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A recent ruling of the High Court during which a case challenging the constitutionality of government depositing proceeds from the lottery into a Development Fund popularly called the “Lotto Fund” was dismissed and it exposes a long peddled lie by the political opposition which they used to perpetuate their corruption myth.

In dismissing the challenge brought by A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Desmond Trotman the presiding Judge found that the deposit of the monies in the Development Fund of Guyana (Lotto Fund) is in accordance with Article 216 of the Constitution, the provisions of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act and the Lotteries Act, thereby vindicating the Government’s position. For years the PNC(now APNU) and AFC through their various mouth-pieces peddled the notion that the government was engaged in some form of illegal act and listed this so-called illegality whenever the topic of corruption became a discussion.

It is thus therefore not surprising that the corruption crusaders in the opposition media and the other opposition proponents that are usually vocal have been very silent on this ruling. Had the Judge's decision gone the other way one could only have imagined what the front pages of the Kaieteur and Stabroek News would've looked like. Instead we have to settle for a mere passing mention in some obscure section of these self titled 'independent' dailies.



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How many times are you going to post this? Do you think that the PPP winning on the rules that awards them complete authority to be unaccountable to the people is winning? No!


It simply means the legislature will seek to correct these. The court affirms the legislature and the legislature is guided by the constitution and when the constitution awards absolutist authority to rulers the people seek to correct that.


It can be at a referendum or simply by vetoing your right to rule. We do not live in a monarchy and the assumption of absolute authority has long been dead with the french revolution.


Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Do you think that the PPP winning on the rules that awards them complete authority to be unaccountable to the people is winning?

It continues to highlight the PNC and AFC misguided actions.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

That sounds like the rapist's defense -- the victim was dressed provocatively.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

"Maybe", the prelude to when you don't know what they hell you are just about to say.  Pathetic lil aborigine.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

"Maybe", the prelude to when you don't know what they hell you are just about to say.  Pathetic lil aborigine.

Oi you mud rat Baseman, you like pretend to be a brite bwoy but you is a good snake oil salesman wuking fuh Babby Rumruop washing all the money in India fuh the tiefing clan.

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

"Maybe", the prelude to when you don't know what they hell you are just about to say.  Pathetic lil aborigine.

Oi you mud rat Baseman, you like pretend to be a brite bwoy but you is a good snake oil salesman wuking fuh Babby Rumruop washing all the money in India fuh the tiefing clan.

Oi Sabita, leh me know when you ready for lil milk and honey!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Maybe what informed the french to behead their king will inform the guyanese people to  stop you folks in your tracks. Do not lament the protests in the streets when they come because you folks are begging for them.

"Maybe", the prelude to when you don't know what they hell you are just about to say.  Pathetic lil aborigine.

 I guess you get a rise out of that one. Well, stupid man, be content as you must with your pea brain. I cannot expect you to go beyond what you are able to do.


I stated what I meant in English of the caliber and kind you are not able to produce because you are a moron.


Poor d2 threatening street protest, this clearly indicates that the AFC/PNC have been funding the mo fiah slow fiah campaigns for political gain. However a good phantomizing normally straightens out the ringleaders. 


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