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Originally Posted by Danyael: 

Here you are again crabbing for an excuse for these crooks. The point the gentleman makes is that the administration's task is to administrate. If there is failure in the system it is their failure. That blacks are in positions of authority ( all mid level managers with barely a hand count of senior staff) then the task to make sure they do their job is for those in charge of managing the system. That happens to be the ethnic based administration for whom you constantly shovel sludge.


Why are you so keen to presume others are on welfare? Damn,  you work at a salaried job in an industry where the shelf life of the skill set is a year, so you are not far from it. Pray you are not ever out of a job for a year or it is your ass from then on.


In any event,  Caribj does not have to wonder if the boss is going to fire him if he takes the day off.  You do.

I don't have to find excuse for anyone, I merely comment on what I observe. The fact is that Brummel is the head of police, Rhoee role is not to dictate standard police procedures and be involved at a micro level, that is the function of Brummel and all his hierarchy of command.  As we saw with Linden, you folks claimed that Rhoee was micromanaging when the protesters got shot by the afc/pnc gun toting bandits.  

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

High crime was introduced by the PPP regime under Jagdeo. Before then thieves were still relatively primitive. But once the drug dealers in the PPP regime were offered automatic weapons in exchange for drugs by the FARC, crime has rocketed.

I anxiously await D_G's inane response to this. It will be "well the PNC introduced drugs with Blackie London" or some such thing. He will NEVER see a problem with current governance. They are angels.

Perhaps Kari, it takes an extremely long time for you to understand facts from hyperbole.

This response doesn't answer the challenge. As I said the response will be inane and indeed you validated my anticipation - an inane response. You are so predictable. I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you have solidified the perception of you as an unthinking tribal PPP apologist.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

High crime was introduced by the PPP regime under Jagdeo. Before then thieves were still relatively primitive. But once the drug dealers in the PPP regime were offered automatic weapons in exchange for drugs by the FARC, crime has rocketed.

I anxiously await D_G's inane response to this. It will be "well the PNC introduced drugs with Blackie London" or some such thing. He will NEVER see a problem with current governance. They are angels.

Perhaps Kari, it takes an extremely long time for you to understand facts from hyperbole.

This response doesn't answer the challenge. As I said the response will be inane and indeed you validated my anticipation - an inane response. You are so predictable. I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you have solidified the perception of you as an unthinking tribal PPP apologist.

Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Here is where your logic collapses.  If Brummel is listening to "disruptive" elements instead of doing his job Rohee should have him dismissed, and replaced by a more competent and energetic person.


Yet Brummel is still there so the PPP should get the bulk of the blame.

Nonsense, Brummel's appointment is not at the pleasure of Rohee, the opposition has to also agree. You didn't know this? You have been away too long from Guyana worrying about racism and instead spend your welfare cash allowance on St Kitts and other all Black islands. You go to Guyana and the first thing you will notice is that all authority figures are Blacks, from police to customs all the way down. In fact you don't even interact with any Indian authority figure on a typical visit. 




The notion that blacks are in authority in Guyana is a scream.  So one encounters black immigration and customs officials, who like most black civil servants, are terrified that they "could get knock off de wuk, because you know how how dem collie stay".  This while they look around uneasily to see if any Indians can hear them, or if some black man might carry news to the Indo top dogs, in exchange for a free beer and roti (so terrified that they can't even get paid properly to sell out their own people).


Take a look at who run CJIA.  It looks like its Mumbai International.


Take a look at how actually makes decisions in Guyana and get back to me about how many are black.  Black Guyanese are being reduced to the same deeply subordinated status that they are in places like Brazil.



Now run along with your usual racist notions about how blacks survive.


Brummel was recommended by Ramotar, and Granger didn't object.  So if Brummel is not doing his job its hardly likely that Granger will object, given that Brummel was recommended by the PPP in the first place.



Now go and drink that welfare milk and cheese that taxpayers like me are paying for!!!  I don't mind as I agree that its hard to work at McD without getting some help from the govt, so I have no problem with you depending on food stamps.


Remember also that even if its very cold and snows on Tuesday if you don't turn up to your McD shift you will get "knack aff" by your white boss.  They may then stop your food stamps.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Crime is a regional issue and Guyana itself can only do so much.  Then when the take hard action, the PNC and Broklynites create a fuss causing the GoG to soften.  The GoG needs to do another house cleaning operation like they did in 2005/6.



Here is the rub.  Guyana being at the southern end of the drug trafficking chain, is used to ship cocaine into the Caribbean, as an alternate route to Venezuela.


So the crime that occurs in those islands has nothing to do with us.  We have a problem because drug king pins have become a major part of our new moneyed class, and are openly in league with the PPP.  While that might be also true in other parts of the Caribbean, there is no subtlety about that in Guyana.   You will not find Bajans being able to as quickly point out politically connected drug kings as people in Guyana can.


The others aspect of crime, is that, until the last year or two, the US style youth gangs that operate in most of these islands weren't active in Guyana.  Of course this is no longer true due to our police force, who are more interested in shaking down people for bribes, than engaging in crime fighting.


So you are making an excuse.

Originally Posted by caribny:



The notion that blacks are in authority in Guyana is a scream.  So one encounters black immigration and customs officials, who like most black civil servants, are terrified that they "could get knock off de wuk, because you know how how dem collie stay".  This while they look around uneasily to see if any Indians can hear them, or if some black man might carry news to the Indo top dogs, in exchange for a free beer and roti (so terrified that they can't even get paid properly to sell out their own people).


Take a look at who run CJIA.  It looks like its Mumbai International.


Take a look at how actually makes decisions in Guyana and get back to me about how many are black.  Black Guyanese are being reduced to the same deeply subordinated status that they are in places like Brazil.



Now run along with your usual racist notions about how blacks survive.


Brummel was recommended by Ramotar, and Granger didn't object.  So if Brummel is not doing his job its hardly likely that Granger will object, given that Brummel was recommended by the PPP in the first place.



Now go and drink that welfare milk and cheese that taxpayers like me are paying for!!!  I don't mind as I agree that its hard to work at McD without getting some help from the govt, so I have no problem with you depending on food stamps.


Remember also that even if its very cold and snows on Tuesday if you don't turn up to your McD shift you will get "knack aff" by your white boss.  They may then stop your food stamps.

I don't blame you for collecting welfare and living off food stamps, your failure in life led you to this sorry state. I provide charity to folks very much like you several times a year at soup kitchens hostings. Even a sorry soul like yourself has a right to exist even if leeching off society.


CJIA does not look like Mumbai, it looks like Kenya or any other African nation. Blacks run things there, you wouldn't know since you haven't visited in decades. One day you might be deported and may get the opportunity to visit even if reluctantly. 


The Blacks make lots of decision in Guyana, look how they together with the aFC killed the Amelia Falls project and drove away foreign investors. I say they have lots of power and make many decisions. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:



The notion that blacks are in authority in Guyana is a scream.  So one encounters black immigration and customs officials, who like most black civil servants, are terrified that they "could get knock off de wuk, because you know how how dem collie stay".  This while they look around uneasily to see if any Indians can hear them, or if some black man might carry news to the Indo top dogs, in exchange for a free beer and roti (so terrified that they can't even get paid properly to sell out their own people).


Take a look at who run CJIA.  It looks like its Mumbai International.


Take a look at how actually makes decisions in Guyana and get back to me about how many are black.  Black Guyanese are being reduced to the same deeply subordinated status that they are in places like Brazil.



Now run along with your usual racist notions about how blacks survive.


Brummel was recommended by Ramotar, and Granger didn't object.  So if Brummel is not doing his job its hardly likely that Granger will object, given that Brummel was recommended by the PPP in the first place.



Now go and drink that welfare milk and cheese that taxpayers like me are paying for!!!  I don't mind as I agree that its hard to work at McD without getting some help from the govt, so I have no problem with you depending on food stamps.


Remember also that even if its very cold and snows on Tuesday if you don't turn up to your McD shift you will get "knack aff" by your white boss.  They may then stop your food stamps.

I don't blame you for collecting welfare and living off food stamps, your failure in life led you to this sorry state. I provide charity to folks very much like you several times a year at soup kitchens hostings. Even a sorry soul like yourself has a right to exist even if leeching off society.


CJIA does not look like Mumbai, it looks like Kenya or any other African nation. Blacks run things there, you wouldn't know since you haven't visited in decades. One day you might be deported and may get the opportunity to visit even if reluctantly. 


The Blacks make lots of decision in Guyana, look how they together with the aFC killed the Amelia Falls project and drove away foreign investors. I say they have lots of power and make many decisions. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:



The notion that blacks are in authority in Guyana is a scream.  So one encounters black immigration and customs officials, who like most black civil servants, are terrified that they "could get knock off de wuk, because you know how how dem collie stay".  This while they look around uneasily to see if any Indians can hear them, or if some black man might carry news to the Indo top dogs, in exchange for a free beer and roti (so terrified that they can't even get paid properly to sell out their own people).


Take a look at who run CJIA.  It looks like its Mumbai International.


Take a look at how actually makes decisions in Guyana and get back to me about how many are black.  Black Guyanese are being reduced to the same deeply subordinated status that they are in places like Brazil.



Now run along with your usual racist notions about how blacks survive.


Brummel was recommended by Ramotar, and Granger didn't object.  So if Brummel is not doing his job its hardly likely that Granger will object, given that Brummel was recommended by the PPP in the first place.



Now go and drink that welfare milk and cheese that taxpayers like me are paying for!!!  I don't mind as I agree that its hard to work at McD without getting some help from the govt, so I have no problem with you depending on food stamps.


Remember also that even if its very cold and snows on Tuesday if you don't turn up to your McD shift you will get "knack aff" by your white boss.  They may then stop your food stamps.

I don't blame you for collecting welfare and living off food stamps, your failure in life led you to this sorry state. I provide charity to folks very much like you several times a year at soup kitchens hostings. Even a sorry soul like yourself has a right to exist even if leeching off society.


CJIA does not look like Mumbai, it looks like Kenya or any other African nation. Blacks run things there, you wouldn't know since you haven't visited in decades. One day you might be deported and may get the opportunity to visit even if reluctantly. 


The Blacks make lots of decision in Guyana, look how they together with the aFC killed the Amelia Falls project and drove away foreign investors. I say they have lots of power and make many decisions. 

Pity you; your obsession with welfare is probably  a measure of how scared you are it may be your lot. 


The rest is just your wasteful commentary. Guyana is run by that ethnic based coven called the PPP and they are to be blamed for taking us on this path to nepotism and naked corruption.


Amalia falls needed to be killed. It was a another berbice river bridge in the making. It was already prohibitively expensive for its potential benefit and it was definitely to be doubled in cost before it was finished making it a useless proposition

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

CJIA does not look like Mumbai, it looks like Kenya or any other African nation. Blacks run things there, you wouldn't know since you haven't visited in decades. One day you might be deported and may get the opportunity to visit even if reluctantly. 





I know that food stamp recipients like you think that clerical workers are major decision makers, so you will be impressed by customs and immigration officers.


I invite you to look and see who are the people who hold the number one and two positions in most state owned corporations, commissions and committees.  Its not black people.


So yes when the customs people see you landing at GEO with all your stench of food stamps they exert the only power that they have and that is to intimidate YOU.


When last I checked Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were every bit as involved in attempting to block the PPP from whole sale theft by attempting to implement poorly conceived projects with minimal transparency.  Look at the millions spent when every one told them that Fip Motilall was a fraud, so why the shock to hear that most people were skeptical about Amaila, given the track record.



BTW I have been a US citizen for 23 years.  Whether you even legally reside in the USA is in doubt, so better beware that they might stop you food stamps and demand that you reimburse the US govt for committing fraud.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

CJIA does not look like Mumbai, it looks like Kenya or any other African nation. Blacks run things there, you wouldn't know since you haven't visited in decades. One day you might be deported and may get the opportunity to visit even if reluctantly. 





I know that food stamp recipients like you think that clerical workers are major decision makers, so you will be impressed by customs and immigration officers.


I invite you to look and see who are the people who hold the number one and two positions in most state owned corporations, commissions and committees.  Its not black people.


So yes when the customs people see you landing at GEO with all your stench of food stamps they exert the only power that they have and that is to intimidate YOU.


When last I checked Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were every bit as involved in attempting to block the PPP from whole sale theft by attempting to implement poorly conceived projects with minimal transparency.  Look at the millions spent when every one told them that Fip Motilall was a fraud, so why the shock to hear that most people were skeptical about Amaila, given the track record.



BTW I have been a US citizen for 23 years.  Whether you even legally reside in the USA is in doubt, so better beware that they might stop you food stamps and demand that you reimburse the US govt for committing fraud.

Whatax bhim! Goadee Walla hiding under he goadee. hahahahahahah!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

One need not say more to illustrate senility!

Simply look into the mirror and all is revealed personally to you.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

One need not say more to illustrate senility!

Simply look into the mirror and all is revealed personally to you.

your stale response was predictable. Everyone here to a man, even your loyal PPPites can see you are a doddering fool writing sterile prose.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

One need not say more to illustrate senility!

Simply look into the mirror and all is revealed personally to you.

your stale response was predictable. Everyone here to a man, even your loyal PPPites can see you are a doddering fool writing sterile prose.

a doddering fool = another example of yourself.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

One need not say more to illustrate senility!

Simply look into the mirror and all is revealed personally to you.

your stale response was predictable. Everyone here to a man, even your loyal PPPites can see you are a doddering fool writing sterile prose.

a doddering fool = another example of yourself.

Is that your view of witty repartee? You are as creative as a sow.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Your persistent efforts are always evident for recognition as an arbiter.

One need not say more to illustrate senility!

Simply look into the mirror and all is revealed personally to you.

your stale response was predictable. Everyone here to a man, even your loyal PPPites can see you are a doddering fool writing sterile prose.

a doddering fool = another example of yourself.

Is that your view of witty repartee? You are as creative as a sow.

You are seeing yourself as sow?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Is Rohee responsible for the crimes in Jamaica, Trinidad, Suriname and St. Lucia too?

Why don't you focus on what Rohee is doing in Guyana, and leave the others to deal with their own problems?

I am going to ask the prez to let Rohee go and bring back Gagraj. He is da man!! Put some moles out deh! Infiltrate the PNC/AFC!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Is Rohee responsible for the crimes in Jamaica, Trinidad, Suriname and St. Lucia too?

Why don't you focus on what Rohee is doing in Guyana, and leave the others to deal with their own problems?

I am going to ask the prez to let Rohee go and bring back Gagraj. He is da man!! Put some moles out deh! Infiltrate the PNC/AFC!

Gajraj will end up before an  international tribunal for overseeing the murder of some 400 citizens.  One wonders if he will ever leave Indian by boat or plane since the US got RK and will like to grab his handler.

Last edited by Former Member

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