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Jagdeo: Hidden ‘resurgence’ of sentiments against East Indians


April 13, 2013, By Staff Writer, Source


Former president Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday used the ongoing court case, in which he sued a columnist for libel, to suggest that there seems to be a veiled “resurgence” of sentiments against Guyanese of East Indian-descent.


He made the remarks at the funeral of Hindu priest and former government minister Reepu Daman Persaud at the International Convention Centre, at Lliendaal.


Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo


While he has not appeared in the court case, Jagdeo’s witnesses have been under pressure on the witness stand to explain why there is exclusion of Afro-Guyanese in some sectors—like the foreign service—and a preponderance of Indo-Guyanese, many of them on contract, to the Office of the President.


On Thursday, Jagdeo tried to re-orient the argument in a way that critics say could heighten societal tensions.


There seems to be a “resurgence in a hidden way” of feelings against Guyanese of East Indian-descent, Jagdeo said.


“…Recently 38 persons, because their names (are) of East Indian-descent, were used in a case to say that the People’s Progressive Party, because they [are] employed in the public service, is practising discrimination; that we are giving people of Indian-origin preferences. Now, a lot of those people have served either 30 years in the public service, some joined the public service even when we were in the opposition; but the only reason their names were in that list that [Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger] Luncheon is very familiar with, because he faced the brunt of it, is because of their origin, their East Indian-origin,” said Jagdeo, in a clear reference to the ongoing libel case filed by him after he was accused by Kaieteur News columnist Freddie Kissoon of being an ideological racist.


Jagdeo filed a $10M libel suit against Kissoon, the newspaper’s editor Adam Harris and the National Media and Publishing Company Ltd, the publishers of Kaieteur News, following the June 28, 2010 column, “King Kong sent his goons to disrupt the conference.”


During his testimony, Kissoon said, among other things, that his research showed that the Jagdeo-led government facilitated East Indian dominance in every public institution, including the Guyana Police Force.


Jagdeo on Thursday said that he was bothered that there seems to be “in the mean politics of Guyana, a resurgence in a hidden way” of anti-East Indian sentiment. “This, I feel, was important… pandit believed in that for all of the people of our country regardless of their race and their religion, he believed that every child of every race and every religion should have equal opportunities…,” he said.


The former president referred to the 38 persons. “What is the message to people of East Indian origin? If you’re PPP or PNC, if you are Christian, Hindu or Muslim, if you’re a sugar worker or a professional, once you’re of Indian origin, you should keep your children home, don’t send them to school. The same colonial message! Because, if, heaven forbids, they become qualified and they get a job and the PPP is in office, then it has not to be because of our merit but rather our race,” Jagdeo argued.


“That was the lesson of that whole episode and today the person who did that is the leader of one of our parties,” he said in an apparent reference to AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes, who is Kissoon’s lead lawyer.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


. . . On Thursday, Jagdeo tried to re-orient the argument in a way that critics say could heighten societal tensions.


There seems to be a “resurgence in a hidden way” of feelings against Guyanese of East Indian-descent, Jagdeo said . . .

. . .  just about says it all


this bum getting his head handed to him by Freddie & Nigel in court . . . but doing what comes naturally


won't be surprised if he's a poster here

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Alot of black people like Jagdeo.  He would get 10% of the black vote if he runs again.

yeah I know de "10%" . . . bynoe, kwame, bloody Joe, edgehill, lumumba and dem can testify to dat


The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.  This was evident when Indian could not enter certain Afro dominated neighbors in the run up and just after elections. Even the Indian AFC members were only safe with the AFC openly displayed.  Certain AFC members were run out of Afro areas when they attempted to criticize the PNC.


Anyone who thinks the PNC/Afros are eager to demonstrate they will be different that Burnham's PNC is naive and wishful thinkers.  The day the PNC takes power, will begin the demise of meaningful Indian political participation in Guyana.  It will mark not the entry into another dark tunnel but dark save.  Their only way out of this abyss will be Timehri airport.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.  This was evident when Indian could not enter certain Afro dominated neighbors in the run up and just after elections. Even the Indian AFC members were only safe with the AFC openly displayed.  Certain AFC members were run out of Afro areas when they attempted to criticize the PNC.


Anyone who thinks the PNC/Afros are eager to demonstrate they will be different that Burnham's PNC is naive and wishful thinkers.  The day the PNC takes power, will begin the demise of meaningful Indian political participation in Guyana.  It will mark not the entry into another dark tunnel but dark save.  Their only way out of this abyss will be Timehri airport.

AMEN!! but there will ALWAYS be FOOLS like Moses, GR and TK/Redux.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Even the Indian AFC members were only safe with the AFC openly displayed . . .

ahhhh, imbecile race demagogue . . . think deeply and you will understand how THAT particular sentence (above) contradicts & demolishes the vile essence of your post

Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros. 



PNC Indians will find your comment above deeply offensive---PNC Indians like Moses nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Christopher Ram, Ralph Ramkarran, Gerard Ramsaroop, and crybaby Tarron Khemraj are working 24/7 to put the PNC back in office.


In the dirty minds of PNC Indians only East Indians can be racist but never blacks.





Originally Posted by warrior:

i want NEHRU to go back for election let some black people put some lash in his ass i guess kwame can do that

I will Bhai as the Candidate of Prime Minister with Uncle Donald.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.   


Why this is so? What has the PPP done to heal the great racial divide?

Yea katahar, and the PPP created the hatred which led to the slaughter of the 60's also...right!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.   


Why this is so? What has the PPP done to heal the great racial divide?

Yea katahar, and the PPP created the hatred which led to the slaughter of the 60's also...right!!

Yeah kakahole. The PPP exasperated the hatred. Kakahole, I am in no way condone the killings of the 60's.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.   


Why this is so? What has the PPP done to heal the great racial divide?

Yea katahar, and the PPP created the hatred which led to the slaughter of the 60's also...right!!

MitwahMitwah fully supports the extermination of Indo Guyanese due to his unwavering support for the AFC/PNC. His posts are a reflection of this fact. It is here for all to see.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

MitwahMitwah fully supports the extermination of Indo Guyanese due to his unwavering support for the AFC/PNC. His posts are a reflection of this fact. It is here for all to see.

yugee, aren't u supposed to be picking fare @ some street corner . . . don't you have a pimp to support??

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Redux, it is quite evident that you are a homosexual. I do do wish to engage with a dirty and filthy person like yourself. Associate with your own AFC/PNC kind.

bai, nobady said anything about "homosexual[ity]"


I just pointed out that you need to be out 'earning' @ the street corner for your pimp


now get to work . . . time is money

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.   


Why this is so? What has the PPP done to heal the great racial divide?

Yea katahar, and the PPP created the hatred which led to the slaughter of the 60's also...right!!

MitwahMitwah fully supports the extermination of Indo Guyanese due to his unwavering support for the AFC/PNC. His posts are a reflection of this fact. It is here for all to see.

You are another kakahole.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Definitely luckanee wallah is anti Indian, except he sympathized with pandit repu due to common interest in pedophile activity. 

Another Kakahole is here!

Originally Posted by yuji22:


it is quite evident that you are a homosexual. I do not wish to engage with a dirty and filthy person like yourself. Associate with your own AFC/PNC kind.



Well said! Never, ever try to have a discussion with that crass and boorish crybaby---for him everything gets reduced to antiman this--antiman that---the man behind redux has issues---he is ashamed of who is really is.






I don't like to get into this antiman discussion and I made that clear to him. But after hearing he mentioned antiman is every post he made, it makes wonder about his desire, and what may cause him to speak of antimen so often.   

Originally Posted by redux:

. . . On Thursday, Jagdeo tried to re-orient the argument in a way that critics say could heighten societal tensions.


There seems to be a “resurgence in a hidden way” of feelings against Guyanese of East Indian-descent, Jagdeo said . . .

. . .  just about says it all


this bum getting his head handed to him by Freddie & Nigel in court . . . but doing what comes naturally


won't be surprised if he's a poster here

Usual PPP tactics.  They attack  black people, sometimes using the term "PNC", in order to scare Indians.  Indeed this rant by Jagdeo is not onloy designe dto hide this blatantly racist behavior by the PPP, but also to scare Indians back to the PPP as elections are clearly coming, if the PPP has its way.


Last year the Chronicle in an EDITORIAL painted AfroGuyanese as lazy and violent thuigs whose whole intent is to rape and kill Indians.


NO APOLOGIES for this!!!!!!!


Jagdeo and his cronies were unable to disprove the widely held belief that the PPP reduces AfroGuyanese to low and mid level staff and tokens, almost completely removing them for positions where they set policy or deterkine the allocation of resources.


Why doesnt the PPP address the fact that as recently as Nov 2011 they AGAIn showed a completely inability to gain significant votes (30% at a minimum) of not only AfroGuyanese but also those of mixed ancestry, the bulk of who voted for APNU or the AFC.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The last election prove there is deep anti-Indo racist sentiment among Afros.  This was evident when Indian could not enter certain Afro dominated neighbors in the run up and just after elections.

And what do you say when the PPP is unable to campaign in Indian areas.  When the AFC tried to do so there was attempts to harrass and initimidate the Indians who showed up to listen to them.



There is no doubt that there are anti Indian sentiments among segments of the AfroGuyanese population.  It is with out a doubt that an equal, or even stronger anti black sentiment exists among many in the Indo Guyanese community.


You are told that blacks feel discriminated in a country led by Indian thieves.   If you chose to invent your own warped theories that is up to you, but it does not change the facts.


Guyana is an Indo dominated country run for the benefit of WEALTHY Indos like your family.  Poor Indians and blacks, and other non Indians, of all income levels are excluded.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't like to get into this antiman discussion and I made that clear to him(redux). But after hearing he(redux) mentioned antiman is every post he made, it makes wonder about his desire, and what may cause him to speak of antimen so often.   



A man's perception of others is really a reflection of himself.


redux persistency in calling others antimen reveals more about redux than it does about the people he is calling antimen.








This thread will likely be locked---admin sometimes gets hasty--but all the decent and intelligent folks here know the truth about the man behind redux---and we all know who he is---he can cry and complain to authorities all he wants---but we know who he is.






And baseman what do you say of blacks cheering in Gtwn and other majority black areas when Peter Ramsaroop campaigned for APNU?  Indeed there are many who claim that it was he who energized support for APNU at a time when many thought that Grainger was boring and the AFC was spending all its time trying to court the Berbice Indian vote.


Show me ONE black man who is popular among Indians in deep rural areas in Essequibo, Corentyne, etc.


BTW when last I checked your buddy Gerhard looks to most Guyanese like a light skinned Indian and he was very involved in campaigning in and around G./twn.  How coudl teh AFC have bene chased out of black areas, when, until the last minute, they did almost no campaigning there?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

MitwahMitwah fully supports the extermination of Indo Guyanese due to his unwavering support for the AFC/PNC. His posts are a reflection of this fact. It is here for all to see.

Mitwah I  didnt know that you hada suicidal wishes.  KNOWINGLY offering yourself to people who YOU THINK will kill Indians.  Hmmmm!


You see this is why I personally have written off Guyana as ever having any part of my future.  A blatantly racist nation controlled by Indo Nazis like Rev Al, yuji, nehru, baseman and the others here who dance on the blacks of AfroGuyanese until they are turned into a bloody pulp. 


What is interesting is that its obvious based on GNI.  Indians who support the PPP are racists.  Indians who do not support the PPP are not.  Its that simple.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 This was evident when Indian could not enter certain Afro dominated neighbors in the run up and just after elections. Even the Indian AFC members were only safe with the AFC openly displayed.  Certain AFC members were run out of Afro areas when they attempted to criticize the PNC.


Anyone who thinks the PNC/Afros are eager to demonstrate they will be different that Burnham's PNC is naive and wishful thinkers.  The day the PNC takes power, will begin the demise of meaningful Indian political participation in Guyana.  It will mark not the entry into another dark tunnel but dark save.  Their only way out of this abyss will be Timehri airport.

And yet last year when I criticized both the APNU and the AFC for ineffective election campaigning, you were among a few who called me a PPP soup licker and pondered about what the PPP was offering me.


Why didnt you not speak out against this in 2011?


Oh you discovered that the AFC isnt a tool of the PPP and now your Indo Nazi instincts have arisen and yo0u have floed back to the very PPP who in 2011 you accused of being corrupt.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

A lot of black people like Jagdeo.  He would get 10% of the black vote if he runs again.

And do you think that 10% suggests that MANY blacks like him?  NO!!! it suggests that 90% of the DO NOT!!!!!


How many liked him if you subtract the soup and milk drinking element?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Meaning 10 per cent.

And yet the PPP lost parliament last election.  Its not likely that they have won the support from blacks that they failed to get over the previous 20 years of racist governance.


And here we have Jagdeo proving how racist the PPP is.  When the Chronicle wrote about how AfroGuyanese are lazy, and criminal and only interested in attacking, robbing, raping and killing Indians, Jagdeo had NOTHING to say.  The Chronicle is controlled by the PPP.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 This was evident when Indian could not enter certain Afro dominated neighbors in the run up and just after elections. Even the Indian AFC members were only safe with the AFC openly displayed.  Certain AFC members were run out of Afro areas when they attempted to criticize the PNC.


Anyone who thinks the PNC/Afros are eager to demonstrate they will be different that Burnham's PNC is naive and wishful thinkers.  The day the PNC takes power, will begin the demise of meaningful Indian political participation in Guyana.  It will mark not the entry into another dark tunnel but dark save.  Their only way out of this abyss will be Timehri airport.

And yet last year when I criticized both the APNU and the AFC for ineffective election campaigning, you were among a few who called me a PPP soup licker and pondered about what the PPP was offering me.


Why didnt you not speak out against this in 2011?


Oh you discovered that the AFC isnt a tool of the PPP and now your Indo Nazi instincts have arisen and yo0u have floed back to the very PPP who in 2011 you accused of being corrupt.

I am still unhappy with certain levels of corruption and ineptness of the PPP.  I have never said they are not.

Originally Posted by baseman:
I am still unhappy with certain levels of corruption and ineptness of the PPP.  I have never said they are not.

Yes indeed Baseman, much needs to be done.


However, when the records of all the parties are compared, the PPP/C is by far the best to govern Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I am still unhappy with certain levels of corruption and ineptness of the PPP.  I have never said they are not.

Yes indeed Baseman, much needs to be done.


However, when the records of all the parties are compared, the PPP/C is by far the best to govern Guyana.

unfortunately, this kind of simple-minded 'analysis' is likely informed by nothing more than crude tribalism [baseman's most definitely]


the PPP's record since the death of Dr Jagan deserves nothing less than LENGTHY JAIL TERMS for several principals and agents of what can accurately be described as a degenerate mafia riding racial division in a [so far] successful masquerade as a modern government in the Western sense

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I am still unhappy with certain levels of corruption and ineptness of the PPP.  I have never said they are not.

Yes indeed Baseman, much needs to be done.


However, when the records of all the parties are compared, the PPP/C is by far the best to govern Guyana.

unfortunately, this kind of simple-minded 'analysis' is likely informed by nothing more than crude tribalism [baseman's most definitely]


the PPP's record since the death of Dr Jagan deserves nothing less than LENGTHY JAIL TERMS for several principals and agents of what can accurately be described as a degenerate mafia riding racial division in a [so far] successful masquerade as a modern government in the Western sense

And what does the PNC leaders deserve...prior to 1964 until subsequent to 1992.  Would jail be fitting?


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