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Mohamed Irfaan Ali

June 13 2019


With hearings completed in the challenge mounted by former PPP/C Minister of Housing Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to the validity of the 19 fraud charges levelled against him over the sale of land in the ‘Pradoville 2’ Housing Scheme, the High Court in now set to rule.

When the matter was called before Justice Franklyn Holder yesterday morning, the court announced that notices will be sent informing the attorneys involved, as to the date the ruling will be delivered.

The former Government Minister had been charged and placed before the Magistrate’s Court on 19 counts of fraud, over sale of the lands in question.

Following his action before the High Court, however, Justice Holder had granted Ali a stay of the proceedings in the lower court, pending the full hearing and determination of his challenge.

In the latter part of last year, Ali was arraigned on 19 conspiracy to defraud charges stemming from the sale of land in the Pradoville 2, East Coast of Demerara Housing Scheme allegedly at far below value.

The charges, which detail offences alleged to have occurred between the period of September 2010 to March 2015, involve housing allocations to six Cabinet members—former president Bharrat Jagdeo, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon and Ministers Priya Manickchand, Dr Jennifer Westford, Robert Persaud and Clement Rohee—along with other persons with connections to the then PPP/C government.

In his suit which is against the Commissioner of Police, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the Chief Magistrate, and Detective Corporal Muninlall Persaud, Ali is seeking a declaration that there is no statutory or common law duty to obtain a valuation prior to the sale of property.

He is also seeking among other things, a declaration that the particulars of the charges do not constitute an offence known to law and contravene Section 144(4) of the Constitution.

The section provides, “No person shall be held to be guilty of a criminal offence on account of any act or omission that did not, at the time it took place, constitute such an offence, and no penalty shall be imposed for any criminal offence that is more severe in degree or nature than the most severe penalty that might have been imposed for that offence at the time when it was committed.” 

Ali wants the court to also issue an order quashing the DPP’s decision to have instituted the charges in the first place, which he contends is irrational, unlawful, void and of no effect.

The former minister is asking for general, exemplary, punitive and aggravated damages not less than $100,000; costs, and any further order or directions which the court deems just and warranted in the circumstances.

Ali argues through his attorney Devindra Kissoon that not only do the 19 charges levelled against him not amount to an offence known to law, but that even if proven, “are impossible to yield a conviction.”

He said that the conduct alleged in the charges, even if true, cannot in law meet the high standard of misconduct required to support the charges laid against him.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

He determined the value by what his cronies were willing to pay. 

the offences alleged to have occurred between the period of September 2010 to March 2015, involve housing allocations to six Cabinet members—former president Bharrat Jagdeo, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon and Ministers Priya Manickchand, Dr Jennifer Westford, Robert Persaud and Clement Rohee—along with other persons with connections to the then PPP/C government.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

Still have doubts of wholesale theft of State assets, try to find out where the money came from to develop the site and how much was the cost. After gathering the information, perhaps you can arrive at the value of the land. Also factor in the cost of relocating the transmission tower that was there.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

Still have doubts of wholesale theft of State assets, try to find out where the money came from to develop the site and how much was the cost. After gathering the information, perhaps you can arrive at the value of the land. Also factor in the cost of relocating the transmission tower that was there.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution.  Let them present real facts in a court to prove those charges.  Trying people in the press is not the way.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

He determined the value by what his cronies were willing to pay. 

the offences alleged to have occurred between the period of September 2010 to March 2015, involve housing allocations to six Cabinet members—former president Bharrat Jagdeo, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon and Ministers Priya Manickchand, Dr Jennifer Westford, Robert Persaud and Clement Rohee—along with other persons with connections to the then PPP/C government.


Don't be foolish and believe everything that comes out of the mouth of this government.  There is definitely some instances of favoritism in selling state-owned lands to cronies, but such sales were not restricted to party affiliates.  Thousands of people bought lands from the state, including many die-hards from the PNC and AFC. Have you done any inquiry on AFC's Gerard Ramsaroop's purchases from the state? 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

Still have doubts of wholesale theft of State assets, try to find out where the money came from to develop the site and how much was the cost. After gathering the information, perhaps you can arrive at the value of the land. Also factor in the cost of relocating the transmission tower that was there.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution.  Let them present real facts in a court to prove those charges.  Trying people in the press is not the way. 

"The court announced that notices will be sent informing the attorneys involved, as to  the date the ruling will be delivered "

We will find out how the court rule.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These charges are more political than criminal.  He may have sold the plots below market value causing the state to lose some money.  How much money the state loss based on what was the market value at the point of sale?  How does the gov't. determine the market value of land that is sold to the public? 

Still have doubts of wholesale theft of State assets, try to find out where the money came from to develop the site and how much was the cost. After gathering the information, perhaps you can arrive at the value of the land. Also factor in the cost of relocating the transmission tower that was there.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution.  Let them present real facts in a court to prove those charges.  Trying people in the press is not the way. 

"The court announced that notices will be sent informing the attorneys involved, as to  the date the ruling will be delivered "

We will find out how the court rule.

Confidence on our court system is low because of its vulnerability to corruption and bias stemming from our troubled ethnic history. One judge on the CCJ stated clearly that Guyana's justice system is very poor and a matter as such should not have reached the CCJ. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

Wah rass is dis, dem gun jail he rass now or wah? Maybe it will do some good, de belly gun guh down pun jail food. 

Then Jagdeo will out the real Trump card.  Grandmasters always sacrifice a pawn in the game of chess.

Bibi Haniffa

Why is PPP going to an election with such a person is ridiculous. There is so many creditable candidate available.

PPP should realize the birth of AFC is the result of foolish things they did during there term in office and the mistake is repeating it self outside the government portfolios. 

Maybe!! maybe!! they enjoy sitting on the opposition side.. who knows 




Wow, just look story hey!!!

Coolie bai screwed up...

Bad Blackman provided face saving exit...

Coolie bai nice face shine and tun Grandmaster....

Is wuh we guh do without dem “bad” Blackman?

Thank you “Satan” Granger for saving us from our own selves!!!

maybe maybe maybe.....,

Abie pon tapppppp!!!!!

Coolies does tek shit and pretend is ice cream 🍦!!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Wah rass is dis, dem gun jail he rass now or wah? Maybe it will do some good, de belly gun guh down pun jail food. 

Then Jagdeo will out the real Trump card.  Grandmasters always sacrifice a pawn in the game of chess.

Still befuddles me how all them committee members followed Jagdeo like sheep and voted for big belly Irfaan.  Blame them too for being sheepish. 

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Wah rass is dis, dem gun jail he rass now or wah? Maybe it will do some good, de belly gun guh down pun jail food. 

Then Jagdeo will out the real Trump card.  Grandmasters always sacrifice a pawn in the game of chess.

Still befuddles me how all them committee members followed Jagdeo like sheep and voted for big belly Irfaan.  Blame them too for being sheepish. 

Jagdeo decreed that the candidate must come from the central committee consisting mainly some 15 political detritus of the cold war era. This awful fellow is apparently the best of the rest.  The PPP political bench is not deep. Were they concerned with winning they would cast their net wider and deeper among their ranks to find a suitable candidate with no baggage. The PPP central coven consists of people that are of the same insipid, uncreative, arrogant, morose and uninspiring caliber as Granger.  Guyanese need a difference  Lacking that neither party should rule as an absolute majority but as winner of a plurality where they can be booted out.

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

Wah rass is dis, dem gun jail he rass now or wah? Maybe it will do some good, de belly gun guh down pun jail food. 

Then Jagdeo will out the real Trump card.  Grandmasters always sacrifice a pawn in the game of chess.

Still befuddles me how all them committee members followed Jagdeo like sheep and voted for big belly Irfaan.  Blame them too for being sheepish. 

Man in the mirror!

BJ just like the dominant village bull dog, shake his wand, Everyone follows. 

Just like them untethered village sluts, wag dem tail and wine up, all dem bulls line up!!


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