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Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...we bai one lover Mars bai good chuch pon Sunday, rig/tief pon Monday, tues and all day....bai me is scholarship? Me a former canecutta now cane juice man. Ayoo get out ayoo money yet foh de sanctions...Hey hey hey...

I don't even go to church so that in itself shows that you know nothing about me. To you, any black man or non-Indo is a tief but that is your lowlife racist mentality showing its true colors. No wonder you've been chastised all over social media as a cowardly racist prick for the nasty racist propaganda you've been spreading all over Facebook. You can try to pretend that you're someone else here so that you can spread your racist diatribe without having it linked to you but we all know who you are. You are not even funny with this Labba jackass that you are portraying. As for rigging and tiefin, never forget that you joined up with the PNC machinery to help elect David Granger as President. You were hoping that you would get a lil "ministuh wuk" but Granger probably found out about your early racist alliance with ROAR and he gave you a grand size 13 boot up your ass once he was elected. So now, you're bitter like a scorned woman because you lost your opportunity to put your dirty little hands on some oil money. Have your revenge by cussin black people every opportunity you get. It just reveals your true nature but like the little coward that you are, you try to invent an anonymous character to vent your anger.




Key NY backers leave AFC for APNU

Three New York-based members of the Alliance For Change (AFC) have switched their support to main opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU),


Economist Dr Tarron Khemraj, who along with businessman Rab Mukraj and Political Science Professor Asquith Rose, has left the AFC’s New York chapter, said that the party has been suffering from “self-inflicted wounds” for a long time. “I feel I have done what I could do for the AFCâ€Ķ Now I would like to be a part of something that can vehicle bigger visions to bring about national unity and national and human development,” Khemraj told Stabroek News in an interview from New York yesterday.

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who was caught unaware of the departures, said it was “disappointing” news, while saying that the party would respect its former members’ decisions and try to move ahead.  Last week, US-based financier Shamir Ally also tendered his resignation from the party.

Efforts to contact Rose, Mukraj and Ally for comment proved futile.

Last edited by Mars
Tom posted:

He hehe he he

Mars cuss Labba but he na cuss the rigging and frigging by he god granger cause he is a one live bai 

one live granger bai

he he hehe he he 

Labba/TK was a PNC member who brought Granger to power. He was on the PNC bandwagon campaigning for Granger before the 2015 elections. I've never been a member of any political party in Guyana or sent money to their campaign or appeared on their campaign platforms. I don't condone elections rigging in any form whether it's being done by Granger, Burnham or Anil on Elections day. Labba held Granger as his God, not me. That was before Granger put his foot up his lil antiman ass. He must have loved it anyway. Yuji/Sean/Tom by the latrine has been on record holding Jagdeo as his Mahatma, defending state sponsored murder, massive tiefin and money laundering and turning Guyana into a Narco Republic.

Labba posted:

Dem bais deh plan foh bun down de town in 2015. Hey hey go see de ackshun when president Irfaan get swear in. Hey hey hey...dem one love bais like Mark done buy two barrel gas...

You were in the PNC in 2015. No wonder you know their plans. I guess it didn't matter to you then, once you get to tief lil oil money. That shows exactly what kind of a nasty mind you people have. You will sell your soul for a lil bit of money. Now you're bitter since Granger like the Soup Nazi said "no soup for you". 


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