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ba$eman posted:

There will be doors and trading will be allowed.  I dont think much trading happens in the remote desert where the wall is targetted for.  The only trade there are in illegal people and drugs!  

When will you stop backing losers? Last 2 US elections and the last Guyana elections did not teach you something about people and politics?

ba$eman posted:

There will be doors and trading will be allowed.  I dont think much trading happens in the remote desert where the wall is targetted for.  The only trade there are in illegal people and drugs!  

People don't like to be insulted.  There was a time when Trump pretended that his anti Mexican rant was only directed to undocumented migrants.  Now we know that it includes any one who has a connection to Mexico, born there or not.

As Trump continues to insult Mexicans, they will shift their purchases of goods and services from the USA.

FYI.  Mexico is the 2nd largest buyer of US goods, and we enjoy a service surplus with them. 

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

There will be doors and trading will be allowed.  I dont think much trading happens in the remote desert where the wall is targetted for.  The only trade there are in illegal people and drugs!  

When will you stop backing losers? Last 2 US elections and the last Guyana elections did not teach you something about people and politics?

Oh, Guyana the CIA and GECOM pulled that off!!

Trump will be the next president!

ba$eman posted:

Oh, Guyana the CIA and GECOM pulled that off!!


Can you tell me why the USA is interested in a backward and weird South American swamp, with fewer than 1 million people, who are amongst the poorest in the Americas.

Please outline when Obama or Biden have visited Guyana.  That should tell you how important Guyana is to the USA.

For the CIA to determine the results of the election they would have had to spend millions of dollars to woo voter turn out.  They didn't.

Accept the fact.  The PPP decided to be the "coolie people party" at a time when the Indian vote is declining, and at a time when a tiny minority of Indians are tired of being used by the PPP.  The PPP adopted the strategy and it backfired on them.


The PPP are a real bunch of dummies if they were in charge and made someone else rig the voting. If that had really happened, they would have deserved it just for being stupid. Their tiefin ways are what did them in. Guyanese people were tired of them pillaging the treasury and they were too barefaced and arrogant about the way they did it. 

Mars posted:

The PPP are a real bunch of dummies if they were in charge and made someone else rig the voting. If that had really happened, they would have deserved it just for being stupid. Their tiefin ways are what did them in. Guyanese people were tired of them pillaging the treasury and they were too barefaced and arrogant about the way they did it. 

Actually no.  GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job.  That was the contract with the people of Guyana.  It was not like your days when the PNC leveraged the GDF in a heist of democracy.  The CIA, working with certain insiders, thwarted the system.  They also issued some 10k visas in PPP strongholds to drain away the PPP support and it worked!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

The PPP are a real bunch of dummies if they were in charge and made someone else rig the voting. If that had really happened, they would have deserved it just for being stupid. Their tiefin ways are what did them in. Guyanese people were tired of them pillaging the treasury and they were too barefaced and arrogant about the way they did it. 

Actually no.  GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job.  That was the contract with the people of Guyana.  It was not like your days when the PNC leveraged the GDF in a heist of democracy.  The CIA, working with certain insiders, thwarted the system.  They also issued some 10k visas in PPP strongholds to drain away the PPP support and it worked!

Y'all still can't get over the fact that you were rejected by the Guyanese people not once but for two successive elections cycles. You come up with all kinds of bullshit excuses. 

ba$eman posted:

Actually no.  GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job. 

How come no one but the PPP and MadBURRO are crying about the election?

Come to think about this, why is MadBURRO so upset that the PPP lost?

It looks more like Venezuela trying to insert itself in Guyana politics, and are enraged that their plot failed.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Actually no.  GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job. 

How come no one but the PPP and MadBURRO are crying about the election?

Come to think about this, why is MadBURRO so upset that the PPP lost?

It looks more like Venezuela trying to insert itself in Guyana politics, and are enraged that their plot failed.

Because they see a US installed regime next door as an existential threat.  The other nations will work with the Govt and the opposition to further their interest!

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:

GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job.  That was the contract with the people of Guyana.

GECOM under Steve Surujbally is an independent institution ???

If he is controlled by the PNC how come he didn't rig the election before 2015?

I never said the PNC!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

To hedge against a wayward Venezuela.

I see.  So the Guyana Air Force is going to make Venezuela behave!

Correct, just like the Kuwaiti air force made the Iraqis behave!

Really. I recall at the time that the Kuwaitis were cowering in the mansions in Dubai and Monaco while impoverished US soldiers were risking their health chasing back Saddam, and ingesting poison which destroyed the lives of many of them.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:

GECOM is an independent institution and should do a professional and neutral job.  That was the contract with the people of Guyana.

GECOM under Steve Surujbally is an independent institution ???

If he is controlled by the PNC how come he didn't rig the election before 2015?

I never said the PNC!

So who controlled the GECOM, and if it wasn't the PNC why your screams?


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