle of the sugar workers had the recognition  of the Manpower Citizens’ Association (MPCA). The first major battle was  at Leonora in 1939.

President Donald Ramotar speaks to Enmore residents on the occasion of the Hindu religious ceremony that began the 64th commemoration of Enmore Martyrs’ Day at the Enmore Shiv Mandir on Sunday

President  Ramotar also noted the importance of sugar to the colony, and the  betrayal of the workers by the union, and pointed out that there have  always been major struggles in the sugar industry, mainly because of the  importance of the industry to the economy. “So a struggle in the  sugar industry was a struggle for the national liberation of Guiana. A  national struggle and the sugar workers led that struggle all the way,”  the President stated. He added that one of the characteristic  features of the sugar workers was their political consciousness,  pointing to the fact that during the 80-day general strike in the 1960s,  “the sugar workers did not strike, because they realised that striking  then was against their own interest and against the national interest of  the country. “We have to understand the depths of the struggle…then  we were fighting for independence, democracy, freedom and rights…Today  we have a new situation, where we need to apply the same political  consciousnesses to what is happening





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Nehru bhai,


Guyana is moving away from being a sugar worker state.  Mechanization of the sugar industry, growth of the tourism sector, and the emergence of an oil and gas industry will create jobs in other areas. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

In Memory of the Enmore Martyrs

By Mel Carpen
Guyana Journal, June 2008

JUST AFTER SUNRISE on the morning of June 16, 1948, sixty years ago, five sugar workers were brutally shot to death at Enmore Estate in Guyana as they were demonstrating for better working conditions, fair wages, and for the recognition of a Trade Union of their choice.

The five workers who died became known as the Enmore Martyrs. They were Lallabaggie and Dookie from Enmore, and Rambarran, Harry and Pooran from Enterprise/Non Pariel. One worker was shot in the back as he tried to flee from the scene. There were also fourteen other workers who were seriously injured.

It was not the first time in Guyana's history that sugar workers were killed whilst demonstrating for better working conditions. The first incident occurred in 1872 at Devonshire Castle where five workers were gunned down by Colonial Police. In 1896 the Police shot five workers and seriously injured several others at Non Pariel. In 1903 eight workers were killed and seven injured at Friends, and in 1913 at Rose Hall fifteen were killed and thirteen wounded. These shootings all occurred on individual estates where workers resorted to strikes and demonstrations in order to force the Sugar Estate owners to improve the working conditions. These incidents were not part of an industry-wide action as was the case of the 1939 shootings at Leonora and the 1948 shootings at Enmore.

In 1939 sugar workers at several estates went on strike as a last resort in order to influence the sugar estates to improve their working conditions; however, the strike and demonstrations were suppressed when police brutally shot five workers and injuring several others.

After the 1939 death of the sugar workers, a collective bargaining agreement was put into place recognizing the Manpower Citizens Association (MPCA) as the representative union for the field workers and the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) as the representative union of the factory workers.

Workers were dissatisfied with the representation they were getting from the MPCA. On many occasions the Union sided with the Sugar Producers Association (SPA) in industrial disputes instead of fighting for the cause of the workers. Eventually, a new Union was formed to represent the workers in their efforts to secure better working conditions.

This new Union, the Guyana Industrial Workers Union, (GIWU) was more vigorous and militant in representing the workers' wishes and campaigned to win the support of the workers as their union representative. The SPA recognized the MPCA and did not want to meet with the GIWU.

In 1948 the SPA introduced a system of "cut and load" as opposed to the original system of "cut and drop". In the "cut and drop" system one gang of workers cut the cane whilst another gang loaded the cane into the punts for the factories. In the "cut and load" system the same gang that cut the cane had to also load the cane into punts for the factories. This new system which was introduced without consultation with the workers involved greater physical effort and was very strenuous, especially for older workers. This system would also facilitate a significant decrease of the work force needed for harvesting.

The sugar workers represented by the MPCA agreed to try the new system if wages were fairly increased; however, the SPA would not agree to a fair rate of pay to compensate for the additional work; so the workers had no alternative but to go on strike.

The MPCA advised the workers to return to work whilst the GIWU encouraged them to continue the fight for the right to receive fair wages. The workers saw the GIWU as the only Union that was interested in fighting for their welfare; so they started to swing their support en mass towards the GIWU. At this critical time the workers intensified their efforts to secure the recognition of the GIWU as their representative union.

The strike spread to most of the estates and climaxed at a huge demonstration at Enmore on the morning of June 16, 1948, where colonial police opened fire, thus killing five workers and injuring fourteen others. The Enmore Martyrs became forever etched in Guyana's history.

Two years before the Enmore Martyrs incident, the political landscape of Guyana had started to change with the formation of the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) headed by Dr. Cheddi Jagan, the son and grandson of indentured sugar workers. Dr. Jagan and his wife, Janet, had just returned from the USA and had initiated a gigantic effort to improve the social, economic and political conditions of the working people.

Dr. Jagan joined the MPCA but was disgusted at the corruption and hypocrisy that he saw within that union. He was instrumental, with Dr.J.P. Latchmansingh and others, in forming the GIWU to secure better working conditions for the sugar workers and, also with his wife and political partner Janet, Joycelyn Hubbard and Ashton Chase, formed the PAC to fight for political reforms. At the time of the strike in 1948 Dr. Jagan was the elected representative for the East Demerara District #6, having been elected to the Legislative Assembly as an Independent in 1947. Dr. Jagan and Mrs. Jagan were involved in the strike. They knew the workers who were slain. At the funeral a massive crowd was present and the procession was prevented from marching through Georgetown.

The martyrdom of the workers at Enmore influenced Dr. Cheddi Jagan into making that solemn pledge that he would not rest until his people were free from colonial bondage.

The PAC was the forerunner of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) which became the vanguard of Guyana's struggle for independence, and the GIWU became the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) which is today the recognized union of the sugar workers in Guyana.

The martyrdom of the workers at Enmore and other estates must never be forgotten.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

FRIGGIN limey dogs!!!!!

The " FRIGGIN limey dogs!!!!! are  long  gone but tragically, the  coolie   poodles that  inherit  the  mantle is proving  to  be no  better if  not  worse.


Coolies was brutalized for 28 years or more that I can recall. It seem like many of you suddenly forget your history when you feel the need to politicized criminal activities. Don't be so hard on yourself. Time have changed and everyone is in the brutality business, but coolie will get the bad name.


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