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BREAKING: House-to-House registration is not unlawful – Chief Justice rules

Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire

August 14 2019


Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire on Wednesday afternoon ruled that the ongoing House to House registration exercise is not unlawful or unconstitutional.

In delivering her ruling, the Chief Justice said “House to House is not unconstitutional as a verification exercise in and of itself.”

Additionally, the court found that there is nothing in the Caribbean Court of Justice’s orders of July 12 which says the exercise is unconstitutional.

As it relates to the court ordering elections by September 18, the Chief Justice said it is not for the court to make that determination. She alluded to the CCJ’s orders which also stayed clear of doing same.

“This court cannot order that elections be held by a certain date,” the Chief Justice said as she alluded to the need for the National Assembly to meet and extend the date for elections which she noted should have been extended since March 21 while the December 21 No Confidence motion was being challenged in court.

The challenge to the House-House registration exercise was filed by Chartered Accountant and Attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram; he was represented by former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall and others.

Ram in an application filed on July 22, asked the court to declare that the House to House registration exercise is in violation of the Constitution of Guyana and the spirit of the Consequential orders issued by the CCJ on July 12.

Ram also challenged the registration exercise on the grounds that it is only serving to delay the elections which he wants by September 18.


In the end, blacks will always stand on the side with fellow blacks regardless of how wrong they are. It is coolie crab dog actions that make them desert their fellow coolie mattee and side with blacks who never give a shit for coolies or law and order for that matter. Y’all coolie who helped put the wicked PNC in power happy now?

Django posted:

BREAKING: House-to-House registration is not unlawful – Chief Justice rules

Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire,  August 14 2019, Source

Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire on Wednesday afternoon ruled that the ongoing House to House registration exercise is not unlawful or unconstitutional.

In delivering her ruling, the Chief Justice said “House to House is not unconstitutional as a verification exercise in and of itself.”

Additionally, the court found that there is nothing in the Caribbean Court of Justice’s orders of July 12 which says the exercise is unconstitutional.

As it relates to the court ordering elections by September 18, the Chief Justice said it is not for the court to make that determination. She alluded to the CCJ’s orders which also stayed clear of doing same.

“This court cannot order that elections be held by a certain date,” the Chief Justice said as she alluded to the need for the National Assembly to meet and extend the date for elections which she noted should have been extended since March 21 while the December 21 No Confidence motion was being challenged in court.

The process of ongoing registration was established earlier where there was a national registration done and after that time registration was to be made regularly by GECOM. From the current issues, it is clear that GECOM has failed to perform its duties.

Also , GECOM must ALWAYS be prepared for a snap elections; hence it MUST maintain a continuous registration process for such situation(s).

Indeed the court cannot order that elections be held at a certain date as that is established in the constitution.

The specific situation is the holding of elections within three months based on the CCJ decision that the government was defeated by a no-confidence vote in December 2018.

The focused issues now that the CCJ has made the final decision; it is incumbent that elections must be held within three months.

The process the government failed thus far since the CCJ decision is --

1. President and Government MUST resign.

2. President then remains in office to specifically conduct an elections which MUST take place within three months after the date that the CCJ rendered its decision.

Thus far the president has not proceeded with items 1 and 2.


Haul yo ass Kaz, blame that SOB BJ for being an azzhole. I already said, no election until when it is scheduled for, screw the NCV and screw Chandarasclath for pulling an idiotic move, the fool should have spoken out against the govt and walked across the floor if he really cared, but noooo he pulled a sleazy illegal move that did not work.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Haul yo ass Kaz, blame that SOB BJ for being an azzhole. I already said, no election until when it is scheduled for, screw the NCV and screw Chandarasclath for pulling an idiotic move, the fool should have spoken out against the govt and walked across the floor if he really cared, but noooo he pulled a sleazy illegal move that did not work.

So yuh rass now render the 2015 elections null and void then? 😀


I am frock in confused with this decision when this same CJ said this on July 24th 2019

But significantly, the Chief Justice emphasised that she understood that the CCJ ruled that the elections must be held by September 18”.
“And she said that very clearly, that that is what the CCJ ruled in accordance with articles 106 (6 and 7)“ 


Below is the right of an application as per the National Registration ACT. 

The Applicant’s right to vote will and can be protected if the Respondents were to engage in Continuous Registration as provided for in Section 6 (1) of the National Registration Act Cap. 19:08,” the application advised.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

In the end, blacks will always stand on the side with fellow blacks regardless of how wrong they are. It is coolie crab dog actions that make them desert their fellow coolie mattee and side with blacks who never give a shit for coolies or law and order for that matter. Y’all coolie who helped put the wicked PNC in power happy now?

TRUE!!! However, I respect her ruling NOW the real test is with Justice Singh. Is she awake????

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

In the end, blacks will always stand on the side with fellow blacks regardless of how wrong they are. It is coolie crab dog actions that make them desert their fellow coolie mattee and side with blacks who never give a shit for coolies or law and order for that matter. Y’all coolie who helped put the wicked PNC in power happy now?

TRUE!!! However, I respect her ruling NOW the real test is with Justice Singh. Is she awake????

Really??  Is H2H constitutional?

Bibi Haniffa

In the end Blackman will always side with Blackman. Only Coolie stupid to cut he mattee throat. Cribby said that Trotman and his segment of the AFC is now with the PNC. Nagamootoo and Ramjattan continue to side with the PNC even though most of their segment has gone back to the PPP. The trouble is that going back to the PPP now is too late. The PNC ain't going anywhere. Not without burning the place down and now Guyana gat even more oil to feed the fiah. Another aspect of Coolie crab dog attitude is that while they had no trouble backing a Christian leader (Jagan & Ramotar), a Hindu leader (Jagdeo). Heck, even a Jewish leader (Janet). Suddenly they can't support the party because the new leader is Muslim (Ali). If Ali is going to be Jagdeo's puppet, so was Ramotar and people had no trouble voting for him. I don't like Ali either. I prefer Nandlall because he is more stately but I can't understand the sudden defection when Jagdeo has been running PPP things since 1999. Those Coolies who handed the PNC the keys to government in 2015 are totally to blame for the wicked behavior of the PNC today.

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

In the end, blacks will always stand on the side with fellow blacks regardless of how wrong they are. It is coolie crab dog actions that make them desert their fellow coolie mattee and side with blacks who never give a shit for coolies or law and order for that matter. Y’all coolie who helped put the wicked PNC in power happy now?

TRUE!!! However, I respect her ruling NOW the real test is with Justice Singh. Is she awake????

That ohman overturned a whole election. Yet she hasn't gotten off sheh ass since she tun Chairperson.


Our democracy is alive. The courts have validated.  The Registration process will go ahead and all eligible people will be allowed to vote.  The Coalition is acting responsibly in the interest of all Guyanese. 

The Coalition will be headed by the two distinguished politicians Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. All Guyanese should be proud!

Zara posted:

Our democracy is alive. The courts have validated.  The Registration process will go ahead and all eligible people will be allowed to vote.  The Coalition is acting responsibly in the interest of all Guyanese. 

The Coalition will be headed by the two distinguished politicians Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. All Guyanese should be proud!

What are you doing in Trump country?  if you are soooo proud of Nagaaaa, you should be living in Guyana. 

Zara posted:

Our democracy is alive. The courts have validated.  The Registration process will go ahead and all eligible people will be allowed to vote.  The Coalition is acting responsibly in the interest of all Guyanese. 

The Coalition will be headed by the two distinguished politicians Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo.

All Guyanese should be proud!

Perhaps Kakamotootoo will join and become a candidate for the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member

Ray said: PNC only follows decisions that go in their favor...(I agree), but the same should be noted from the PPP and its supporters. They only follow what is favorable to the PPP without justification.

Here are a few examples:

1. Leaning to propaganda and spreading it as facts.

2. They said Haitians are flooding Guyana to vote in the election.

3. They cuss out Madame Chair @ GECOM that she's in bed with the PNC.

4. The acting Chief Justice ruled that H2H registration is not unlawful, but that ruling doesn't settle well with them. 

When will these people put trust in Claudette Singh and embrace facts before leaping into danger?  We all understand the PNC and how they operate. The passion Jagdeo has to regain power is the same passion Granger has for the PNC to retain power. Jagdeo wants a free and fair election and Granger wants the same. The H2H registration and the timing of the election are the two most critical issues at hand. But somebody must give way, compromise or make a deal and hope for the best. 


This is one big nightmare in the making. There is an ongoing H2H where canvassers are not checking a list but recreating a new list. The judge declared that it is not legal for any name to be removed from the old list unless the person is certified as dead. It means the old list is still valid!

We are now going to have two lists. The old an the new. Reconciling them will not be by actual verification the person exists but by computer comparison. Had these idiot used the old list to go into the field they could determine if there are new members in a household who are of voting age or if persons formerly listed at the address has moved died or migrated. This data could have been used to clean the list and address duplicates etc.

The reconciled list will definitely contain more people than exist since it will not be possible to verify each name.

Dave posted:
Zara posted:

Our democracy is alive. The courts have validated.  The Registration process will go ahead and all eligible people will be allowed to vote.  The Coalition is acting responsibly in the interest of all Guyanese. 

The Coalition will be headed by the two distinguished politicians Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. All Guyanese should be proud!

What are you doing in Trump country?  if you are soooo proud of Nagaaaa, you should be living in Guyana. 

Cde Dave, why you bring irrelevant talk.  I live in America and Guyana, but is not your business.  I live here  well before Trump.  I am proud of the Coalition and the good work it do for the people. Cde Nagamootoo is doing a good job for our country. He must continue so Guyana can achieve more and people will live well and happy.

Stormborn posted:

This is one big nightmare in the making. There is an ongoing H2H where canvassers are not checking a list but recreating a new list.

The judge declared that it is not legal for any name to be removed from the old list unless the person is certified as dead.

It means the old list is still valid!

We are now going to have two lists. The old an the new. Reconciling them will not be by actual verification the person exists but by computer comparison. Had these idiot used the old list to go into the field they could determine if there are new members in a household who are of voting age or if persons formerly listed at the address has moved died or migrated. This data could have been used to clean the list and address duplicates etc.

The reconciled list will definitely contain more people than exist since it will not be possible to verify each name.

More that , below is quote.

The judge made it clear that a person’s name can only be removed from the list through death or if they otherwise become disqualified under Article 159 (2), (3) and (4) of the Constitution.

Article 159

(1) says that “No person shall vote at an election unless he or she is registered as an elector.”

 (2) then adds, “Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4), a person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector for elections if, and shall not be so qualified unless, on the qualifying date, he or she is of the age of eighteen years or upwards and either –(a) is a citizen of Guyana; or (b)is a Commonwealth citizen who is not a citizen of Guyana and who is domiciled and resident in Guyana and has been so resident for a period of one year immediately preceding the qualifying date; and (c)satisfies such other qualifications as may be prescribed by or under any law.”

(3) goes on to add, “No person shall be qualified to be so registered who on the qualifying date is a person certified to be insane or otherwise adjudged to be of unsound mind under any law in force in Guyana.”

(4), “No person shall be qualified to be so registered if during such period (not exceeding five years) preceding the qualifying date as may be prescribed by Parliament, he or she has been convicted by a court of any offence connected with elections that is so prescribed or has been reported guilty of such an offence by the High Court in proceedings under article 163: Provided that Parliament may empower the court to exempt a person from disqualification for registration on account of such a conviction or report if the court deems it just so to do.”


The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id. Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Stormborn posted:

This is one big nightmare in the making. There is an ongoing H2H where canvassers are not checking a list but recreating a new list. The judge declared that it is not legal for any name to be removed from the old list unless the person is certified as dead. It means the old list is still valid!

We are now going to have two lists. The old an the new. Reconciling them will not be by actual verification the person exists but by computer comparison. Had these idiot used the old list to go into the field they could determine if there are new members in a household who are of voting age or if persons formerly listed at the address has moved died or migrated. This data could have been used to clean the list and address duplicates etc.

The reconciled list will definitely contain more people than exist since it will not be possible to verify each name.

Banna, not sure what you all missing. They have no intention to hold elections in 2020 either.  This is an engineered crisis that will make a mess of things and there is no one to check-mate them.  They will do as they wish until external forces are brought to bear.  They intend to trick and entangled the PPP so it appears the PPP is part of the problem. 

I tell you people, Guyana headed for civil strife like never seen before.  I have a feeling we will see a rebellion!

sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id.

Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Looks like you tried to pull a fast one.

sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id. Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Watch what will happen.  They intend to disenfranchise many Indians.  When they done, Indians will account for 35% of the voting age.

Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id.

Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Looks like you tried to pull a fast one.

I ain't no Haitian â€Ķ. Born Guyanese....also still has a PNC Card from the 80's that was more recognized than a college degree back then..

Last edited by sachin_05
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id. Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Watch what will happen.  They intend to disenfranchise many Indians.  When they done, Indians will account for 35% of the voting age.

That should be approximately the percentage of East Indian Voters.

sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id. Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

are you domiciled in Guyana? i.e., resident for at least the past year?

if not, you were attempting to perpetrate a fraud

they should have locked your ass up

Last edited by Former Member
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id.

Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Looks like you tried to pull a fast one.

I ain't no Haitian â€Ķ. Born Guyanese 

Have you changed Citizenship ?

Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id.

Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Looks like you tried to pull a fast one.

I ain't no Haitian â€Ķ. Born Guyanese 

Have you changed Citizenship ?

Yes but lived in Guyana as remigrant for over a year...

Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Django posted:
sachin_05 posted:

The registration crew came by my house while I was in Guyana 3 weeks ago. They said they needed a birth certificate, national ID or passport to register. I told them I got a ID I can show them, they said it was no longer valid you need a new id.

Ask if any rep from other parties are involve in the registration process - also answer in the negative.

When ask if by mail, where, how or when I would receive the new id they said they don't know. My neighbor who turn 19 was also refuse registration because her birth certificate they say has too many creases and some letters are not fully clear and told her  to go get a new one. Any one who knows Guyana would know that's a at least 6 months process depending on how much money you are willing to part with for bribes..

Looks like you tried to pull a fast one.

I ain't no Haitian â€Ķ. Born Guyanese 

Have you changed Citizenship ?

Don’t talk shit. Once you are a born Guyanese, it’s dont matter.  As long as you are domiciled, you can get your Guyana documents and you are eligible to vote. Your foreign born kids can do the same.  So stop with your PNC nonsense!


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