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Ramotar said; ‘Bring it on’ but when it came, he fell heavily

November 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

The Attorney General, Mr. Nandlall was facilitated by his boss, the President, to present the $10,000 voucher to the parents of school children in public schools. This was the beginning of Ramotar’s descent. In proroguing Parliament, Ramotar has dived to the bottom of the pit.
Mr. Nandlall has put Guyana in a terrible light with a tape that in any other part of the world would have landed Nandlall and Ramotar in hot volcanic ash. In American sports, the owner of a professional basketball team was taped by his lover as he warned her about bringing her African male friends to the team’s games.
What followed was a national scandal in the United States in which the American society literally condemned and forced the man to sell the team.
In Guyana, President Ramotar not only refuses to fire Nandlall but even to scold him. On the contrary, Ramotar has strategized that if he puts Nandlall on meet-the-people tours, it would lessen any damage to Nandlall’s and his government’s credibility. But in doing so Ramotar shows how politically flawed his Presidency is.
There are two horrible aspects of what Ramotar has done. First, he knows those folks have to turn out to collect the $10,000 handout so in effect, he has actually coerced them into meeting Mr. Nandlall. Secondly, Mr. Ramotar is actually telling those people that they are stupid so they cannot sense that Mr. Nandlall is in big trouble and they will accept him as if nothing happened.
This political plan to rehabilitate Mr. Nandlall shows the shocking level of disdain the PPP historically had and continue to have for the East Indian folks of Guyana.
Every PPP leader at both the senior and junior levels accept this mental structure of Indian Guyanese. They all believe that Indians will listen to the PPP and believe any and everything the PPP tells them. Mr. Ramotar is as foolish as the people he thinks will buy the Nandlall strategy.
The Indians of the sixties, seventies and nineties are not the Indians of the 21st century.
Mr. Ramotar obviously didn’t read the current census. Over sixty percent of Guyanese are under 35 years. The mentally blinded Indians, who made the PPP the god that it thinks it is, died years ago along with Cheddi and Janet Jagan. Which young Indian believes Anil Nandlall is innocent?
Ramotar is indeed as foolish as those Indians he perceives as foolish. They will take the $10,000 and return home leaving Ramotar to relish his own sordid delusions.
From stumbling badly by fronting Mr. Nandall, Mr. Ramotar fell flat on his face when he suspended the Parliament in which his party does not have a majority.
Taking his cue from his benefactor, Jagdeo, who was given to public boasting, Mr. Ramotar shouted out that he can face any no-confidence vote. He said; “Bring it on.”
It was a grinning Jagdeo who faced the media and in reference to the libel writ he brought against me and this newspaper shouted out; “I can’t wait for my day in court.”  Jagdeo never showed up.
When it was time to face the no-confidence vote, when it was time to ‘bring it on’, Mr. Ramotar, like Jagdeo, failed to show. Like Jagdeo, Mr. Ramotar is all fluff and bluff. Fluff and bluff have been at the centre of governance since 1999. It explains why Ramotar may lose his short-lived throne.
Why did Ramotar prorogue Parliament? To give him the five-year term, the only period in which he will serve as President. It has nothing to do with advice he got. My contestation from the time the no-confidence vote was announced was that Ramotar would not face a snap poll because he is uncertain about being retained as his party’s Presidential candidate.
Ramotar never had any intention of facing a no-confidence vote, because there was never any intention of going to the polls before 2016. When the no-confidence song hit the top of the billboard, some serious players emerged to test the water – Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Ashni Singh, Clement Rohee and Nandlall. Ramotar knew this and he knew there wasn’t any king-figure around this time to impose Ramotar on the PPP as Jagdeo imposed Ramotar for the 2011 elections.
One doesn’t know what Mr. Ramotar will do in the coming months, assuming that the PPP Government doesn’t fall. But if Ramotar remains in the Presidency, he will use any type of mechanism, legal or unorthodox to stretch his time until 2016.

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