Here you are again crabbing for an excuse for these crooks. The point the gentleman makes is that the administration's task is to administrate. If there is failure in the system it is their failure. That blacks are in positions of authority ( all mid level managers with barely a hand count of senior staff) then the task to make sure they do their job is for those in charge of managing the system. That happens to be the ethnic based administration for whom you constantly shovel sludge.
Why are you so keen to presume others are on welfare? Damn, you work at a salaried job in an industry where the shelf life of the skill set is a year, so you are not far from it. Pray you are not ever out of a job for a year or it is your ass from then on.
In any event, Caribj does not have to wonder if the boss is going to fire him if he takes the day off. You do.
I don't have to find excuse for anyone, I merely comment on what I observe. The fact is that Brummel is the head of police, Rhoee role is not to dictate standard police procedures and be involved at a micro level, that is the function of Brummel and all his hierarchy of command. As we saw with Linden, you folks claimed that Rhoee was micromanaging when the protesters got shot by the afc/pnc gun toting bandits.