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High Court quashes appointment of Mabaruma’s mayor, chairmen of five Neighbourhood Councils

Rupert Henry Smith talking the Oath of office as Mayor of Mabauma before President David Granger on Wednesday, April 7, 2016.

Rupert Henry Smith talking the Oath of office as Mayor of Mabauma before President David Granger on Wednesday, April 7, 2016.

The High Court on Wednesday quashed the appointment of a mayor the new town of Mabaruma and ordered the holding of fresh elections in those local authority areas.

The case has been adjourned until April 20, 2016, giving the defendants an opportunity to file court documents to show cause why the orders should not be made absolute.

The interim ruling by Justice Diana Insanally was as a result of the People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) Zulfikar Mustapha challenging the decision by Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan to appoint a mayor after there was a 6-6 tie in the number of seats won at last month’s local government elections.

The PPPC councilors walked out of the first council meeting after failing to convince A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) that the mayorship should be rotated.

Now, Justice Insanally has directed Bulkan, quashing his decision on ro about April 5, 201, selecting Rupert Henry Smith as Mayor of Mabaruma because it violates the Municipal and District Councils Act because it is “is in excess of and without jurisdiction, made in bad faith, is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, based upon irrelevant and improper considerations, mala fide, malicious, vindictive, unlawful, ultra vires, null, void and of no legal effect.”

The order blocks Smith and Astrille Gamell from performing the functions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

The High Court Judge has called on Smith and Gamell to show cause why the temporary order should not be made absolute to quash their selection and the selection of any or all committees.

The Court further order the acting Town Clerk of Mabaruma to fix a date for fresh elections by eligible voters in Mabaruma.

Council meetings had been held on April 2 and April 5 for the purpose of appointing a Mayor and Deputy Mayor but with no agreement reached.

The PPPC’s Mustapha said in court documents that after the Town Clerk asked for a 15 minute adjournment to  permit him to contact Minister of Communities, Bulkan, he resumed the meeting and informed that Bulkan had selected Smith as Mayor of the town located in north-western Guyana.

Mustapha said the six councillors of the PPP/C did not attend the meeting when it resumed. He added that Smith then assumed the role of Chairman of the meeting and proceeded to hold an election for the post of Deputy Mayor; Astrille Gamell was then elected Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Mabaruma. The six APNU+AFC Councillors, he said, then proceeded to nominate and elect members of the Finance Committee.

Mustapha, through his lawyer, Anil Nandlall, is relying on the Municipal and District Councils Act, Cap. 28:01, which states as follows:  “If there are two or more candidates for election as Mayor, the Town Clerk shall take the votes of the persons who are entitled to vote at and are present at the meeting and shall declare the candidate who secures the greatest number of votes to be elected; and, if, the Mayor having been elected, there are two or more candidates for election as Deputy Mayor, the Mayor for the ensuing year shall declare the candidate who secures the greatest number of votes to be elected”

“If there is no election under subsection (5) on account of an equality of votes the Town Clerk shall appoint a day not later than the 28th December in the same year for the election of the Mayor from among such candidates by the voters whose names appear on the register of voters for the time being in force for the City”

“Where by reason of an equality of votes cast at the election by the voters no person is elected Mayor the Minister shall select one of the councillors receiving the greatest number of equal votes to be Mayor”

“As a result, it is clear that Ronald Bulkan, Minister of Communities, the Town Clerk (ag) and the 6 Councilors of the APNU+AFC flouted, ignored and contravened the provisions of the Municipal and District Councils Act, Cap. 28:01 and that “the Minister and the Town Clerk simply ignored this statutory mandate, thwarted the will of the electorate and usurped the constitutional mandate of the Guyana Elections Commission by the Ministers selection of a candidate for Mayor without resort to the electorate,” Mustapha said in court papers.

The High Court Judge also quashed the appointments of chairmen and vice chairmen for the Woodlands-Bel Air, Malgre Tout-Meer Zorgen, Gibraltar-Fyrish, Industry-Plaisance and Woodlands-Farm  Neighbourhood Democractic Councils where there was a tie.

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Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan

Bulkan denies Local Authority appointments illegal


MINISTER of Communities Ronald Bulkan has dismissed claims by the opposition PPP that the appointment of Mabaruma’s first Mayor was illegal, saying he was confident his decision could win any legal challenge.Mabaruma was one of six local authority areas in which a tied result emerged following the March 18 Local Government Elections. Bulkan’s move to also appoint the leaders in the areas other than Mabaruma was also dismissed by the PPP.

Last week, the elected Mabaruma council faced a deadlock after six PPP councillors nominated and voted in favour of their mayoral candidate and six APNU+AFC councillors did the same for their Councillor, Henry Smith, to be Mayor.

Bulkan ruled in favour of the coalition and appointed Smith, who was sworn in Wednesday before President David Granger.

The PPP made reference to the Municipal and District Council’s Act Chapter 28:01 to support their contention that the Minister’s appointment was illegal.

“The PPP is outraged by the illegal, unaccountable, non-transparent actions of the Minister of Communities,” the PPP stated.

According to the PPP, after the Local Government Elections, it sought legal advice on the way forward given the deadlock and by-elections for the top positions in the tied local authority areas were suggested.

Following this, the party noted that it engaged the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to ascertain what its position was.

“On Friday, April 1, 2016, GCEOM’s initial response concurred with the legal advice offered to the PPP. The Chief Executive Officer of GECOM actually undertook to brief the Minister of Communities accordingly,” the PPP said.

The Municipal and Council’s District Act, Section 13, provides for a by-election to choose Mayors or chairmen of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs).

Bulkan, speaking to reporters at the Ministry of the Presidency, where the Mayors were sworn in Wednesday, suggested that nowhere in the legislation in the Municipal and District Councils Act Chapter 28:01 or the Local Government Act 28:01 does it contemplate that the Mayors will be directly elected by the voters.

“It is always the contemplation in the legislation that the Mayors will be elected by their respective councils and it is in that context that the provisions in the legislation, when read in its entirety, establishes quite clearly that the responsibility for the elections of the Mayors is that of the councilors and in cases where there are ties or the councilors are unable for whatever reason to make such an election [then] that is the prerogative and responsibility of the minister [to make the appointment],” Bulkan stated.

Bulkan therefore did not agree with the position that only in a case where there is a tie in a by-election that the prerogative rests with him to select one of the councillors receiving the greatest number of equal votes to be Mayor.

The PPP had claimed that while the provision exists for by-elections, it recognised the “significant logistics” that that would entail and therefore offered to negotiate a compromise position with the coalition.

“The terms discussed included rotation of the two top positions in the municipality and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) annually, with the plurality being used to determine the distribution of the local authority areas whose top positions would be shared between the two sides,” the party said.

The PPP claimed that last Sunday the two negotiators – PPP’s Gail Teixeira and APNU+AFC’s Amna Ally – met and Ally, according to the PPP, rejected the earlier terms, and insisted on no rotations.

The party added that in the context of a rejection by the PPP, Ally disclosed that the Minister of Communities would appoint the top positions in all six of those tied local authority areas.

“By Monday April 4th, 2016, the Minister of Communities, in violation of the law, commenced the appointments and completed them by Tuesday, April 5th 2016, even in those where they [APNU+AFC] had not gained a majority of popular votes in those local authority areas,” the PPP stated.

Additionally, the opposition party noted that the elections regulatory body responded to its concerns and question regarding its position on the matter. GECOM had reportedly told the PPP that it was “studying the matter.”

The PPP has maintained its position and said it will protest the decision of Bulkan, including mounting a legal challenge.


MINISTER of Communities Ronald Bulkan needs to stop crying and understand that  "Justice Insanally has directed Bulkan, quashing his decision on or about April 5, 201, selecting Rupert Henry Smith as Mayor of Mabaruma because it violates the Municipal and District Councils Act because it is “is in excess of and without jurisdiction, made in bad faith, is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, based upon irrelevant and improper considerations, mala fide, malicious, vindictive, unlawful, ultra vires, null, void and of no legal effect.”

The Opposition thought that it was done illegally and they challenged it in Court. The Court has ruled. Live with it or appeal it.

Dondadda posted:

MINISTER of Communities Ronald Bulkan needs to stop crying and understand that  "Justice Insanally has directed Bulkan, quashing his decision on or about April 5, 201, selecting Rupert Henry Smith as Mayor of Mabaruma because it violates the Municipal and District Councils Act because it is “is in excess of and without jurisdiction, made in bad faith, is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, based upon irrelevant and improper considerations, mala fide, malicious, vindictive, unlawful, ultra vires, null, void and of no legal effect.”

The Opposition thought that it was done illegally and they challenged it in Court. The Court has ruled. Live with it or appeal it.

This is the way to go. Some people are blinded by their continued hatred for the PPP and their leaders. I am not defending the nonsense they have done while in office, but the PPP is the opposition and may remain in opposition unless they can change. 

But they have a right to challenge the actions of the Granger government. I am noticing a trend here. This government is going beyond hiring their supporters, they are engaged in replacing a lot of Indians with Africans and they are behaving as if they own the country, can do anything they want and take actions, whether the opposition complains or not.

The likes of Carib and others will respond and tell us that the PPP did the same, so the coalition can do the same and that it seems like Indos are losing their jobs because the PPP hired only Indos. The writing is on the wall and we can predict what they will say. But two wrongs do not make it right. This government campaigned on change, not exchange.

Here is what Carib wrote in my response to this issue: 

"The LGE rules provide that if the councilors cannot agree on who should be elected as a mayor, then the Minister responsible for LGE is then allowed to act as the tie breaker by making a selection.

If Bulkan had selected a PPP candidate and APNU AFC threatened court action, you would be screaming about how dictatorial the PNC is, and that they should accept the will of the people.

The PPP is well aware of the rules.  The PPP is also aware that it disbanded many local government entities and put in place officers of their own choosing. 

I very much doubt that the PNC (or the remnants of the GGG) had any input in determining the selection of Carol Sooba, or the other actions taken by the PPP to circumvent those who were elected into cou8ncillor positions in 1994.

I hope that the idiots who fell for the Jagdeo scam that the PPP "won" the elections, you being one of these folks, now know better!"

Here is Carib, using an opportunity to lecture everyone that the coalition knows best and they are doing the right thing....and then the ad hominem attack at the end of his quotation above. 

The recent photoshopped picture is an indication that there exists a common belief that this government is intent on portraying that they are a multi-racial entity. In reality it is not. Granger is not going to do anything about this and as the days go by this government is showing its  true colors.

Then we have the incident with Harmon running his own little sideshow, then the Nassau incident regarding Trotman and Granger (no doubt showing their true colors). Now we have a government ramming a mayoral appointment down the throats of the people. You would think that if this government government wants to promote unity it would allow some negotiation to take place and maybe make a concession to the opposition in this matter. But that will never happen.



The PPP claimed that last Sunday the two negotiators – PPP’s Gail Teixeira and APNU+AFC’s Amna Ally – met and Ally, according to the PPP, rejected the earlier terms, and insisted on no rotations.


Bullyism!!  PNC back to its old game.

Billy Ram Balgobin
13.Laws of Guyana
Municipal and District Councils
Chapter 28.01
Election of Mayor and Deputy
Section 13
(1) The election of the Mayor for the ensuing year shall be the
first business transacted at a meeting called pursuant to section 12 and
the election of the Deputy Mayor shall, subject to subsection (6), take
place immediately thereafter; and no other business shall be conducted
at the meeting except the appointment of members of the finance
committee of the City Council for the ensuing year and the appointment
of a day for the first ordinary meeting of the City Council in that year.
(2) The Town Clerk, shall, until the Mayor for the ensuing year
has been elected, preside at and shall determine any question arising at
the meeting during the election of the Mayor for the ensuing year but
shall not have any vote; and upon his election the person so elected shall
preside at and determine any such question and shall have a second or
casting vote.
(3) Every candidate for election as Mayor and Deputy Mayor
shall be proposed by a person who is entitled to vote at and who is present
at the meeting and shall be seconded by another such person.
4) If there is only one candidate for election as Mayor, the Town
Clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected; and if, the Mayor having
been elected, there is only one candidate for election as Deputy Mayor,
the Mayor for the ensuing year shall declare that candidate to be elected.

(5) If there are two or more candidates for election as Mayor, the

Town Clerk shall take the votes of the persons who are entitled to vote

at and are present at the meeting and shall declare the candidate who

secures the greatest number of votes to be elected; and, if, the Mayor

having been elected, there are two or more candidates for election as

Deputy Mayor, the Mayor for the ensuing year shall declare the

candidate who secures the greatest number of votes to be elected.

(6) If there is no election under subsection (5) on account of an
equality of votes the Town Clerk shall appoint a day not later than the
28th December in the same year for the election of the Mayor from
among such candidates by the voters whose names appear on the
register of voters for the time being in force for the City.
(7) The provisions of the Local Authorities (Elections) Act shall
in so far as they are not inapplicable thereto apply to the election of the
Mayor under subsection (6) as they apply to the election of councillors
under that Act.
(8) Where by reason of an equality of votes cast at the election
by the voters no person is elected Mayor the Minister shall select one
of the councillors receiving the greatest number of equal votes to be
(9) Any question whether any person has been validly elected to
be the Mayor or Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year shall be determined
by the Court in accordance with Part IV of the Local Authorities
(Elections) Act.

Once again the PPP trying to get back into power the illegal way. The law is quite clear:

(8) Where by reason of an equality of votes cast at the election
by the voters no person is elected Mayor the Minister shall select one
of the councillors receiving the greatest number of equal votes to be
The judge should be sacked for incompetence.

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