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Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama has signed a covert directive authorizing U.S. support for Syrian rebels battling President Bashar al-Assad's forces, U.S. officials told CNN on Wednesday.

The secret order, referred to as an intelligence "finding," allows for clandestine support by the CIA and other agencies.

It was unclear when the president signed the authorization for Syria, but the sources said it was within the past several months.

CNN inside Syria

The Obama administration has said it will step up its assistance to the opposition in the wake of last month's failure by the U.N. Security Council to agree on tougher sanctions against al-Assad's regime.

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<cite class="expCaption">School now holds Syrian rebel prisoners</cite>

Exactly what type of support the finding authorizes is also unclear. The Obama administration has ruled out arming the rebels for now, providing only nonlethal assistance, such as communications equipment.

Last week, the U.S. Treasury Department approved a license allowing the Washington Syrian Support Group to provide direct financial assistance to the Free Syrian Army. The Washington-based representative of the Free Syrian Army is allowed to conduct financial transactions on the rebel group's behalf but is not allowed to send military equipment.

During the war in Libya, Obama signed a similar directive authorizing covert assistance for rebels in the battle against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

The Obama administration has resisted arming the opposition, in part, because U.S. officials don't know enough about the rebels.

Al-Assad to army: Restore order to Syria

U.S. officials have told CNN that Washington is cooperating with countries that are arming the rebels, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to help find groups worthy of aid. Diplomatic sources have also said the United States is providing intelligence on Syrian troop movements, which is then passed to rebel groups.

Foreign policy experts on Wednesday urged the Obama administration to increase its support of the armed opposition.

Testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy argued the United States should start arming the Syrian opposition, but only under the right conditions.

"At this point, given the direction of the conflict, I think that what we need to do is assess which groups could we and should we arm at what point, and make that decision," Tabler told the Senate panel. "I think that we're actually at that decision, given where the conflict is going."

James Dobbins of the Rand Corporation agreed.

"The time has come to consider and pick those groups that are most consistent with our interest and our vision for the future and begin to advantage them in terms of the internal politics, by providing assistance, including perhaps money as well as arms and advice," Dobbins said.

Syrian rebels hold pro-government prisoners

Martin Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel now with the Brookings Institution, recommended arming the opposition, but in a "wise way."

"We need to do it in a way that, first of all, we understand who we're supporting and what their intentions are," Indyk said.

The State Department said Wednesday the United States has set aside $25 million for "nonlethal" assistance to the Syrian opposition, with another $64 million in humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people.

The humanitarian aid, which includes funding for the World Food Programme, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other aid agencies, helps support the tens of thousands of refugees streaming across Syria's borders to neighboring Turkey and Jordan

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This isn't any news. When the so called Arab spring started and spread to Syria someone in the Obama's administration congratulated the president for having invested 6 billion dollars in this revolution. I am talking about almost two years ago. The piece of news was censored next day and totally removed from the internet. Obama had decided that instead of invading countries what US should be doing was financing color revolutions around the world from Venezuela and Ecuador to Russia all the way to China. The color revolutions for the Arab world took the name of Arab Spring, for South East Asia the labelled them Saffron and Jasmin Revolutions. The so called color or scent revolutions would give America control over the world in a very conspicuous way without openly engaging the military and simply using the network of spies and money suppliers entrenched in the so called NGO's.


Basically, every government from Ecuador to China BEWARE. The US will always attempt to overthrow your governments and install puppet leaders at the service of the US. There is nothing secret about the racist foreign policy the US has designed in order to contain the rise of any other power in the world. THE CONTAINMENT OF THE REST (in contrast to Fareed Azaria's book titled THE RISE OF THE REST) is the name of the US foreign policy.


Even more.

Haven't you noticed that the sanctions against Iran are actually sanctions against everyone who does business with Iran? Of course what the US is doing goes against any international law or treaty, they are just taking advantage of their military power to impose the trade in US dollars and to give the American law universal jurisdiction. In other words, the US law is above international law. The American leaders have no made a secret of this. Whenever international law serves their own interest they use it, but most of the times they override it. This is dangerous since the US is actually ruled by an elite of religious and racist fanatics.


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